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Everything posted by VapechiK
hi yes, what DaveJ suggested is your best bet. and Shane is correct (as usual). you have (in)effectively mounted your pool drives into a folder on the pool and this is causing Everything to fail and WILL cause other problems down the road. to quote Shane: "Late edit for future readers: DON'T mount them as folders inside the pool drive itself, nor inside a poolpart folder. That risks a recursive loop, which would be bad." 1. on your C (Bears) drive, recreate the D:\DrivePool folder where you mounted your drives 301 302 etc. so you now have C:\DrivePool with EMPTY folders for all your drives that are in the pool. DO NOT try to drag and drop the DrivePool folder on D to C mmm mmm bad idea. just do this manually as you did before. 2. STOP the DrivePool service (win + R, type 'services.msc' find StableBit DrivePool Service and Stop it). 3. go to Disk Management and as in https://wiki.covecube.com/StableBit_DrivePool_Q4822624 remount all the drives from D:\DrivePool into the drive folders in C:\DrivePool. windows may/will throw some warnings about the change. ignore them and remount all 16 from D:\DrivePool to C:\DrivePool. 4. reboot now your file explorer should show Bears C:, DrivePool D:, and maybe G X and Y too, idk... enable show hidden files and folders and navigate to C:\DrivePool. doubleclicking any of the drive folders will show the contents of the drive if any and a hidden PoolPart.xxxx folder. these PoolPart folders are where the 'POOL' lives. and this is where/how to access your data from 'outside' the pool. be careful they are not deleted. 5. go to the folder DrivePool on D and delete it. totally unnecessary after the remount from D to C and now it is just a distraction. 6. life is good. some advice: for simplicity's sake, i would rename C:\DrivePool to C:\Mounts or something similar. having your pool and the folder where its drives are mounted with both the same name WILL only confuse someone at some point and bad things could happen. hope this helps cheers
i am not the sharpest knife in the drawer but i cannot think of any logical reason to include the system boot/OS drive as a pooled drive in any DrivePool setup. the potential for shooting oneself in the foot is immense. as @Shane said, you can use a folder on the OS drive (or any drive) to mount your drives within but that is another thing entirely. and you are guessing correctly as DrivePool is not loaded until after/as Windows boots. if you have, say, only one 2TB (generally 1.8TB usable) ssd you could partition 300GB for the Windows OS (C:\) and partition the remaining 1.5TB as data storage (D:\) and add/make a pool from D then add more drives when acquired. spend time here: https://stablebit.com/Support/DrivePool/2.X/Manual and reading through the forums so you know what you're getting into cheers
hello i cannot speak to the functionality of the All In One plugin when running the latest beta, as i do not run beta software of any kind (all software is beta lol). i am running release final. i will upgrade to the latest and greatest release when it is available i suppose. that said, here's what happens when i tinker with the AIO settings in DrivePool... I click OK and the DP UI crashes. this happens when the AIO is selected (ticked or unticked), then any another plug-in is selected (again either ticked or unticked), then finally reselecting the AIO plug-in. sometimes it will error when 'cancel' is clicked and only AIO was selected, though not always. it's saving UI error reports; dark mode using the AIO is barely readable, the contrasts are way off and only running the light theme in the DrivePool gui does it look 'normal' but it still fails the above. in the past i have un/reinstalled it with reboots etc. to no avail. i will give it another go when i upgrade DP; for now the OFP & DUL plug-ins do all that i need. another thing: DrivePool gave us an update to the Disk Space Equalizer .1501 * [Issue #28751] Added an option to equalize by used disk space to the Disk Space Equalizer balancer. & .1504 * Added an explicit placement limit setting to the Disk Space Equalizer balancer. the AIO in its current state does not include these options. perhaps @methejuggler will update their code soon or maybe @Alex will take over its maintenance? i will be adding another pool of 3 or 4 ssds soon and would love to have the AIO updated and stable. cheers
hi. the quick and easy way is as follows... in windows/file explorer, enable 'show hidden files and folders.' open DP gui go to 'Manage Pool^' 'Balancing...' 'Settings' tab and tick 'do not balance automatically' and UNTICK 'allow balancing plug-ins to force blah blah.' SAVE ensure the drive you want to remove is mounted either as a drive letter or in a folder somewhere so it can be accessed in explorer. power down your computer, add the new drive, power back up and format/mount it however you want in 'Disk Management.' go to DrivePool gui and add the new drive to the pool. while still in the DP gui click 'Remove' on the drive you wish to remove. leave all the removal options UNCHECKED and remove it. run 'services.msc' and stop the DrivePool service. the DP gui will disappear. then in explorer, in the old/small hdd, navigate to inside the hidden 'poolpart.xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' folder and highlight/select all the folders and files within. right click > select 'Copy.' then navigate to the new hdd and 'Paste' your data on the root level. when it finishes copying and you are satisfied that a 'bit for bit' copy of all the data has occurred, drag/drop the newly copied data into the hidden poolpart folder on the new drive. restart DrivePool service/gui. Manage Pool^ > Re-measure > Re-measure. when re-measuring has completed and you have a solid green 'Pool Organization' bar, go back to the above second step and reset your balancing settings to however they were. SAVE. reboot. viola... done. you may find this link useful to understand the seeding process. https://wiki.covecube.com/StableBit_DrivePool_Q4142489 TL;DR 1. show hidden 2. disable automatic balancing, SAVE 3. add/remove drives to/from pool 4. STOP DrivePool service 5. copy data from old drive to new drive and move it to the poolpart folder on new drive 6. restart DrivePool service 7. re-measure pool 8. reset whatever balancing settings, SAVE 9. reboot 10. enjoy DrivePool goodness if you have any custom balancing plug-in settings enabled (i.e. Disk Space Equalizer) DrivePool will probably begin balancing in the background after you reboot. this is normal, just let it do its thing. the above process is really only practical with unduplicated pools, and i have used it many times swapping out 4TB drives for 8TB. i also run my pool with no duplication and have no balancers enabled so all my data stays exactly where i put it on the underlying drives. hope this helps... cheers
oh you're welcome just as an afterthought and to perhaps clarify, if DrivePool is the only StableBit product you are trialing, simply turning off bitlocker SHOULD solve the sleep issue and allow windows to handle normal drive/sleep control duties. since Scanner is a drive health monitoring utility, it must occasionally communicate with the drives, thereby potentially waking them up. yes there are settings within that allow user control over them and that is all fine and dandy but, if it's not installed then it's not there to further complicate things initially. perhaps just get DrivePool up and running as you like and the sleep issue handled first, then see about Scanner. i myself wouldn't run a pool without it; the wealth of info it provides about my system in general is well worth the price of admission, and the occasional alert i've received has nipped any real trouble in the bud. long story short here, the second link provided while very interesting and helpful indeed, is mostly moot unless StableBit Scanner is actually installed. and, i can't imagine any scenario where one MUST have Scanner installed in order for drive sleep to happen simply because DrivePool is installed. if you already have both DP and Scanner installed, well great. you can't go wrong there. let us know how it goes and how you finalize your setup
hello even if you're not using bitlocker, you MUST change the setting value from null to false in the DrivePool json file. otherwise DP will ping your disks every 5secs or so, and your disks will never sleep at all anyway. then you begin messing around with windows settings to set when they sleep. folks here have had varying degrees of success getting drives to sleep, some with no luck at all. in StableBit Scanner there are various Advanced Power Management (APM) settings that bypass windows and control the drive through its firmware. i have read of success going that route, but have no experience at all since i am old school and my 'production' DP drives spin constantly cuz that's how i like it. to change the json: https://wiki.covecube.com/StableBit_DrivePool_2.x_Advanced_Settings there are many threads here on this topic as you have seen, but of course i can't find them easily now that i'm looking lol... perhaps @Shane or @Christopher (Drashna) will provide the link where Alex (the developer) explains the APM settings in Scanner and the whole drive sleep issue in general in greater detail. tl;dr you must turn off bitlocker detection first before your drives will ever sleep. BTW if you ever trial StableBit CloudDrive you must change the same setting in its json as well. good luck Edit: found the link: https://community.covecube.com/index.php?/topic/48-questions-regarding-hard-drive-spindownstandby/
hello. in Scanner go to settings with the wrench icon > advanced settings and troubleshooting and on the first tab is where to bu/restore its settings. you may have to enable the avanced settings from the 'general' tab under 'Scanner settings...' first. it will create a zip file containing many json files and want to put it in 'documents' by default so just back it up elsewhere. after renaming drives in Scanner i stop the StableBit Scanner service, twiddle my thumbs for a sec or three, restart the service and GUI and and the custom names and locations are all saved (for me anyway). only then do i actually create the Scanner backup zip file. i haven't had to actually restore Scanner using this zip file yet but it seems like it will work (knock on wood). and i don't see how recent scan history would be saved using this method. saved from when the zip file was created maybe but anything truly recent is likely gone. it's probably a good idea to create a spreadsheet or text file etc. with your custom info ALONG WITH the serial number for each of your drives so if it happens again you can easily copy/paste directly into Scanner. i set up my C:\_Mount folder with SNs as well so i always know which drive is which should i need to access them directly. i have 2 UPSs as well. 1 for the computer, network equipment, and the RAID enclosure where qBittorent lives. the other runs my remaining USB enclosures where my BU drives and Drivepool live. even that is not fool-proof; if no one's home when the power dies, the one with all the enclosures will just run till the battery dies, as it's not controlled by any software like the one with the computer and modem etc, which is set to shut down Windows automatically/gracefully after 3 minutes. at least it will be disconnected from Windows before the battery dies and the settings will have a greater chance of being saved. if you have a UPS and it failed during your recent storm, all i can say is WOW bad luck. one of these or something similar is great for power outages: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00PUQILCS/?coliid=I1XKMGSRN3M77P&colid=2TBI57ZR3HAW7&psc=1&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it saved my stuff once already. keep it plugged in an outlet near where you sleep and it will wake you up. hope this helps and perhaps others may benefit from some of this info as well. cheers
hi. click the + sign on the left of the drive, then the green circular arrow and if bad blocks exist, the red circular arrow should be selectable from the dropdown. click it and then click the blue > button and i 'assume' Scanner will prioritize those blocks and scan only them if the rest of the drive is healthy (the sector map is neon green). a few months ago i had a weird power issue and i think the MFT was somehow corrupted on a couple of my BU drives, so the only blocks marked bad were the very first ones on the bottom right. i did the above and Scanner ran a chkdsk pass and cleaned them up very quickly. if you have actual damaged sectors deep in the drive YMMV. cheers
hhmmm yes, seems a hierarchal pool was inadvertently/unintentionally created. i have no idea of your skill level so if you're not comfortable with any of the below... you should go to https://stablebit.com/Contact and open a ticket. in any event removing drives/pools from DrivePool in the DrivePool GUI should NEVER delete your files/data on the underlying physical drives, as any 'pooled drive' is just a virtual placeholder anyway. if you haven't already, enable 'show hidden files and folders.' then (not knowing what your balancing/duplication settings are), under 'Manage Pool ^ > Balancing...' ensure 'Do not balance automatically' IS checked, and 'Allow balancing plug-ins to force etc. etc...' IS NOT checked for BOTH pools. SAVE. we don't want DP to try to run a balance pass while resolving this. maybe take a SS of the settings on DrivePool (Y:) before changing them. so DrivePool (E:) is showing all data to be 'Other' and DrivePool (Y:) appears to be duplicated (x2). i say this based on the shade of blue; the 2nd SS is cut off before it shows a green 'x2' thingy (if it's even there), and drives Q & R are showing unconventional total space available numbers. the important thing here is that DP (E:) is showing all data as 'Other.' under the DrivePool (E:) GUI it's just as simple as clicking the -Remove link for DP (Y:) and then Remove on the confirmation box. the 3 checkable options can be ignored because DrivePool (E:) has no actual 'pooled' data in the pool and those are mostly evacuation options for StableBit Scanner anyway. once that's done DrivePool (E:) should just poof disappear as Y: was the only 'disk' in it, and the GUI should automatically switch back to DrivePool (Y:). at this point, i would STOP the StableBit DrivePool service using Run > services.msc (the DP GUI will disappear), then check the underlying drives in DrivePool (Y:) (drives P, Q, & R in File Explorer) for maybe an additional PoolPart.XXXXXXXX folder that is EMPTY and delete it (careful don't delete the full hidden PoolPart folders that contain data on the Y: pool). then restart the DP service and go to 'Manage Pool^ > Balancing...' and reset any changed settings back the way you had/like them. SAVE. if a remeasure doesn't start immediately do Manage Pool^ > Re-measure > Re-measure. i run a pool of 6 spinners with no duplication. this is OK for me because i am OCD about having backups. i have many USB enclosures and have played around some with duplication and hierarchal pools with spare/old hdds and ssds in the past and your issue seems an easy quick fix. i can't remember whether DP will automatically delete old PoolPart folders from removed hierarchal pools or just make them 'unhidden.' perhaps @Shane or @Christopher (Drashna) will add more. Cheers
FWIW... current version WizTree 4.13 has support for DrivePool. https://diskanalyzer.com/download scroll down to changelog v4.13 to see all new changes. works great. 193,000 files in my pool and it took about 20secs to show them all.
hi. in windows/file explorer enable 'show hidden files and folders.' then go to: https://wiki.covecube.com/Main_Page and bookmark for future reference. from this page on the left side click StableBit DrivePool > 2.x Advanced Settings. https://wiki.covecube.com/StableBit_DrivePool_2.x_Advanced_Settings if you are using BitLocker to encrypt your drives you will NOT want to do this, and will just have to live with the drive LEDs flashing and disc pings i assume. i don't use it so i don't know much about it. the given example on this page just happens to be the exact .json setting you need to change to stop DP from pinging your discs every ~5secs. set "BitLocker_PoolPartUnlockDetect" override value from null to false as shown. if StableBit CloudDrive is also installed you will need to change the same setting for it also. opening either of these json files, it just happens to be the very top entry on the file. you may need to give your user account 'full control' on the 'security' tab (right click the json > properties > security) in order to save the changes. this worked immediately for me, no reboot necessary. YMMV... good luck
yes. 1x means no dupes. 1 complete file only. 2x = 2 dupes. 2 identical complete files. 3x = 3 etc. all (each) on separate physical drives (assuming enough drives are present). DrivePool will NEVER split files. it may/will split folders across different underlying drives to achieve whatever balancing ratio you have set up using the various available plug-ins. the 'drive usage limiter' plugin (called 'file placement limiter' in the manual, maybe it was renamed) will allow you to choose which discs hold which types (duplicated/unduplicated or both). 'file placement rules' ensure certain type files go to certain discs/directories. parity is a long requested feature for DrivePool. as a long time reader of these forums i can say with some confidence it will NOT be included as an option. many many users report success using SnapRAID for parity. i don't use it so i have no guidance there. my pool has 6 spinners and no duplication since i have backups and backups of some backups lol so i would suggest RTFMs and the forums, even running a non-production test pool should be useful. here are some links to get you started... https://stablebit.com/Support/DrivePool/2.X/Manual https://stablebit.com/Support/DrivePool/2.X/Manual?Section=File Protection https://wiki.covecube.com/StableBit_DrivePool_Knowledge_base
aaahhh the dreaded 'not knowing torrents were involved' syndrome i have read conflicting advice here in these forums as to whether torrenting is a good idea with DrivePool. for simplicity's sake i keep all that separate from DP. for torrents i finally settled on 2x4TB drives in Raid1 on an Oyen Mobius Pro 2C on a separate USB adapter card from the card where DrivePool lives in a Syba 8 Bay. i only continuously seed full seasons of some TV shows and some hard to find movies, so i have plenty of space there to work with. ok so snapraid has been paused while you work this out- good idea for sure. i assume you've paused torrenting and downloading as well, if those clients d/l to the pool. the 'math' involved in keeping a large pool balanced is a lot to say the least, even more so if you have real-time duplication enabled and/or a steady trickle or stream of torrents and downloads are present. regardless of either, DP now has a huge task to spread data across 25.5 TB of new space, while then having to calculate which files/folders will be moved from the already present disks to meet the DSE plugin's percentage requirement. so in this case i highly doubt you're gonna see drives running at full speed until the rebalance is complete. maybe the existing pooled drives haven't been defragged in a while? if you are torrenting to the pool there is a likelihood of major fragmentation there so... something to consider. maybe @christopher or @shane will have more pertinent/better explained info. if so you will want to have posted details of your DP settings about duplication, performance, etc.
yes. my point exactly. and S1D4 shows 7.95TB capacity. could these drives actually be partitions on drives larger than 8TB (file explorer will report an 8TB drive as 7.27TB and DP will show the same drive as 7.28TB in the GUI)? it is certainly a possibility. but not likely. which is why i suggested a reset of DP's settings. of course i could be totally wrong here, wouldn't surprise me a bit lol
hi. follow this link and bookmark it if you haven't already. https://wiki.covecube.com/StableBit_DrivePool_Knowledge_base you mentioned that you've been using DrivePool for a few years. so you must have a good idea of what your DP settings are (under the pie chart in the GUI, 'Manage Pool ^ > Balancing...' and the 3 tabs there within). before you do anything, i recommend you take screenshots of all your settings, plug-in settings, EVERYTHING under all 3 tabs that is pertinent. yes, this is a PITA, but once it's done, you're golden right? no need to do it again unless you discover that some of your settings are sub-optimal and need to be altered. if you are using the 'Drive Usage Limiter' plugin, have all the correct checkboxes been checked? from your screenshot- S1D2, S1D4, S2D2, and S2D3 seem to be reporting erroneous info. i.e. how can a 7.28TB capacity drive have 7.46TB of data on it and still have 260GB left to fill? this craziness may all be due to DP's internal math. i would: follow Knowledge Base Q2299585B and reset DP's settings. maybe even Q2150495 as well. this is where your screenshots will help. if you implement Q2299585B i would at the same time, in the same mouse movements after the reset is done, IMMEDIATELY click the Manage Pool ^ and under the first tab put a nipple on the titty 'Do not balance automatically' and UNCHECK 'Allow balancing plug-ins to force immediate balancing (regardless of the automatic balancing settings).' click SAVE. THEN: refer to your screenshots and set your settings back up the way you had them. then alter any settings on the first tab. SAVE. i hope any of this is helpful. none of what i have said has much if anything to do with the 'speed' issue you brought up initially. left to its own devices DP is just slow and steady. i would get happy with my settings then let DP just do its thing in the background.
and 104F = 40C, so it is likely the same crappy firmware on yours that was on the 2 that i returned. i guess they can get away with it as 'most' users will just buy it, install it, and not really monitor it. so these errors and notifications are never seen by joe average user who runs games from it and is suprised when it fails suddenly (check out all the 1 star reviews on the amazon page lol). i have 4 SSDs. all are WD. 1x Red SN700 500GB NVME boot drive. 2x Red 1TB 2.5" and 1x Blue 2TB M.2. they all show up fine SMARTwise in Scanner and HDSentinel. i guess this makes me a WD 'fangirl,' but really that's just how it worked out. before i tried the Silicon Power drives, i tried both the LEVEN JS600 SSD 2TB and the fanxiang S101 2TB SSD. all 3 were underwhelming performance-wise compared to the WDs. gotta love amazon's 30 day return policy iceman1337 is correct and he's echoing christopher (drashna). SMART on SSDs is all over the place as manufacturers just make it up as they go. your SP might last for years ignoring whatever errors it shows. but i wouldn't trust it for mission critical data. just my .02 cents...
in Scanner go to settings with the wrench icon > advanced settings and troubleshooting and on the first tab is where to bu/restore its settings. it will create a zip file containing many json files and want to put it in 'documents' by default so just back it up elsewhere. note that i have never actually restored Scanner using this procedure but it seems easy enough. as for DP, any duplication settings are stored in metadata on the pooled drives poolpart folders and the pool will be automagically detected by DP when installed on the new machine and all original pooled drives from the old machine are reattached. balancing settings are not saved anywhere that i know of. i imagine this is because of possible hardware changes. i went old school and made screenshots of all my balancer settings in the UI and i back them up in a folder with a text file containing snippets C/P from forum posts for future reference. if you have edited DrivePool or CloudDrive json files then you know you can find and copy them from C:\ProgramData\StableBit DrivePool\Service and C:\ProgramData\StableBit CloudDrive\Service. perhaps grab a copy of C:\ProgramData\StableBit CloudDrive\ProviderSettings.json as well if you have a CloudDrive that you want to keep easy. i don't use CD so i'm not sure about that last one lol. and you may need to reset permissions on the pool as well. https://wiki.covecube.com/StableBit_DrivePool_Q5510455 all that said, i haven't needed to restore any StableBit software yet, but i feel like i'm prepared enough should i someday need to. hopefully someone more knowledgeable will chime in here and add info if needed. hope this helps... good luck
welcome to the world of cheap SSDs. a few months ago i bought 2x2TB Silicon Power 2.5" SSDs from amazon. hooked them both up to system SATA bus. one drive reported 1863GB and the other 1907GB. diskpart was ineffectual. both were locked at SMART temp 40C (idle or high I/O). writing to them from my WD Red NVMe was ~300MB/s so much less than advertised. there is a downloadable SP monitoring tool similar to the WD dashboard. i did not notice an option to upgrade firmware when i ran it. so after a few days of this i returned them to amazon easy peasy. aside from a much needed firmware update from SP, i doubt scanner can do much other than report whatever the drive is feeding it. the drive itself may be perfectly fine and ignoring the warning is probably safe for now. i myself cannot abide that type of discrepancy staring me in the face. YMMV, but if it were me i'd return it and get a WD, which is what i actually did.
i notice the red X error message says 'format must be valid.' check and make sure you include the { and } before and after the actual numbers/letters
i do not believe any 'solution' is necessary here, as DP will show up in Disk Management as 2047.97GB per local pool. i.e i made a new 'test' pool from 2 500GB hdds for a total size of 1TB (931GB available) and Disk Management reports that pooled drive as 2047.97GB, same as my primary pool drive which is comprised of 4x 8TB and 1x 4TB hdds. in Disk Management, 'right-click > properties' on any pool partition showing 2047.97GB will give you the pie-chart dialogue showing the total/used/free size of the combined underlying disks. so... the (any?) pool drive that is shown in Disk Management is seemingly just a kernel/filesystem 'place holder' where DP can dream big dreams but chdsk won't work as there is no actual 'disk' for it to check. as for the pool not showing in Scanner, i think it's by design that it's not there. the disks comprising the pool are all there (at least for me, so i'll assume for you as well), so unnecessary overhead is avoided. it would probably throw errors in much the same way as trying to run chkdsk does, as it's a 'virtual' 2047.97GB 'place holder' and not an actual physical disk. pooled drives will show in the GUI for DrivePool as they can then be added to hierarchal pools. if i had to guess, i'd say Stablebit DrivePool/Scanner are working fine for you in ALL respects (knock on wood ) hope this helps. CHEERS
I haven't earned a gold shield yet lol... Scanner is almost through with all my disks on its 2nd monthly pass. But HDSentinel gave me a scare recently. I have 2 x Mobius Pro 2C enclosures both set at RAID 1. In one of them the primary (top) disk threw a Threshold 165 for SMART #3 'spin up time.' 0% health failure predicted. I just let it run as the drive LED remained blue, while I rummaged thru warranty paperwork and made screenshots. Day and a half later the error just disappeared. Back to 100% health Threshold 24 just like the 5 other identical disks i have (HUH728080ALE601). Computer had been up at least 4 days before error occurred, and was days after error cleared before a reboot. The drive survived a few reboots since then and recently passed its first StableBit Scanner run (it is not part of my pool and had excluded it from my testing during trial period). During Scanner's surface test only the primary disk was read from/tested anyway so there's that 'lucky' quirk. I understand that Scanner works with just what the controller feeds it. HDSentinel sees both physical disks in the array so I could test the secondary disk with it, but I've been wanting to break those arrays for a while and I now have a good excuse. I will add it to DrivePool and mark it duplicated only. So yeah, spooky deus ex machina type stuff goin' on lol... good to know I'm not the only one.