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    srcrist got a reaction from CokeZero in Optimal settings for Plex   
    If you haven't uploaded much, go ahead and change the chunk size to 20MB. You'll want the larger chunk size both for throughput and capacity. Go with these settings for Plex:
    20MB chunk size 50+ GB Expandable cache 10 download threads 5 upload threads, turn off background i/o upload threshold 1MB or 5 minutes minimum download size 20MB 20MB Prefetch trigger 175MB Prefetch forward 10 second Prefetch time window
  2. Thanks
    srcrist got a reaction from igobythisname in New convert! Need help planning :)   
    OK. So, there is a lot here, so let's unpack this one step at a time. I'm reading some fundamental confusion here, so I want to make sure to clear it up before you take any additional steps forward.
    Starting here, which is very important: It's critical that you understand the distinction in methodology between something like Netdrive and CloudDrive, as a solution. Netdrive and rClone and their cousins are file-based solutions that effectively operate as frontends for Google's Drive API. They upload local files to Drive as files on Drive, and those files are then accessible from your Drive--whether online via the web interface, or via the tools themselves. That means that if you use Netdrive to upload a 100MB File1.bin, you'll have a 100MB file called File1.bin on your Google drive that is identical to the one you uploaded. Some solutions, like rClone, may upload the file with an obfuscated file name like Xf7f3g.bin, and even apply encryption to the file as it's being uploaded, and decryption when it is retrieved. But they are still uploading the entire file, as a file, using Google's API.
    If you understand all of that, then understand that CloudDrive does not operate the same way.
    CloudDrive is not a frontend for Google's API. CloudDrive creates a drive image, breaks that up into hundreds, thousands, or even millions of chunks, and then uses Google's infrastructure and API to upload those chunks to your cloud storage. This means that if you use CloudDrive to store a 100MB file called File1.bin, you'll actually have some number of chunks (depending on your configured chunk size) called something like XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX-chunk-1, XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX-chunk-2, XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX-chunk-3, etc, as well as a bunch of metadata that CloudDrive uses to access and modify the data on your drive. Note that these "files" do not correspond to the file size, type, or name that you uploaded, and cannot be accessed outside of CloudDrive in any meaningful way. CloudDrive actually stores your content as blocks, just like a physical hard drive, and then stores chunks of those blocks on your cloud storage. Though it can accomplish similar ends to Netdrive, rClone, or any related piece of software, its actual method of doing so is very different in important ways for you to understand.
    So what, exactly, does this mean for you? It means, for starters, that you cannot simply use CloudDrive to access information that is already located in your cloud storage. CloudDrive only accesses information that has been converted to the format that it uses to store data, and CloudDrive's format cannot be accessed by other applications (or Google themselves). Any data that you'd like to migrate from your existing cloud storage to a CloudDrive volume must be downloaded and moved to the CloudDrive volume just as it would need to be if you were to migrate the data to a new physical drive on your machine--for the same reasons.
    It may be helpful to think of CloudDrive as a virtual machine drive image. It's the same general concept. Just as you would have to copy data within the virtual machine in order to move data to the VM image, you'll have to copy data within CloudDrive to move it to your CloudDrive volume.
    There are both benefits and drawbacks to using this approach:
    CloudDrive is, in my experience, faster than rClone and its cousins. Particularly around the area of jumping to granular data locations, as you would for, say, jumping to a specific location in a media file. CloudDrive stores an actual file system in the cloud, and that file system can be repaired and maintained just like one located on a physical drive. Tools like chkdsk and windows' own in-built indexing systems function on a CloudDrive volume just as they will on your local drive volumes. In your case this means that Plex's library scans will take seconds, and will not lock you out of Google's API limitations. CloudDrive's block-based storage means that it can modify portions of files in-place, without downloading the entire file and reuploading it. CloudDrive's cache is vastly more intelligent than those implemented by file-based solutions, and is capable of, for example, storing the most frequently accessed chunks of data, such as those containing the metadata information in media files, rather than whole media files. This, like the above, also translates to faster access times and searches. CloudDrive's block-based solution allows for a level of encryption and data security that other solutions simply cannot match. Data is completely AES encrypted before it is ever even written to the cache, and not even Covecube themselves can access the data without your key. Neither your cloud provider, nor unauthorized users and administrators for your organization, can access your data without consent.  Drawbacks (read carefully) 
    CloudDrive's use of an actual file system also introduces vulnerabilities that file-based solutions do not have. If the file system data itself becomes corrupted on your storage, it can affect your ability to access the entire drive--in the same way that a corrupted file system can cause data loss on a physical drive as well. The most common sorts of corruption can be repaired with tools like chkdsk, but there have been incidents caused by Google's infrastructure that have caused massive data loss for CloudDrive users in the past--and there may be more in the future, though CloudDrive has implemented redundancies and checks to prevent them going forward. Note that tools like testdisk and recuva can be used on a CloudDrive volume just as they can on a physical volume in order to recover corrupt data, but this process is very tedious and generally only worth using for genuinely critical and irreplaceable data. I don't personally consider media files to be critical or irreplaceable, but each user must consider their own risk tolerance. A CloudDrive volume is not accessible without CloudDrive. Your data will be locked into this ecosystem if you convert to CloudDrive as a solution. Your data will also only be accessible from one machine at a time. CloudDrive's caching system means that corruption can occur if multiple machines could access your data at once, and, as such, it will not permit the volume to be mounted by multiple instances simultaneously. And, as mentioned, all data must be uploaded within the CloudDrive infrastructure to be used with CloudDrive. Your existing data will not work.  
    So, having said all of that, before I move on to helping you with your other questions, let me know that you're still interested in moving forward with this process. I can help you with the other questions, but I'm not sure that you were on the right page with the project you were signing up for here. rClone and NetDrive both also make fine solutions for media storage, but they're actually very different beasts than CloudDrive, and it's really important to understand the distinction. Many people are not interested in the additional limitations. 
  3. Thanks
    srcrist got a reaction from igobythisname in Clouddrive, Gsuite unlimited, and Plex   
    It says Gsuite in the title. I'm assuming that means Google Drive. Correct me if all of the following is wrong, Middge. 
    Hey Middge,
    I use a CloudDrive for Plex with Google Drive myself. I can frequently do 5-6 remux quality streams at once. I haven't noticed a drop in capacity aside from Google's relatively new upload limits. 
    Yes. But this is going to require that you remake the drive. My server also has a fast pipe, and I've also raised the minimum download to 20MB as well. I really haven't noticed any slowdown in responsiveness because the connection is so fast, and it keeps the overall throughput up.
    This is fine. You can play with it a bit. Some people like higher numbers like 5 or 10 MB triggers, but I've tried those and I keep going back to 1 MB as well, because I've just found it to be the most consistent, performance-wise, and I really want it to grab a chunk of *all* streaming media immediately.
    This is way too low, for a lot of media. I would raise this to somewhere between 150-300MB. Think of the prefetch as a rolling buffer. It will continue to fill the prefetch as the data in the prefetch is used. The higher the number, then, the more tolerant your stream will be to periodic network hiccups. The only real danger is that if you make it too large (and I'm talking like more than 500MB here) it will basically always be prefetching, and you'll congest your connection if you hit like 4 or 5 streams. 
    I would drop this to 30, no matter whether you want to go with a 1MB, 5MB, or 10MB trigger. 240 seconds almost makes the trigger amount pointless anyway--you're going to hit all of those benchmarks in 4 minutes if you're streaming most modern media files. A 30 second window should be fine.
    WAAAAY too many. You're almost certainly throttling yourself with this. Particularly with the smaller than maximum chunk size, since it already has to make more requests than if you were using 20MB chunks. I use three clouddrives in a pool (a legacy arrangement from before I understood things better, don't do it. Just expand a single clouddrive with additional volumes), and I keep them all at 5 upload and 5 download threads. Even if I had a single drive, I'd probably not exceed 5 upload, 10 download. 20 and 20 is *way* too high and entirely unnecessary with a 1gbps connection. 
    These are all fine. If you can afford a larger cache, bigger is *always* better. But it isn't necessary. The server I use only has 3x 140GB SSDs, so my caches are even smaller than yours and still function great. The fast connection goes a long way toward making up for a small cache size...but if I could have a 500GB cache I definitely would. 
  4. Like
    srcrist got a reaction from saintpriva in Drive Recovery for 4 days now :/   
    This is backwards. You don't want to move the hidden directory, you want to move everything else TO the hidden directory. The contents of the hidden directory is what is in your pool.
  5. Like
    srcrist reacted to mman3222 in Installed CloudDrive on new computer. Now can't get good download speeds   
    The problem is fixed now. No idea what I did! 
    I've been working on this for over 24 hours. I was desperate enough I was trying to change ownership of the StableBit folder in my Google drive to a new owner within my organization. (No idea why I was trying this.. I was just trying anything to troubleshoot.) I got it.. but when I tried to mount the drive under the new Google account, it had to get the chunk IDs as I had deleted that folder in GDrive. After the drive mounted under new ownership, the drive didn't work properly. So I moved everything back to original owner, restored the chunk IDs folder. Mounted the drive, and wa-lah! Everything is working great. Although, after reading your message.. I bet this had NOTHING to do with fixing my issue. 
    I had absolutely NO idea there was a different I/O Settings for an existing mounted drive. I was using the I/O Settings in the top menu bar! OMG.. what an idiot. I bet any money that was my issue. So if I go down to Manage Drive and check the I/O Settings there... they all look good. (However, I did do another complete re-install of Windows. Which I realize was probably pointless now.) 
    Anyway, all is good and this is now resolved! I get 200Mbps - 400Mbps in download speed. Thank you! 
  6. Like
    srcrist got a reaction from red in How to see what specific data is being written into cloud at the moment?   
    CloudDrive itself operates at a block level, so it isn't aware of what files in the file system are being written to or read by the applications on your computer. Much like the firmware for a HDD or SDD is unaware of that information as well. So, that is to say, that it isn't possible via CloudDrive. Windows Resource Monitor or Process Explorer or another tool to look at Windows' file system usage would be required--as it sounds like you discovered.
  7. Like
    srcrist got a reaction from superka in Google Drive: The limit for this folder's number of children (files and folders) has been exceeded   
    I don't have any info on this other than to say that I am not experiencing these issues, and that I haven't experienced any blue screens related to those settings. That user isn't suggesting a rollback, they're suggesting that you edit the advanced settings to force your drive to convert to the newer hierarchical format.
    I should also note that I do not work for Covecube--so aside from a lot of technical experience with the product, I'm probably not the person to consult about new issues. I think we might need to wait on Christopher here. My understanding, though, was that those errors were fixed with release .1314. It presumes that existing data is fine as-is, and begins using a hierarchical structure for any NEW data that you add to the drive. That should solve the problem. So make sure that you're on .1314 or later for sure.
    Relevant changelog:
    .1314 * [Issue #28415] Created a new chunk organization for Google Drive called Hierarchical Pure. - All new drives will be Hierarchical Pure. - Flat upgraded drives will be Hierarchical, which is now a hybrid Flat / Hierarchical mode. - Upgrading from Flat -> Hierarchical is very fast and involves no file moves. * Tweaked Web UI object synchronization throttling rules. .1312 * Added the drive status bar to the Web UI. .1310 * Tuned statistics reporting intervals to enable additional statistics in the StableBit Cloud. .1307 * Added detailed logging to the Google Drive migration process that is enabled by default. * Redesigned the Google Drive migration process to be quicker in most cases: - For drives that have not run into the 500,000 files per folder limit, the upgrade will be nearly instantaneous. - Is able to resume from where the old migration left off.  
  8. Thanks
    srcrist got a reaction from ndr in Optimal settings for Plex   
    Nope. No need to change anything at all. Just use DrivePool to create a pool using your existing CloudDrive drive, expand your CloudDrive using the CloudDrive UI, format the new volume with Windows Disk Management, and add the new volume to the pool. You'll want to MOVE (not copy) all of the data that exists on your CloudDrive to the hidden directory that DrivePool creates ON THE SAME DRIVE, and that will make the content immediately available within the pool. You will also want to disable most if not all of DrivePool's balancers because a) they don't matter, and b) you don't want DrivePool wasting bandwidth downloading and moving data around between the drives. 
    So let's say you have an existing CloudDrive volume at E:.
    First you'll use DrivePool to create a new pool, D:, and add E: Then you'll use the CloudDrive UI to expand the CloudDrive by 55TB. This will create 55TB of unmounted free space. Then you'll use Disk Management to create a new 55TB volume, F:, from the free space on your CloudDrive. Then you go back to DrivePool, add F: to your D: pool. The pool now contains both E: and F: Now you'll want to navigate to E:, find the hidden directory that DrivePool has created for the pool (ex: PoolPart.4a5d6340-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-cf8aa3944dd6), and move ALL of the existing data on E: to that directory. This will place all of your existing data in the pool. Then just navigate to D: and all of your content will be there, as well as plenty of room for more. You can now point Plex and any other application at D: just like E: and it will work as normal. You could also replace the drive letter for the pool with whatever you used to use for your CloudDrive drive to make things easier.  NOTE: Once your CloudDrive volumes are pooled, they do NOT need drive letters. You're free to remove them to clean things up, and you don't need to create volume labels for any future volumes you format either.  My drive layout looks like this:

  9. Thanks
    srcrist got a reaction from biship in Custom OAuth not being accepted   
    You're missing the quotations around the client ID and secret. That's why its treating it as a number. Notice that the example and the screencap on the instructional page you linked have quotes. 
  10. Like
    srcrist got a reaction from TheStigma in (pre-sales) Spesific info on what services SB CloudDrive can interface with?   
    I see this hasn't had an answer yet. Let me start off by just noting for you that the forums are really intended for user to user discussion and advice, and you'd get an official response from Alex and Christoper more quickly by using the contact form on the website (here: https://stablebit.com/Contact). They only occasionally check the forums when time permits. But I'll help you out with some of this.
    The overview page on the web site actually has a list of the compatible services, but CloudDrive is also fully functional for 30 days to just test any provider you'd like. So you can just install it and look at the list that way, if you'd like.
    CloudDrive does not support Teamdrives/shared drives because their API support and file limitations make them incompatible with CloudDrive's operation. Standard Google Drive and GSuite drive accounts are supported.
    The primary tradeoff from a tool like rClone is flexibility. CloudDrive is a proprietary system using proprietary formats that have to work within this specific tool in order to do a few things that other tools do not. So if flexibility is something you're looking for, this probably just isn't the solution for you. rClone is a great tool, but its aims, while similar, are fundamentally different than CloudDrive's. It's best to think of them as two very different solutions that can sometimes accomplish similar ends--for specific use cases. rClone's entire goal/philosophy is to make it easier to access your data from a variety of locations and contexts--but that's not CloudDrive's goal, which is to make your cloud storage function as much like a physical drive as possible.
    I don't work for Covecube/Stablebit, so I can't speak to any pricing they may offer you if you contact them, but the posted prices are $30 and $40 individually, or $60 for the bundle with Scanner. So there is a reasonable savings to buying the bundle, if you want/need it.
    There is no file-based limitation. The limitation on a CloudDrive is 1PB per drive, which I believe is related to driver functionality. Google recently introduced a per-folder file number limitation, but CloudDrive simply stores its data in multiple folders (if necessary) to avoid related limitations.
    Again, I don't work for the company, but, in previous conversations about the subject, it's been said that CloudDrive is built on top of Windows' storage infrastructure and would require a fair amount of reinventing the wheel to port to another OS. They haven't said no, but I don't believe that any ports are on the short or even medium term agenda.
    Hope some of that helps.
  11. Like
    srcrist got a reaction from Umfriend in (pre-sales) Spesific info on what services SB CloudDrive can interface with?   
    I see this hasn't had an answer yet. Let me start off by just noting for you that the forums are really intended for user to user discussion and advice, and you'd get an official response from Alex and Christoper more quickly by using the contact form on the website (here: https://stablebit.com/Contact). They only occasionally check the forums when time permits. But I'll help you out with some of this.
    The overview page on the web site actually has a list of the compatible services, but CloudDrive is also fully functional for 30 days to just test any provider you'd like. So you can just install it and look at the list that way, if you'd like.
    CloudDrive does not support Teamdrives/shared drives because their API support and file limitations make them incompatible with CloudDrive's operation. Standard Google Drive and GSuite drive accounts are supported.
    The primary tradeoff from a tool like rClone is flexibility. CloudDrive is a proprietary system using proprietary formats that have to work within this specific tool in order to do a few things that other tools do not. So if flexibility is something you're looking for, this probably just isn't the solution for you. rClone is a great tool, but its aims, while similar, are fundamentally different than CloudDrive's. It's best to think of them as two very different solutions that can sometimes accomplish similar ends--for specific use cases. rClone's entire goal/philosophy is to make it easier to access your data from a variety of locations and contexts--but that's not CloudDrive's goal, which is to make your cloud storage function as much like a physical drive as possible.
    I don't work for Covecube/Stablebit, so I can't speak to any pricing they may offer you if you contact them, but the posted prices are $30 and $40 individually, or $60 for the bundle with Scanner. So there is a reasonable savings to buying the bundle, if you want/need it.
    There is no file-based limitation. The limitation on a CloudDrive is 1PB per drive, which I believe is related to driver functionality. Google recently introduced a per-folder file number limitation, but CloudDrive simply stores its data in multiple folders (if necessary) to avoid related limitations.
    Again, I don't work for the company, but, in previous conversations about the subject, it's been said that CloudDrive is built on top of Windows' storage infrastructure and would require a fair amount of reinventing the wheel to port to another OS. They haven't said no, but I don't believe that any ports are on the short or even medium term agenda.
    Hope some of that helps.
  12. Like
    srcrist got a reaction from Firerouge in Google Drive: The limit for this folder's number of children (files and folders) has been exceeded   
    I finally bit the bullet last night and converted my drives. I'd like to report that even in excess of 250TB, the new conversion process finished basically instantly and my drive is fully functional. If anyone else has been waiting, it would appear to be fine to upgrade to the new format now.
  13. Thanks
    srcrist got a reaction from SteveH in Ability to force Drivepool to duplicate to CloudDrive   
    This is the wrong section of the forums for this really, but if you want to force duplication to the cloud, your pool structure is wrong. The issue you're running into is that your CloudDrive volume exists within (and at the same level of priority as) the rest of your pool. A nested pool setup that is used to balance to the CloudDrive and the rest of your pool will allow you more granular control over balancing rules specifically for the CloudDrive volume.
    You need to create a higher level pool with the CloudDrive volume and your entire existing pool. Then you can control duplication to the CloudDrive volume and your local duplication independently of one another.
  14. Thanks
    srcrist got a reaction from AlleV in Move data to a partition   
    Volumes each have their own file system. Moving data between volumes will require the data to be reuploaded. Only moves within the same file system can be made without reuploading the data, because only the file system data needs to be modified to make such a change.
  15. Thanks
    srcrist got a reaction from AlleV in Move data to a partition   
    There is no appreciable performance impact by using multiple volumes in a pool.
  16. Like
    srcrist got a reaction from sausages in Google Drive: The limit for this folder's number of children (files and folders) has been exceeded   
    OK. My mistake, then. I haven't started this process, I just thought I remembered this fact from some rClone work I've done previously. I'll remove that comment.
  17. Like
    srcrist got a reaction from KiLLeRRaT in Google Drive: The limit for this folder's number of children (files and folders) has been exceeded   
    Hey guys,
    So, to follow up after a day or two: the only person who says that they have completed the migration is saying that their drive is now non-functional. Is this accurate? Has nobody completed the process with a functional drive--to be clear? I can't really tell if anyone trying to help Chase has actually completed a successful migration, or if everyone is just offering feedback based on hypothetical situations.
    I don't even want to think about starting this unless a few people can confirm that they have completed the process successfully.
  18. Like
    srcrist got a reaction from otravers in Optimal settings for Plex   
    You're just moving data at the file system level to the poolpart folder on that volume. Do not touch anything in the cloudpart folders on your cloud storage. Everything you need to move can be moved with windows explorer or any other file manager. Once you create a pool, it will create a poolpart folder on that volume, and you just move the data from that volume to that folder. 
  19. Like
    srcrist got a reaction from JeffK in Visibility of files stored using virtual drive/Microsoft OneDrive connection   
    You will never see the 1 for 1 files that you upload via the browser interface. CloudDrive does not provide a frontend for the provider APIs, and it does not store data in a format that can be accessed from outside of the CloudDrive service. If you are looking for a tool to simply upload files to your cloud provider, something like rClone or Netdrive might be a better fit. Both of those tools use the standard upload APIs and will store 1 for 1 files on your provider. 
    See the following thread for a more in-depth explanation of what is going on here:
  20. Like
    srcrist got a reaction from otravers in Optimal settings for Plex   
    If you haven't uploaded much, go ahead and change the chunk size to 20MB. You'll want the larger chunk size both for throughput and capacity. Go with these settings for Plex:
    20MB chunk size 50+ GB Expandable cache 10 download threads 5 upload threads, turn off background i/o upload threshold 1MB or 5 minutes minimum download size 20MB 20MB Prefetch trigger 175MB Prefetch forward 10 second Prefetch time window
  21. Thanks
    srcrist got a reaction from CDEvans in GSuite Drive. Migration\Extension   
    A 4k (4096) cluster size supports a maximum volume size of 16TB. Thus, adding an additional 10TB to your existing 10TB with that cluster size exceeds the maximum limit for the file system, so that resize simply won't be possible. Volume size limits are as follows:
    Cluster Size
    Maximum Partition Size
    4 KB
    16 TB
    8 KB
    32 TB
    16 KB
    64 TB
    32 KB
    128 TB
    64 KB
    256 TB
    This is unfortunately not possible, because of how Cloud Drive works. However, a simple option available to you is to simply partition your drive into multiple volumes (of a maximum 16TB apiece) and recombine them using DrivePool into one large aggregate volume of whatever size you require (CloudDrive's actual and technical maximum is 1PB per drive). 
  22. Like
    srcrist got a reaction from easyrider in Setting Cache Drive desitination   
    There are some inherent flaws with USB storage protocols that would preclude it from being used as a cache for CloudDrive. You can see some discussion on the issue here: 
    I don't believe they ever added the ability to use one. At least not yet. 
  23. Thanks
    srcrist got a reaction from player in windows file explorer opens automatically   
    I believe that this is related to your windows settings for how to handle "removable media." CloudDrive shows up as a removable drive, so if you selected to have windows open explorer when removable media is inserted, it will open when CloudDrive mounts. Check that Windows setting. 
  24. Like
    srcrist got a reaction from Jellepepe in Panic Google drive user where is the assistance from Covercube?   
    They are not comparable products. Both applications are more similar to the popular rClone solution for linux. They are file-based solutions that effectively act as frontends for Google's API. They do not support in-place modification of data. You must download and reupload an entire file just to change a single byte. They also do not have access to genuine file system data because they do not use a genuine drive image, they simply emulate one at some level. All of the above is why you do not need to create a drive beyond mounting your cloud storage with those applications. CloudDrive's solution and implementation is more similar to a virtual machine, wherein it stores an image of the disk on your storage space.
    None of this really has anything to do with this thread, but since it needs to be said (again):
    CloudDrive functions exactly as advertised, and it's certainly plenty secure. But it, like all cloud solutions, is vulnerable to modifications of data at the provider. Security and reliability are two different things. And, in some cases, is more vulnerable because some of that data on your provider is the file system data for the drive. Google's service disruptions back in March caused it to return revisions of the chunks containing the file system data that were stale (read: had been updated since the revision that was returned). This probably happened because Google had to roll back some of their storage for one reason or another. We don't really know. This is completely undocumented behavior on Google's part. These pieces were cryptographically signed as authentic CloudDrive chunks, which means they passed CloudDrive verifications, but they were old revisions of the chunks that corrupted the file system.
    This is not a problem that would be unique to CloudDrive, but it is a problem that CloudDrive is uniquely sensitive to. Those other applications you mentioned do not store file system data on your provider at all. It is entirely possible that Google reverted files from those applications during their outage, but it would not have resulted in a corrupt drive, it would simply have erased any changes made to those particular files since the stale revisions were uploaded. Since those applications are also not constantly accessing said data like CloudDrive is, it's entirely possible that some portion of the storage of their users is, in fact, corrupted, but nobody would even notice until they tried to access it. And, with 100TB or more, that could be a very long time--if ever. 
    Note that while some people, including myself, had volumes corrupted by Google's outage, none of the actual file data was lost any more than it would have been with another application. All of the data was accessible (and recoverable) with volume repair applications like testdisk and recuva. But it simply wasn't worth the effort to rebuild the volumes rather than just discard the data and rebuild, because it was expendable data. But genuinely irreplaceable data could be recovered, so it isn't even really accurate to call it data loss. 
    This is not a problem with a solution that can be implemented on the software side. At least not without throwing out CloudDrive's intended functionality wholesale and making it operate exactly like the dozen or so other Google API frontends that are already on the market, or storing an exact local mirror of all of your data on an array of physical drives. In which case, what's the point? It is, frankly, not a problem that we will hopefully ever have to deal with again, presuming Google has learned their own lessons from their service failure. But it's still a teachable lesson in the sense that any data stored on the provider is still at the mercy of the provider's functionality and there isn't anything to be done about that. So, your options are to either a) only store data that you can afford to lose or b) take steps to backup your data to account for losses at the provider. There isn't anything CloudDrive can do to account for that for you. They've taken some steps to add additional redundancy to the file system data and track chksum values in a local database to detect a provider that returns authentic but stale data, but there is no guarantee that either of those things will actually prevent corruption from a similar outage in the future, and nobody should operate based on the assumption that they will. 
    The size of the drive is certainly irrelevant to CloudDrive and its operation, but it seems to be relevant to the users who are devastated about their losses. If you choose to store 100+ TB of data that you consider to be irreplaceable on cloud storage, that is a poor decision. Not because of CloudDrive, but because that's a lot of ostensibly important data to trust to something that is fundamentally and unavoidably unreliable. Contrarily, if you can accept some level of risk in order to store hundreds of terabytes of expendable data at an extremely low cost, then this seems like a great way to do it. But it's up to each individual user to determine what functionality/risk tradeoff they're willing to accept for some arbitrary amount of data. If you want to mitigate volume corruption then you can do so with something like rClone, at a functionality cost. If you want the additional functionality, CloudDrive is here as well, at the cost of some degree of risk. But either way, your data will still be at the mercy of your provider--and neither you nor your application of choice have any control over that.
    If Google decided to pull all developer APIs tomorrow or shut down drive completely, like Amazon did a year or two ago, your data would be gone and you couldn't do anything about it. And that is a risk you will have to accept if you want cheap cloud storage. 
  25. Like
    srcrist got a reaction from kird in Panic Google drive user where is the assistance from Covercube?   
    They are not comparable products. Both applications are more similar to the popular rClone solution for linux. They are file-based solutions that effectively act as frontends for Google's API. They do not support in-place modification of data. You must download and reupload an entire file just to change a single byte. They also do not have access to genuine file system data because they do not use a genuine drive image, they simply emulate one at some level. All of the above is why you do not need to create a drive beyond mounting your cloud storage with those applications. CloudDrive's solution and implementation is more similar to a virtual machine, wherein it stores an image of the disk on your storage space.
    None of this really has anything to do with this thread, but since it needs to be said (again):
    CloudDrive functions exactly as advertised, and it's certainly plenty secure. But it, like all cloud solutions, is vulnerable to modifications of data at the provider. Security and reliability are two different things. And, in some cases, is more vulnerable because some of that data on your provider is the file system data for the drive. Google's service disruptions back in March caused it to return revisions of the chunks containing the file system data that were stale (read: had been updated since the revision that was returned). This probably happened because Google had to roll back some of their storage for one reason or another. We don't really know. This is completely undocumented behavior on Google's part. These pieces were cryptographically signed as authentic CloudDrive chunks, which means they passed CloudDrive verifications, but they were old revisions of the chunks that corrupted the file system.
    This is not a problem that would be unique to CloudDrive, but it is a problem that CloudDrive is uniquely sensitive to. Those other applications you mentioned do not store file system data on your provider at all. It is entirely possible that Google reverted files from those applications during their outage, but it would not have resulted in a corrupt drive, it would simply have erased any changes made to those particular files since the stale revisions were uploaded. Since those applications are also not constantly accessing said data like CloudDrive is, it's entirely possible that some portion of the storage of their users is, in fact, corrupted, but nobody would even notice until they tried to access it. And, with 100TB or more, that could be a very long time--if ever. 
    Note that while some people, including myself, had volumes corrupted by Google's outage, none of the actual file data was lost any more than it would have been with another application. All of the data was accessible (and recoverable) with volume repair applications like testdisk and recuva. But it simply wasn't worth the effort to rebuild the volumes rather than just discard the data and rebuild, because it was expendable data. But genuinely irreplaceable data could be recovered, so it isn't even really accurate to call it data loss. 
    This is not a problem with a solution that can be implemented on the software side. At least not without throwing out CloudDrive's intended functionality wholesale and making it operate exactly like the dozen or so other Google API frontends that are already on the market, or storing an exact local mirror of all of your data on an array of physical drives. In which case, what's the point? It is, frankly, not a problem that we will hopefully ever have to deal with again, presuming Google has learned their own lessons from their service failure. But it's still a teachable lesson in the sense that any data stored on the provider is still at the mercy of the provider's functionality and there isn't anything to be done about that. So, your options are to either a) only store data that you can afford to lose or b) take steps to backup your data to account for losses at the provider. There isn't anything CloudDrive can do to account for that for you. They've taken some steps to add additional redundancy to the file system data and track chksum values in a local database to detect a provider that returns authentic but stale data, but there is no guarantee that either of those things will actually prevent corruption from a similar outage in the future, and nobody should operate based on the assumption that they will. 
    The size of the drive is certainly irrelevant to CloudDrive and its operation, but it seems to be relevant to the users who are devastated about their losses. If you choose to store 100+ TB of data that you consider to be irreplaceable on cloud storage, that is a poor decision. Not because of CloudDrive, but because that's a lot of ostensibly important data to trust to something that is fundamentally and unavoidably unreliable. Contrarily, if you can accept some level of risk in order to store hundreds of terabytes of expendable data at an extremely low cost, then this seems like a great way to do it. But it's up to each individual user to determine what functionality/risk tradeoff they're willing to accept for some arbitrary amount of data. If you want to mitigate volume corruption then you can do so with something like rClone, at a functionality cost. If you want the additional functionality, CloudDrive is here as well, at the cost of some degree of risk. But either way, your data will still be at the mercy of your provider--and neither you nor your application of choice have any control over that.
    If Google decided to pull all developer APIs tomorrow or shut down drive completely, like Amazon did a year or two ago, your data would be gone and you couldn't do anything about it. And that is a risk you will have to accept if you want cheap cloud storage. 
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