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Hello, all!

I have been testing out CloudDrive's latest beta, and run into an issue. I had some odd errors, unrelated to CloudDrive, on my server, which resuled in my decision to destroy my 10TB cloud drive [on two separate occasions]. As part of a reinstall, I decided to delete the CloudDrive folder on my Google Drive, as well, as I will reauthorize and recreate another drive later. However, now I have found an issue. My Google Drive still reports as having over a TB in use, which is approximately what I had on the drive prior to deleting it. While I do not see any chunk files, I can perform a search by looking for title:chunk and get results. It looks like I still have all of the chunks from the destroyed drives, even if I do not actively see them in the Drive directory. I would like to find a method to delete them. Is this stubborn chunk data staying behind normal? Can I utilize CloudDrive to delete them? Doing so manually would be a bit impracticable. I see in my research that Google gives access to an API for deleting files. Will I need to create my own script to mass delete these pseudo-hidden chunk files? Lots of questions, I know. Let me know if I can provide any helpful data. I haven't deleted/uninstalled CloudDrive, so any logs it has created by default would still exist. 


Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter x64

16GB RAM, 3.5Ghz CPU

CloudDrive at latest version as of May 17, 2016


-Tomas Z.

10 answers to this question

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I believe I have found a solution to this problem of mine. When I had CloudDrive destroy my drive, something, somewhere, had a hiccup. The folder on Google Drive wherein the chunks resided was deleted, but somehow the chunks themselves were not. Google forums indicates such files are called orphans, as they have no parent structure (folder). These orphans can be viewed by searching for 'is:unorganized owner:me' and deleted from there. As the Drive GUI produces 'server error occurred' when trying to delete more than 100 files at once, I looked for a script to automate their removal. I finally found one which worked. I found the code snippet at https://medium.com/@tashian/the-workaround-300ac8f05bb7#.vc41xsuwdalthough I am unsure if I can post a hyperlink in my comments. I can testify that it is deleting the orphaned files, while not touching anything else.

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That is where I thought they would be. However, my Trash folder is empty. When searching for the files, they do not have a Location attribute; they do not even say they are in My Drive. I can see these chunk files under Recent, and delete them from there. I think that their lack of location data lends credence to the idea that these files are technically deleted, but just have not fully gone to the light of /dev/null.

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In your Google Drive do a search for the words CONTENT, ATTACHMENT, METADATA and delete the folders that appear.  This will delete the files from your drive.  You will most likely need to remove them from the trash afterwords. 




EDIT: Only do this if you have no other Stablebit Clouddrives created.  If you do, you will need to match up the names of the folders with what is shown in the Hidden Stablebit Cache folder on your windows computer.

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Searching for all of those, or any of them independently, produces no folders as results. The only results are assorted old documents, which I have had for a few years.

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The files should be stored in a "StableBit CloudDrive" folder.


If you open that, you should see "CloudPart-xxxxx" folders (one for each drive on your account). 

If you see nothing here, then the drive has been deleted.   And it may be in the trash. 


However, if you're not seeing it here or in the trash, it *may* be that Google still has the files indexed and listed but not actually available.  

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After re-verifying that there are no CloudPart* folders, and that I can still see the plethora of binary files with names like b3a4a8ba-ce7a-4730-921b-ae7ce7aa1727-chunk-158247 in my Recent files, I am still at a loss. As I am able to download those b3a4a8ba-ce7a-4730-921b-ae7ce7aa1727-chunk-158247 files listed under Recent and nowhere else, I am also perplexed. I can provide screenshots, short video recordings, etc., if that would be helpful.

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Then I shall monitor the Trash folder over the coming days, and update this thread accordingly. Hopefully I will soon be marking this thread as solved! Thank you all for your assistance.

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