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Christopher (Drashna) reacted to sspell in StableBit DrivePool Per-Folder Duplication
mrbiggles you pretty much shared my thoughts exactly. I always say keep it simple and that makes drive pool so nice it's simple and easy to work with and the per folder duplication has that in spades.
Christopher (Drashna) got a reaction from 580guy in Pool Still useable while removing a drive?
When you remove the drive, it sets the pool as "read only", so you can't write to it. But you can still access the pool during this time.
However, because it is read only, any thing that relies on altering data will fail, such as client backups. But media streaming should work fine during this time. However, because one or more drives maybe written to during the removal process, it may make the system laggy.
If you want though, you could use the "File Placement Limiter" balancer to move the data off the drive in question, and once that's done, remove that drive from the pool immediately. And since there should be no pooled data after it's "balanced" the data, it should take minutes (if not seconds) to remove it from the pool.
Christopher (Drashna) reacted to Alex in Beta 320 BSOD
I've looked at the dump that was referencing this thread and this has already been fixed and the fix will be available in the next public build.
Christopher (Drashna) got a reaction from normal in How To Replace Hard Drives?
When you remove a disk from the pool, part of the removal process is to move all the files off of the disks. You can skip "duplicated" files which may be a good idea!
Given that you don't have the space to remove the drives *and* maintain duplication... That would be the bigger issue here.
If you have the money, opt for the "advanced replacement". It requires a credit card (or debit card), and they put a hold on the card equal to the amount they charge for the HDD. Then they send one out to you immediately and give you a window of time to return the bad drive. Once they get it back, they remove the hold from your card. Otherwise, if you take too long, the charge goes through.
I'd recommend this method to you, because you can get the two new drives, add them to the pool also, and then remove the bad drives from the pool.
Otherwise, you'll want to use the "skip duplicate files" option when you remove the disks, and disable duplication temporarily. Which isn't optimal at all.
Christopher (Drashna) got a reaction from AMCross in dashboard on latest drivepool v2
... With my dying breath, it will be in there one way or another.
Alex has said that he is considering it. But to be blunt, he's been very busy with fixing bugs, and trying to get v2 to a "stable" build, so this isn't a priority right now. In the future possibly, but not at the moment.
But yes, I would absolutely love to see the dashboard integration back as well. And Alex knows how I feel about this.
Christopher (Drashna) reacted to saitoh183 in My Non Rack Server
My server started out as my Desktop and then became a dedicated server when i was tired of having to manage data for the entire network from my desktop
Case : Thermaltake Armor+
Motherboard: Asus P5KLP-AM EPU
CPU: Core 2 Duo E6300
Ram: 2X2GB OCZ (OCZ2G8002G)
PSU: Seasonic M12II 620W
HDD internal Cage: Coolmaster 4-in-3
HDD External bay: Mediasonic Probox
Cards: Syba SD-SATA2-2E2I 4 Chnl SATA II Card , SY-PEX40008 4-port SATA RAID Controller , Mediasonic ProBox HP1-SS3 PCI-Express 2.0 x1 SATA III (6.0Gb/s) Controller Card
64GB Adata SP900 (OS only)
250GB WD (OS Mirror...Raid1)
400GB Seagate (Application/script/Downloads)
1TB Hitachi (DP data)
5x2TB Seagate (DP data)
2TB Toshiba (DP data)
2TB Hitachi (DP data)
2TB WD Green (Parity drive for Flexraid)
HDD External: 2TB WD MYBook Live (connect to network) Only stores Backups of machines on network
Software on Server(always running only):
OS: WHS2011
SB Scanner
VMplayer(XBMC second copy)
Teamspeak server
Various scripts via Task scheduler
Server is on 24/7 I still have room left for expansion inside case (3 more drives) then i will have to get a second Mediasonic probox (probably a 8 Bay)
Christopher (Drashna) reacted to sl4ppy in My Non Rack Server
I might as well jump in here too.
Case : CoolerMaster Elite 120
Motherboard: ASUS P8Z77-I Deluxe
CPU: Core i3-2105 3.1GHz
Ram: CORSAIR 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800)
Optical: Blu-Ray drive.
Cards: RocketRaid 644L 6Gb/s 4x eSata
External Enclosure: 2x Sans Digital 8-Bay eSATA RAID 0/1/10/5/JBOD Tower Storage Enclosure
OS: Windows Server 2012 Essentials
UPS: CyberPower 1500AVR provides about 40 minutes of up time on battery power for both the server and the 2 arrays
Total storage using 9 of the 16 total bays is ~24Tb.
This machine functions as the heart of my entire house network. It servers every TV in the house's mediaPC with DVD/BluRay content (over 700 ISOs, etc) as well as all our various other network storage needs. Really it's main function is MyMovies and and auto-ripping and storing DVDs & BluRays. I can walk up, throw a disc in the drive, and come back later and remove it from the ejected tray. The entire rip, cataloging, adding to database, etc., is 100% hands off. I can optionally have it auto convert the ISO to an mp4 (or other) automagically (thus the i3 cpu). I simply love it.
The entire house is wired with shielded Cat6 and it sits next to the switch in a closet of my office on a shelf, no monitor or keyboard attached, completely managed remotely and it works like a charm.
Christopher (Drashna) got a reaction from Shane in Scanner Scheduling?
Or if you want to keep very organized:
<setting name="Scanner_RunningFile" serializeAs="String"> <value>C:\ProgramData\StableBit Scanner\RunningScan.txt</value> -
Christopher (Drashna) reacted to Mr_Smartepants in Migrating back to WHS2011, Drivepool v2 or v1.3?
Alex fixed it!
Turns out the virtual (pool) drive was starting in offline mode after restart. Bringing the drive "online" (in Disk Management) allowed SBDP to detect the pool and re-engage all the pooled drives.
Woohoo! Thanks Alex.
Christopher (Drashna) got a reaction from Shane in Can I set up duplication for specific child folders under a parent share folder?
DrivePool 2.x is currently able to install on WHS2011 just fine. But it lacks any really integration. It just adds a link to the UI in the Server Folders tab.
But 2.x is still in beta, but we are trying to get to a "stable" version as soon as we can.
Christopher (Drashna) reacted to Shane in Install fails on Windows 8
Protip: installing unofficial betas without the developer giving you the go-ahead is a quick way to end up in the scary end of "big red button" territory.
Try this link for DrivePool removal instructions: http://wiki.covecube.com/StableBit_DrivePool_Q8964978
Note that it is for the 1.x version, but it can be applied to the 2.x version as well (just ignore the Remote Desktop and Dashboard references).
Christopher (Drashna) reacted to sspell in My Non Rack Server
Started this thread seems the other one was for rack mounts
This server also does double duty as a windows media center pvr.
LIAN LI Model PC-Q25B Mini Server Case
ASRock A75M-ITX Motherboard : Upgraded to Asrock FM2A85X-ITX Motherboard 7 sata ports wow!!
AMD A4-3400 Llano APU : Upgrade to AMD A10-6700 Richland APU
Intel Pro 1000 PT dual Network N.I.C.
Corsair XMS3 1333 8gb Memory : Upgrade to Patriot Signature DDR3 1600 8gb Memory
Agility 4 256gb ssd O.S. & Feeder Drive : Upgraded to Samsung 840 Pro 128gb SSD
Crucial C300 128gb ssd Feeder Drive
Seagate Barracuda ST2000DL003 2tb Archive Drive
SAMSUNG Spinpoint F3 1tb Archive Drive
Windows 8 Pro & Media Center O.S. : Upgraded to WHS 2011 O.S.
I hope to upgrade the two archive hard drives to 2 3tb WD Reds soon.
This has run rock solid so far.
Note: A few upgrades this is running great also with one exception. Yet to get usb 3.0 controller working seems to be a driver issue
Christopher (Drashna) reacted to Shane in Unable to Remove disk from Pool
After you unplug the disk, you should tell DrivePool to remove the missing disk from the pool. It will check for and reduplicate any files that are supposed to be duplicated.
Christopher (Drashna) got a reaction from joe_m in Scanner Scheduling?
Again, thanks for the suggestion, I'll pass that on to Alex as well.
Christopher (Drashna) reacted to Blake in Testing Out DrivePool
Thanks for the responses Shane and Dane. I'm slowly taking the 'safer' method of Cut/Pasting everything over. So far, my experiences have been good, and if they still are at the end of the month come payday, you can expect another customer.
Christopher (Drashna) got a reaction from AMCross in Reinstall Issue after replacing system C disc whs 2011
.... Ah, technology.... a fickle mistress...
Well, glad it suddenly decided it wanted to work... but still looks like you're having other issues. Maybe you should consider doing a fresh install of WHS2011. It sounds like the system has issues (or maybe run "sfc /scan").
But what's happening specifically with the connector software? And have you tried disabling IPv6 yet?
Christopher (Drashna) got a reaction from AMCross in Reinstall Issue after replacing system C disc whs 2011
Check DrivePool, to make sure it's not reporting any missing disks.
After that, use the WSS Troubleshooter to "Reset NTFS Permissions on the Pool", and then the "Rebuild DrivePool Shares". But make sure you run the tool as Admin, to make sure it has full privileges.
Christopher (Drashna) reacted to Alex in Symbolic Link Support
Thanks for testing it out.
My initial implementation in build 281 above was based on the premise that we can reuse the reparse functionality that's already present in NTFS.
I've been reading up some more on exactly how this is supposed to work and playing around with some different approaches, it looks like the entire concept of reusing NTFS for this is not going to work.
So don't use build 281
I'm going to take the current reparse implementation out and rewrite it from scratch using a different approach.
Using this new approach, reparse points (or symbolic links) will appear as regular files or directories on the underlying NTFS volume, but will work like reparse points on the pool. This will also eliminate the burden of accounting for reparse points when duplicating or rebalancing, since they will be regular files on the underlying NTFS volume.
Look for that in a future build. I don't think that it will make it into the next build because that one is concentrating on updating the locking and caching model, which is a big change as it is.
Christopher (Drashna) reacted to Henrik in Duplication count greater than expected
It's only the directory entries that occur in many duplicates and not the files within them.
Example setup:
+Pool of 3 drives.
+Folder X has a duplication count of 2x and contains 5 files. (10 files in total across 3 drives)
If the folder is then balanced across the 3 drives Folder X will exist in three copies because there will be files belonging to that folder stored on all drives
(For example drive A with 3 files, Drive B with 4 files and Drive C with 3 files)
So getting the duplication count on folders is a bit misleading. You should look at individual files instead.
Hope this clears it out
Christopher (Drashna) reacted to Shane in Feature request - Parity support ?
Actually, parity support doesn't mandate that the user's content be unreadable on other machines; that depends on the implementation used.
The thing is that while it's possible to add even folder-level parity to JBOD-style pools in such a way as to maintain content readability on non-pool machines and still keep things simple for the end-user? Implementing it is way past non-trivial and I've no idea whether the performance costs would make it impractical. Sort of like hot fusion.
(but if any angel investors are out there with a loose seven figures to punt Covecube's way, maybe Alex would be happy to work on it for a few years)
Christopher (Drashna) got a reaction from Bursal in Can't see pool or pooled drives
The files should be fine, on the individual drives themselves.
One thing I didn't notice before... where it says "create a new pool". Check the left side of that bar. If there is an arrow there, click on that, and it will take you back to your original pool, and show all the drives.
Christopher (Drashna) reacted to danfer in NFS not working
Thanks for letting me know, this now makes sense for me.
I am really looking forward for the final release of Drive Pool 2!
By the way, you are doing a great job on Scanner, too!
I have heard from haneWIN NFS.
However the Microsoft internal NFS works perfect on WHS 2011.
So currently I have no need to use extra software
Christopher (Drashna) reacted to Alex in 2.x BETA - "Duplicate" default is off?
To be honest, I wasn't 100% comfortable with the arrow not having any text next to it, but I doubt that any designer ever is 100% satisfied with their design. You always want to keep tweaking it to make it perfect, but there are time constraints (plus, we can't exactly afford Johny Ive here).
I decided to ship it and listen for feedback, and based on that feedback I've slightly modified the pool options menu.
It looks like this now:
Let me know what you think.
Christopher (Drashna) reacted to Alex in My Rackmount Server
Very cool.
That APC box looks familiar (I think).
I have a APC UPS that I've hacked to use 4x deep cycle marine batteries to provide 3 to 4 hours backup for my entire office (instead of the built in Li-Ion which would only last 15 min.).
Christopher (Drashna) reacted to Codegear in My Rackmount Server
Physical ESXi 5.1u1 host
- Gigabyte 990FXA-UD5 motherboard
- AMD Phenon II X6 1090T @ 3.2GHz
- 16GB RAM
- 1 Hitachi 7K3000 2TB HDD
- 7 Hitachi 5K3000 2TB HDDs (accessed by WSE 2012 as RDM disks and totally allocated to DrivePool)
Windows Server 2012 Essentials (WSE 2012) Virtual Machine
- Allocated 4 vCPU and 8GB RAM
- WSE 2012 (latest Windows Updates)
- DrivePool (beta)
- All 7x 5K3000 disks are dedicated to WSE 2012 for DrivePool thru RDM disks
NOTE: Virtualization does not put a significant overhead in performance but allows smooth upgrades between platforms - Migrated from WHS 2011 to WSE 2012 and only had to reassign disks from one virtual machine to another. Voilà!
For full story based on WHS 2011, see http://forum.covecube.com/discussion/comment/809#Comment_809