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Google Drive: I/O Error 'The parameter is incorrect'



New user here, trialing build 722 on Windows 10.


I have created my drive using Google Drive, but it keeps disconnecting with repeated instances of this error (see attached screenshots):


      [ioManager:72] Error performing I/O operation on provider. Failed. The parameter is incorrect


Any clue what this is? I ran a check on my network connection which is pretty solid, results here: http://netalyzr.icsi.berkeley.edu/restore/id=369839a0-12857-24e54d82-c64f-41fc-b12d


Right now Cloud Drive is promising but unusable for me.


Thanks for any input.





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its weekend again - the throttling kicks in almost instantly. upload speed was down from a stable 600 mbit/sec I had in the "golden days" to a mere 20-80mbit/sec since I have upgraded from .725 - hopefully one day it gets fixed somehow, but the damn throttling is the suck. if it werent about 20 tbyte of data that I already have sent to the drives, I would have abandoned the testing by this time. the throttling issue really kills the brand of quality you already built up.

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its weekend again - the throttling kicks in almost instantly. upload speed was down from a stable 600 mbit/sec I had in the "golden days" to a mere 20-80mbit/sec since I have upgraded from .725 - hopefully one day it gets fixed somehow, but the damn throttling is the suck. if it werent about 20 tbyte of data that I already have sent to the drives, I would have abandoned the testing by this time. the throttling issue really kills the brand of quality you already built up.


If the throttling is occurring specifically on the weekends, then that may be your ISP or the provider that is the issue here. 


I've not seen anyone else report this behavior, so I'm guessing it's confined to you.  And in that case, it's ISP related (either they're throttling on the weekends... or more likely, they're getting congested on the weekends due to increase usage). 

In this case, there really isn't anything that we could do. 





Im also getting a ton of "The parameter is incorrect" erros. Its also unmounting because of the error.

Running 749


Could you upgrade to the build and see if that helps? 


If not, for the meanwhile, could you make a change?


Set the "CloudFsDisk_MaximumConsecutiveIoFailures" to a higher value. 


Increasing this value will increase the number of issues that have to occur before the drive unmounts. 

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If the throttling is occurring specifically on the weekends, then that may be your ISP or the provider that is the issue here. 


I've not seen anyone else report this behavior, so I'm guessing it's confined to you.  And in that case, it's ISP related (either they're throttling on the weekends... or more likely, they're getting congested on the weekends due to increase usage). 

In this case, there really isn't anything that we could do. 



nope, accessing gdrive by other means just works without any problems - i.e. I am currently trying to implement sort of a shadow drive for mkv metadata which sits between the clouddrive volumes and plex - using the gdrive api (of course with my own developer keys) there is no heavy throttling noticeable: uploading and downloading at around 750 mbit/sec using a few threaded connections is no problem at all whereas clouddrive maxxes out at around 80-100 mbit/sec for a few seconds, then slowly drops to around 0, then going back up to around 100 and so forth. (average speed per 5 minute is well below 40 mbit). today, and as long as I leave uploading disabled, the clouddrive connection seems to be working okay (for downloads) - I am pretty sure you will get it sorted sometime in the future  :)

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nope, accessing gdrive by other means just works without any problems - i.e. I am currently trying to implement sort of a shadow drive for mkv metadata which sits between the clouddrive volumes and plex - using the gdrive api (of course with my own developer keys) there is no heavy throttling noticeable: uploading and downloading at around 750 mbit/sec using a few threaded connections is no problem at all whereas clouddrive maxxes out at around 80-100 mbit/sec for a few seconds, then slowly drops to around 0, then going back up to around 100 and so forth. (average speed per 5 minute is well below 40 mbit). today, and as long as I leave uploading disabled, the clouddrive connection seems to be working okay (for downloads) - I am pretty sure you will get it sorted sometime in the future  :)


Experiencing the same.


This is my bottleneck:






HUGE http delays - only happening through stablebit clouddrive.


1 gbit full duplex line, going to google directly i can get files with full speed and no delay

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Could you grab logs? 



Additionally, could you grab this:



Run it on the system, enable the "decrypt HTTPS traffic" option and start capturing. This *will* prompt to install a Trusted Root CA Certificate on the system. This is required for decrypting HTTPS traffic, which we need as most of this is done over HTTPS.


Capture the issue occurring, stop the tracing and then upload the logs using the above link. 

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