I have a new server that now boots considerably quicker than my old server - in just 5 seconds to the windows login screen
as a consequence not all of the 20+ HDD i have - get a chance to mount in that time and DP then does a remeasure etc on every boot which i am trying to stop as its a long unnecessary process.
So i would like to change the time that DP waits for the volumes to mount but its a bit confusing as there are three different options with "time" values
CoveFs_WaitForVolumesOnMount (Default: "True") - Some volumes arrive late in the boot process so DrivePool will wait for all the volumes to arrive before allowing the pool drive to mount. The delay is adaptive, so it will be different for each system. Turning this off might shorten boot times, but is not recommended because it could expose a partially populated pool drive to system services that start right after booting.
CoveFs_WaitForVolumesOnMountMs (Default: "10000") - How long to wait for all the volumes to arrive in MS.
CoveFs_WaitForKnownPoolPartsOnMountMs (Default: "10000") - (Newer pools may be aware of it's parts) If a pool is aware of how many pool parts it's made of, at mount time, it will wait for all of those pool parts to arrive before allowing the OS to finish mounting the pool.
CoveFs_WaitForPoolsAndPoolPartsAfterMountMs (Default: "10000") - How long the service will wait for all of the detected pools to finish mounting, and then for all of the known pool parts to get recognized on those pools.
so 10 seconds is too quick
do i need to change all three to a larger value
or is the first option the one i need to change - so DP waits x seconds to "see" all the disks before it mounts the poolparts and the service runs up etc
as i want the pool to mount as quick as it can without triggering a remeasure on each boot
Just after some clarity