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"Duplication Inconsistant" for files that don't exist!?





Since the last update, currently on .1600, I have gotten an error for a folder on the pool that I did not care about.  I tried to delete the offending folder/files, but was blocked by some ownership issue. I am the admin and folder is shared with full control to everyone.  I've tried taking ownership, safe boot, commercial deleters but the folder remained.  The drive itself, a USB WD MyBook 3tb, was acting flaky so I removed it from the pool through the menu, took about 90 min. with no errors.  Pulled drive and put in a new case (after peeling off the cheap shell WD puts on them.  Drive has been re-partitioned, formatted and checked out OK by windows.  Pool continues to complain about duplication inconsistencies for folders/files not physically in the pool.  If you go to the offending address, there is no such folder or file there.  The error message from DrivePool is no help offering only to duplicate again which instantly fails and does nothing. Or I can cancel.   Pool seems to be working OK, just the warning.  Yes I checked for hidden files/folders as well.  I am at my wit's end here trying to get rid of this error.  Any help or direction would be appreciated.   Thanks for any help.  Dave

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Re the undeletable folder, possibly an ACL corruption issue; if it happens in the future the second post of this thread may help.

Re the leftover duplication error, you could try (in order):

  • Manage Pool -> Re-measure...
  • Command prompt as Administrator
    • dpcmd refresh-all-poolparts
    • dpcmd reset-duplication-cache
  • Cog icon -> Troubleshooting -> Recheck duplication
    (to see if the above fixed it)
  • Command prompt as Administrator
    • dpcmd check-pool-fileparts p:\ >p:\checkpartslog.txt
      (where p:\ is your pool; can take a very long time for a big pool, search p:\checkpartslog.txt afterwards for problems, there'll be a summary at the bottom to let you know if the command found anything)
  • If you run into more problems with undeletable files, or just to see if it helps, refer to the second post of the thread I linked at the top of this post; use the fix on the problem sections of your pool or on all the poolparts.
  • Cog icon -> Troubleshooting -> Recheck duplication
    (to see if the above fixed it)
  • if all of the above fail, consider using Cog icon -> Reset all settings...
    (carefully read the warning message and decide if you want to go ahead or continue to search for another fix)
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Seems to have resolved most of the problems but still getting a duplication error saying DrivePool N: directory not valid when it certainly is, and throwing the Duplication Inconsistent error.  Both available options to "fix" the problem, Re-Balance or Re-Check Duplication, do nothing and lead back to the same error.  I removed the "bad" 3tb drive from my pool and removed all the external drives for 3 NAS boxes and things are much quicker and several re-start issues (finding all the drives) have disappeared.   But I still get Duplication errors with no easily visible way of proceeding to correct them.  I have tried all of your suggestions above and they helped but didn't get rid of the error.  If only the directory is invalid error told me what directory where.  Thanks for your help so far Shane.

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In the GUI if you use the Cog icon -> Troubleshooting -> Service log... you can see DrivePool log warnings and errors as they occur, it can provide more information (like hopefully what directory); run the Troubleshooting -> Recheck duplication after and see what the log stream shows?

I would try the ACL fix I linked too on the pool if you haven't already.

If the culprit still can't be found/fixed you could open a support ticket with StableBit.

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May have found my culprit.  I have a folder 2 levels deep off the main drivepool "drive" N: that is empty and you can access it to see it's empty no hidden files.  I had a bunch of old files stored there awhile ago and decided I no longer needed them so I deleted the folder, apparently this empty folder was left behind with it's parent folder for some reason and now windows will not let me delete it saying it is open in another program and to close it before deleting.  Ownership, Security & Sharing are all as they should be for the folder but neither I or DrivePool can access or manipulate this folder.  I think this causes the Directory is Invalid error I keep getting during Duplication.  I have tried commercial unlocker programs as well as pretty much anything I could find cruising the boards or Google to no avail, the evil folder remains.  Moving up the tree towards the root directory of the pool doesn't work either, not sure at all why this old folder ( held a zip file of a comic-which did delete) is locked down so tight.  Pool seems to work fine & balances.  Duplication goes to end and then throws the "Duplication Inconsistent: Directory is invalid" N:/  error.   As I do not know where or what drive this bad folder is on, I can't hunt it down outside of DP and it seems maybe DP is the program holding it open though no process in Task Manager seems to be associated with the folder.  I surrender, any help would be appreciated.  TIA  Dave


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Hard Disk Sentinel Pro found an additional three HDD's that were "bad" or failing, on top of the 2 i already replaced, all due to bad sectors & running out of space to replace them.  Some were over 10 years old & all were over 5 years.  Pulled out the bad ones and went shopping.    Got my money's worth from them.  All new drives are server grade refurbs from the same company I bought one of the old drives from, they're online now, but still stand by their products & honor warranties so I feel pretty secure.  And as I read in another post, a sever crash/issue is a great excuse to upgrade your hardware.  My pool "accidentally" grew by 12Tb after I got it fixed.  😁  Best news was I turned on Pool Duplication and when I looked at was duplicating at the folder level, I found 2 miscellaneous folders that were not duplicating, changed them manually and YAY!  Measuring, Duplication and Balancing all finished OK.  Amazing what a hundred bucks or so of new equipment will do.  So my original issues were all equipment related after all. 

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