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Everything posted by Spider99

  1. Question if you are renaming directories why are you using Move-Item? Rename-item would be what i would use. From a Dp perspective - does a balance begin after the script starts to run - which may be causing an issue if the directories being renamed are subdirectories of another which has also been renamed.
  2. My Win10 pc with 950 Pro is working fine with the same scanner version I'm using the Samsung driver rather than the Microsoft default drive via Samsung Magician - although that should not make a difference from what Chris has posted previously
  3. Spider99

    Maximum Space

    i was going by ... i created 6 1GB drives ... and ... looks like the space was slashed in half.... which indicates to me that he does have disks with duplication x2 on either way - i would ditch the vb setup and do it native
  4. Spider99

    Maximum Space

    You have duplication on? If so your 4gb pool can effectively store 2x2gb So turn off duplication and it will allow you to copy the 3gb file to the 4gb pool.
  5. You can get the same result with using the "Case" option under disk settings to group your drives Although not with a colour option
  6. Thanks for the work on the WD M.2 SSD drive Just updates to 3209 Beta and the smart data is appearing as expected Is the NVMe support for 2012r2 ever likely to appear? or is it an OS issue? Samsung magician can see the drive fine and the drives are using the samsung driver rather than the MS one
  7. Chris I think you miss read my post "Just because it's M.2 doesn't mean that it's NVMe, unfortunately. And it sounds like that's the case with the WD drive. It's probably running on AHCI still. " Thats why i stated its a SATA drive and as an ACHI device should be readable for SMART - never said the WD was a NVME drive. "Ah, they are NVMe 1.1, not 1.3 (which is what we support. " Well you do support 1.1 or the 950 on my win 10 machine would not show NVME Health info etc data as i posted So why does it work on one machine and not the other for the 950's?
  8. With the latest Scanner update i was looking forward to seeing SMART data for my NVME drives and my M.2 Sata card - but no luck Both NVME drives are Samsung 950Pro's the Sata is a WD Blue 1TB M.2 drive The 950's have no SMART/NVME details option in the UI only Disk details, Disk Control, Disk Settings and NO temp data The WD has Smart details but has virtually no info but does show temp data in the main UI Both Samsung Magician and CrystalDiskInfo see all three drives and can read the Smart data/temp data This is on 2012r2 and Scanner 3190 For Info - on my win10 machine Scanner 3190 can read a 950 Pro's Smart Data fine Any suggestions?
  9. Yep you can do a Pool of Pools - has been available for a while now create your two separate pools then create a third and add each pool to the third then apply duplication settings to the master(third) pool etc - if thats what you want
  10. Spider99


    its not dead latest public beta is 881 - which i used for a week or two and was fine and i am now using 892 which works well http://dl.covecube.com/DrivePoolWindows/beta/download/changes.txt
  11. I had the same when i updated the bios of the pc - apparently there are some things DP etc checks for to see if the PC has "changed" - not sure what the others might be but Chris will chip in soon to advise. FWIW i updated the ssd bios on a couple of disks yesterday and that did not trigger a "transfer key" event
  12. cheap cpu's can be had on ebay as people will be selling older kit as they got something new for xmas
  13. Happy New Year! the i3 has a passmark of about 5000 that will do a one or possibly 2 transcodes - depending on what you are transcoding for comparison my qnap 853a with a n3150 (passmark 1600) can barely do a 1080p transcode - so you need a passmark of 2000+ to transcode on the fly a H264 1080p file - for HVEC and larger frame size you will need more power. Emby does have support for intel quicksync - although its still experimental - but does work - which can help to lower the load - the i3 will be better for this as well I pre transcode my video's so the clients can play them natively so the server does not work that hard - in that case a celeron would do fine as a file server
  14. is your win 10 32 bit???? if not then use the 64bit dp installer
  15. See this thread which includes the link to the "quick and dirty" method
  16. Yes thats the "quick and dirty" method - i used it when i setup my pool - 30TB+ As the data is on the disks its a "move" (from outside to inside the poolpart folder) rather than a copy process so is very quick as you are just changing the file location on the disk(s)
  17. hmm Ok - possibly a driver issue - are your motherboard drivers up to date?
  18. You could create two pools - one for each controller - with no duplication then make a new pool of the the two pools with duplication - i.e a pool of pools
  19. I have mine set to not scan removable drives - and do not have any issues with adding or removing usb drives/sticks - this is on win 10 FCU
  20. "I also have SMR drives, and I've DEFINITELY seen the slowdown when copying large files, or a lot of data. It definitely happens, and it is pretty nasty. No data loss or anything, but it his about 0MB/s for a second or two, and then jumps back up. " This happens when re writing data not when doing a new copy to free space which is what the OP is doing so things should not slow down
  21. i have several Seagate Archive drives and have no slow writes especially when doing sequential write which would be expected with copying large amounts of data to a pool - mine work at between 100MB/s up to 220MB/s - i.e. inside to outside of the disk respectively your ssd should be able to copy to multiple hdd as well as receive data across your lan - mine do and i have duplication on and when copying to the pool across a 10G network maybe you have other issues which is slowing things down?
  22. I updated my Bios and this caused DP to go into read only mode - But i had no indication of this - i.e. no pop up or anything I found out as i could not create any files on my pool and windows was complaining about permissions not being in the correct order when accessing the properties > security tab for a folder. Fortunately i did not change any of the permissions prior to the penny dropping that DP might be the problem - as that would have generated a mess for no reason. On accessing the GUI - i was asked to transfer the licence (or something like that) - clicking the option provided brought up the license number and applying the change brought the pool out of read only mode. Now i accept this is probably a security check for people cloning drives and trying to bypass you protections but the why you do not inform the user this has happened is poor. A simple notification of some sort to the user to go check this or that should be added to save wasting time and causing confusion etc and the possible consequences of trying to reset permission when not needed! Please improve the notification of this situation.
  23. Spider99

    Usb Backup Drives

    i am on the latest beta tried the third one and it was picked up as different this time maybe you need to wait a bit longer?
  24. Spider99

    Usb Backup Drives

    I got myself three Seagate Backup Plus Hub 8 drives to do some deep backup storage https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01IAD5ZC6/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 scanner see's them fine and chugs away checking the disks But i was surprised when i swapped one for another that scanner was not picking up that the drive was different - i even gave it a clue as i changed the drive letter and named the volume differently and the signature of the disk would be different as well as the serial number Scanner was attributing the scan results from the old drive to the new drive - which could be a problem and/or lead to confusion. Yes these are USb drives but scanner is picking up all the Disk Details with no problem. I closed the UI between swapping the drives
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