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Blackjack last won the day on August 18 2023

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  1. I removed the HDD from the pool. Run chkdsk to repair bad sectors. Format the hole HDD. Rescan in Scanner = all green. Remount the HDD to the pool. I hope it will be run another year
  2. I dont know if 195 are a high or a low value?
  3. Hi, i have Scanner and DrivePool running. After a full scann two of my drive are marked as Damaged "192kb" and "6kb" or so are broken. I thought, who cares .. but over the night. The drivepool removes the most of the files of boath drives and now i have no clue what i should do.. ? Should i remove the drives from the pool completely and format it and rejoin the HDDs or what should i do now? Pls help Best regads
  4. All Seagate HDDs. 4 Special NAS drives and 2x Exos
  5. Thanks VapechiK for your detailed answer and thanks Shane Oh really interessting that the software handle this, this is not explained in the removal process but thanks i understand now.
  6. Dropbox is dead, they increase the storage per month now with only 1 TB. And the first box users get banned so unlimited is dead guys. You can try https://sia.tech/ ~2$ for 1 TB but hard to configure, you need krypto Siacoin to start renting. S3 compatible storage -> https://www.idrive.com/object-storage-e2/pricing also good alternative
  7. Blackjack

    iDrive e2 error

    Looks like CloudDrive is not compatible with normal S3 compatible storage? That would be bad 😕
  8. Hi, i have a drivepool without dublication, its just a pool with different drives without redundancy. I want to replace a small HDD with a new one but i want to keep all my data. What should i do to replace the hdd? I dont find the option "Remove HDD from pool and copy all content from this hdd to the pool". Need help.
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