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First post, so bear with me.

So moving forward, will DrivePool (SBDP) v2 eventually replace v1.3?  Or will the new features of v2 be backported to v1.3 to maintain dashboard integration?


I have a Server 2012 Essentials setup I've been evaluating (with SBDPv2) and I'm now migrating all the data back to WHS2011 and have to make the choice of using SBDPv2 on WHS2011 (and lose dashboard integration, but gain new features) or stick with SBDPv1.3.

Can a pool created by SBDPv2 be accessible by SBDPv1.3?  Or do I need to recreate the pool and file-sync the two pools before de-provisioning S2012E?  I do have a Drobo5N I use as a server backup so if I have to wipe out the pool I can recreate it from scratch (though it would take 2 days to resync the files).

I would prefer to keep the dashboard integration, but I'd also like to avoid the hassle of recreating the pool just to downgrade from SBDPv2 to v1.3.


Sorry for so many questions.

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Well, I attached the two SBDPv2 pooled drives to WHS2011 with SBDPv1.3 and it didn't recognize that the pool existed.  It just showed that two drives were available to add to a pool.

I thought the SBDP pool metadata resided on the drives themselves and the pool would be recognized right away.

Is there a compatibility difference between SBDP v1.3 and v2?

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That is very odd. It should have recognized them right away. 

Have you made sure that DrivePool is activated (or at least in it's Trial Activation).


If it still isn't registering, check that the drives are actually recognized properly, and as NTFS volumes (you can do this in "Disk Management", to access that, run "diskmgmt.msc", or open up "Computer Management" located in Administrative Tools under "System and Settings" in the control Panel). 


If they are recognized, double check the drives for the hidden "PoolPart" folders. And if those are there, do this:


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Yes, SBDP is activated with my key (not trial).

Well, my setup may be non-standard.

I have two 4TB drives that were added to a pool that was created in SBDPv2 within S2012E.  This pool wasn't created in v1.3, it was created in v2.

I have the individual drive letters turned off (hidden drives), with the pool assigned drive-letter 'E'.  Both drives are visible in diskmgmt.msc and online.

When I have time later today, I'll assign drive letters and check for the hidden folders.


Question: Would clicking the "Add drive to the pool" button corrupt the current data in any way?

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Question: Would clicking the "Add drive to the pool" button corrupt the current data in any way?

Well I tried adding the existing drive back to a pool and got an error that said essentially "can't add a drive to an existing pool" or something to that effect.


I give up.  I'll just create a new pool and add the data back from my drobo.  It'll only be a few days out of date.

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OK, that's weird.  I have two new Seagate "red" drives (ST4000VN000) and I can't add them to ANY pool with v1.3.

I've deleted any partition using diskmgmt.msc and all I get when selecting "Add disk to pool" is "successful" but no pool exists in explorer even after multiple restarts.

Attempting to add the drive to a pool again results in the error above "can't add a drive to an existing pool".

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After uninstalling/reinstalling SBDP v1.3 several times, I couldn't get it to create a pool using ANY drives.  It appeared to be thoroughly broken.

I installed SBDP v2 and it automatically detected my old (from S2012E) pool as well as created a new pool using the new 4TB drives.

I'm in the process of duplicating the data between the two pools.


I guess I'm stuck on SBDPv2 on WHS2011 since it's the only thing that works now.

Strange...very strange.


So nobody answered one of my original questions:

Will DrivePool (SBDP) v2 eventually replace v1.3?  Or will the new features of v2 be backported to v1.3 to maintain dashboard integration?

...or will dashboard integration be added to v2 eventually?

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Ah, I think I know what the issue may have been here. The old settings files may have caused an issue here. But I'm not entirely sure.


If you want to migrate back to the 1.3 branch, try doing this:




As for backporting the UI, that is up to Alex (the developer).  Personally, I would like to see the dashboard integration in 2.x (even if it's a separate installer).  But since this is a beta... it is still possible.

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OK, I uninstalled v2 and went through the steps here: http://wiki.covecube.com/StableBit_DrivePool_Q8964978

The only thing that was left after the uninstall were the registry entries.

So from that clean starting point I did the following:

1. Shutdown the server

2. Remove all pooled drives so that only C: drive remains.

3. Cold-boot the server

4. RDP to server and install StableBit.DrivePool_1.3.2.7556_Release.wssx

5. After install completes, start dashboard and insert license key into SBDP.

6. Shutdown the server

7. Insert all pooled drives.

8. Cold-boot the server

9. RDP to server and start dashboard, click SBDP tab.

... No drive pools detected.

Here's some screenshots:



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I enabled "tracing" and here are the log files: http://www.mediafire.com/?ej6dr7u400m0byd


Notable item from DrivePool.Service-2013-07-07.log:

DrivePool.Service.exe Warning 0 Error getting info on pack. Exception from HRESULT: 0x8004240B 2013-07-07 18:37:56Z 142857507


Everything I look at tells me that v1.3 isn't compatible with pools built using v2.

Is there a repository to download older installers to see if the problem is with the 1.3.2 branch?

Nevermind...found it.

*Edit.  Older versions are doing the same thing.


I'll revert my OS to a clean state from backup image and try from scratch.

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That is very very odd.  I've used v1.3 and v2.x on WHS2011 interchangeably.  

Just to make sure, I just created a new pool on a WHS2011 VM using 2.0, uninstalled it and then installed version 1.3, and it recognized the pool right away. So something wrong is definitely going on here.


If you wouldn't mind getting the ErrorReports, so we can take a look at what's going on here:


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We can set up a remote support session on this if you'd like. I'll log into your server and take a look at the problem.


I'll private message you the details in a second.

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Sure, but I have the server temporarily configured back to S2012E so I could run a restore for a corrupted OS install.  I'll try and get the server back to WHS2011 tomorrow.

I'll update the calendar once everything settles down and you can have your way with it.

Thanks Alex!

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I'm now migrating all the data back to WHS2011 and have to make the choice of using SBDPv2 on WHS2011 (and lose dashboard integration, but gain new features) or stick with SBDPv1.3.


What version of DrivePool is best for WHS 2011?

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