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New DrivePool user here. Have 2 SSD-based DrivePools, one (fast, 2 internal SSDs, 4TB tot) for working files, another (slower, external 2TB SSD to start) for backups. Running Win10Pro on a fast Dell Optiplex 5000 / 64G ram. DrivePool is working great but now I'm seeing something I had not noticed before: some process is hitting EVERY DISK in the system, including the DrivePool disks, every 5 seconds with a short "ping-style" read (see attached). These reads happen to every drive, SSDs, DrivePool drives, and 2 external USB drives.

This may not be a direct DrivePool issue but I'm not sure yet.  Disabling Win Defender has no effect.

I have tried with Task Mgr+Resource Monitor as well as Process Explorer to isolate the Win process that is hitting a specific idle drive but those tools won't drill down on processes to just a single disk.

Any ideas?
Thanks much.

Task Mgr-Disk 1 reads every 5 sec.png

3 answers to this question

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No clue. If it helps at all, I have DrivePool v2.3.2.1493 on a Win10Pro box with a mix of nvme ssd and sata hdd, and I even plugged in a usb hdd to see if anything changed, and I'm not getting that issue.

Edit: spoke too soon. I am seeing that on the usb hdd I plugged in, but not my other devices. It at least involves the DrivePool service, as stopping the service stops the effect and starting the service starts it back up.

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hi.  in windows/file explorer enable 'show hidden files and folders.'  then go to:


and bookmark for future reference.  from this page on the left side click StableBit DrivePool > 2.x Advanced Settings. 


if you are using BitLocker to encrypt your drives you will NOT want to do this, and will just have to live with the drive LEDs flashing and disc pings i assume. i don't use it so i don't know much about it.

the given example on this page just happens to be the exact .json setting you need to change to stop DP from pinging your discs every ~5secs.

set "BitLocker_PoolPartUnlockDetect" override value from null to false as shown.

if StableBit CloudDrive is also installed you will need to change the same setting for it also. opening either of these json files, it just happens to be the very top entry on the file.

you may need to give your user account 'full control' on the 'security' tab (right click the json > properties > security) in order to save the changes.

this worked immediately for me, no reboot necessary. YMMV...  good luck :)

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Thanks Shane for confirming DrivePool was the source and thanks VapechiK for the solution. I set the "BitLocker_PoolPartUnlockDetect" override value to False and after a reboot all the pings were gone.

For what it's worth the only reason I noticed this is that I wasn't seeing the external (backup) drive going into standby power mode so I started to look for reasons. Power mode is still active but I think Hard Disk Sentinel's SMART poll may be keeping that drive alive. Not a big deal now that the pings are gone.

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