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Christopher (Drashna)

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  1. Like
    Christopher (Drashna) got a reaction from Alex in Defragging: Individual Drives or DrivePool?   
    Defragging is block level, IIRC. So it won't work on the pool. Ever.
    However, you can definitely defragment the disks in the pool, and there should be no issue with doing that.
  2. Like
    Christopher (Drashna) reacted to otispresley in Vmware or HyperV set up with a drive pool   
    That is correct.  Since pass-through does not alter the disk in any way, you can pass-through existing pooled disks to a Virtual Machine with DrivePool installed and still have all your data and have the drives automatically form a pool.
  3. Like
    Christopher (Drashna) reacted to Alex in StableBit DrivePool's File Placement and "Product 3"   
    I've just put up a new blog post that introduces some of the functionality of the next StableBit product, dubbed "Product 3".
    Blog post: http://blog.covecube.com/2014/05/stablebit-drivepool-2-1-0-553-rc-file-placement-and-product-3/
    I'll quote the text that is the most relevant to Product 3:
    As we approach the first public BETA I'll be posting some more technical detail here about how Product 3 will work and what unique features it will offer.
  4. Like
    Christopher (Drashna) reacted to ytulpan in Which drive has my file ? and other DP for dummies questions..   
    Thank you Alex,
    This was a very clear explanation.
    Complex product. Just looks simple from the outside.
  5. Like
    Christopher (Drashna) got a reaction from amanteka in best way to replace a pool disk   
    Yeah, that sounds about right. 
    Though... if you have the one bay open... once that disk is added to the pool, you should have enough free space to move data out of 3-4 of the 1TB drives at once. i'd recommend using the "File Placement Limiter" balancer to clear the other 1TB disks (by opening that balancers settings and unchecking both "duplicated" and "unduplicated"' options for the disks  in question). This will clear out the disks as well, making it super quick to remove the drives.

    As for how long, that dependds on the system, but probably a few hours at least per disk... unless you use the balancer method I recommended (well, it will take that long or longer to remove the disks... but you can let that run overnight so the actual removal process is seconds)
  6. Like
    Christopher (Drashna) reacted to p3x-749 in New Win7 build - recommendations please   
    I agree, the PSU will add the lowest amount to your bill, but a PSU too large will be inefficient...depending on where you live, energy may not come cheap.
    A PSU should be running at its 20% nominal wattage when the system is idle in order to achieve the 80Plus mark.
    If this is for a server, why not going for a server board?
    I agree the ASUS is nice, but with 10 disks, you will have to add another HBA.
    What about the Supermicro X10SL7-F...it comes with a LSI 2308 on-board...this combo is a bargain, but you will need to run ECC RAM and a XEON.
    As for Plex...how many clients do you need to support concurrently?
  7. Like
    Christopher (Drashna) reacted to ytulpan in Equalize by percent doesn't work for me   
    Hi Drasna,
    I'm happy that it was found worthwhile.
    Thanks, Yossi
  8. Like
    Christopher (Drashna) reacted to beagle in Disk Perfomance tab not showing any activity   
    Interesting! I've got an Ivybridge i5, so that's odd. I did more testing and noticed that read speed wasn't increasing for parallel reads either, it was locked to the lowest speed HDD, a 5200 rpm laptop drive.
    But I installed the latest beta and it fixed the problem. Read striping also seems to work now. Thanks a bunch!
  9. Like
    Christopher (Drashna) reacted to Willem in [bug] Cannot rename files/folders through reparse points   
    Works like a charm. Thanks for the quick fix.
  10. Like
    Christopher (Drashna) got a reaction from Alex in Scanner does not check file system health   
    I'm glad to hear it!
  11. Like
    Christopher (Drashna) reacted to Alex in SSD Optimizer Balancing Plugin   
    I've just finished coding a new balancing plugin for StableBit DrivePool, it's called the SSD Optimizer. This was actually a feature request, so here you go.
    I know that a lot of people use the Archive Optimizer plugin with SSD drives and I would like this plugin to replace the Archive Optimizer for that kind of balancing scenario.
    The idea behind the SSD Optimizer (as it was with the Archive Optimizer) is that if you have one or more SSDs in your pool, they can serve as "landing zones" for new files, and those files will later be automatically migrated to your slower spinning drives. Thus your SSDs would serve as a kind of super fast write buffer for the pool.
    The new functionality of the SSD Optimizer is that now it's able to fill your Archive disks one at a time, like the Ordered File Placement plugin, but with support for SSD "Feeder" disks.
    Check out the attached screenshot of what it looks like
    Notes: http://dl.covecube.com/DrivePoolBalancingPlugins/SsdOptimizer/Notes.txt
    Download: http://stablebit.com/DrivePool/Plugins
    Edit: Now up on stablebit.com, link updated.

  12. Like
    Christopher (Drashna) reacted to bytemaster in Folder placement with preferred order for drives.   
    Thank you. As a silver surfer it is nice to know that I am not going senile.
    You guys offer amazing support.
  13. Like
    Christopher (Drashna) reacted to SantiagoDraco in Folder placement balancing question/suggestion   
    Thanks for the responses!   Looking forward to enhancements to this great product.
  14. Like
    Christopher (Drashna) reacted to Dane in WSE2012R2 + DrivePool + Feeder Disk   
    It is working now.  Turns out there was a bug and they fixed it.  Thanks stablebit.
  15. Like
    Christopher (Drashna) got a reaction from Alex in Balancing?   
    This is very normal if you haven't really added any files to the pool since adding the disk.
    The reason for this is that DrivePool tends to add new files to the disks with the most free space by default. If you haven't added any, and none of the other balancers placement settings have been "violated", it's not going to fill the new disks.
    However, if you really do want your data to be forcibly spread out between the disks, then you may want to install the "Disk Space Equalizer" balancer plugin. This balancer plugin does exactly what it sounds like it does.
  16. Like
    Christopher (Drashna) reacted to nevergrownup in Folder Placement Rules = Completely Awesome   
    This feature has been one I've been eagerly anticipating and I've got to say it is amazing.
    I love that no matter what happens to my pool I can take an individual drive and be confident that my entire music collection is there. No trying to merge the contents of five different drives to get my albums back in order if anything catostrophic happens.
    It's easy to set my documents on the fastest disk and set archival content on a slow archival disk.
    The sheer level of control is fantastic.
    This feature alone puts DrivePool head and shoulders above any competing product.
    So for all the effort to make this happen. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
  17. Like
    Christopher (Drashna) got a reaction from Alex in Should Stablebit Scanner show tab in WSE2012 R2?   
    Thanks for confirming both parts.
    And just FYI, we are looking to push out the newer beta version out, but we want to make sure they're stable and ready before doing so.
  18. Like
    Christopher (Drashna) reacted to jdilay in Scanner and SMART issues   
    Changing Smart_NoWmi to True in the scanner.service.exe.config file has resolved my SMART error issues.
    Thank you!  
  19. Like
    Christopher (Drashna) got a reaction from Alex in Scanner and SMART issues   
    If the throttling doesn't work... 
    Try this:
  20. Like
    Christopher (Drashna) got a reaction from Alex in Drivepool service and inbound connection   
    That is actually 100% expected. 
    Specifically the service controls the "Remote Control" feature of DrivePool, which allows you to administer the pool from another PC on the network. 
  21. Like
    Christopher (Drashna) got a reaction from Alex in Drivepool service and inbound connection   
    Well, glad that you're liking it! 
    And yeah, very simple and very nice to use!
  22. Like
    Christopher (Drashna) got a reaction from aprib in First issue with Hyper-V and DP   
    All the balancer options are well, in the Balancer settings page.  Open the UI, find the "Pool Options" button/menu thing (underneath the pie chart) and select "Balancers".
    This lets you specify when they're triggered. And then there is the "balancers" tab, that lets you select which balancers are enabled, which order they're assigned, and you can definitely disable them.
    As for advanced options:
    That includes instructions on how to configure the option, as well a brief descriptions on what each setting does.
  23. Like
    Christopher (Drashna) got a reaction from aprib in First issue with Hyper-V and DP   
    There was an issue with the way that HyperV locked the files, that caused issues with DrivePool, and vice versa.
    Please download the Beta, as the issue should be fixed in that version.
    And thank you for supporting out products!
    We give support regardless of licensing status, but thanks!
    If you have any issues after updating, then let us know and we'll see what we can do.
    As for balancing/duplication, if you have real time duplciation enabled (default), then the files are written to both disks in parallel. And this should respect the balancing options.
    And no, we don't use the same method as Storage Spaces. Storage Spaces uses a block based system, that sits below the file system. We sit on top of it, basically. So it's handled a lot differently.
    Also, if you click on "Pool Options", there is a "Balancing" section, where you can control the balancing to a degree.
  24. Like
    Christopher (Drashna) reacted to Alex in Plans for ReFS support?   
    Sounds like we can start testing with ReFS. We can surely add support, provided that there are no showstoppers.
    You would not be able to mix ReFS / NTFS on the same pool though.
  25. Like
    Christopher (Drashna) got a reaction from aprib in Question about duplicated folder (different speed drives)   
    Well, if you have Real Time duplication enabled, then the writes are done in parallel. 
    I beleive that the slower drive would slow down any transfer or access. So if this is an important consideration, then you may want to check out the Archive Optimizer optional Balancer, as this lets you specify feeder disks. These disks are written to first, and then later moved off of the pool.
    For read access, if one disk is significantly slower, we'll read from just the faster disk, to speed up access. However, if they're close to the same speed, we'll use a technique called "Read Striping". It's basically what it sounds like. We read ahead from both disks, and cache the contents, to speed up access.
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