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Posts posted by VapechiK
i feel your pain. i too use DP just for the 'pool' feature. my pool has zero duplication. i add completed and sorted folders/files by accessing the underlying drives themselves and never just drag/drop directly onto the pool. i have only the 'ordered file placement' at the top of the plugin list (all others disabled/unchecked) and have it set so that when i do drag files to the pool, they ALWAYS go to just one particular drive that is used primarily for temporary backups of recently completed torrent files (downloaded on a drive that is NOT in the pool), which then get deleted eventually. in settings, 'do not balance automatically' and 'balancing plugins respect file placement rules' are the only options checked. this setup serves me well and i NEVER have issues with my highly organized folders/files unless i am not paying attention, and even then it is easy to fix.
IMHO the biggest annoyance with DP is the default aggressive balancing and all the useless and annoying plugins that are loaded by default. but the developer is obviously shooting for a 'set and forget' scenario and assumes the end user is responsible for their own backups. so i had to get crafty in my 'micromanagy' DP setup and just deal with it. once folders/files are added to the underlying drives, remember to 'Manage Pool' ^ Remeasure... > Re-measure' and all should be good.
hope this helps. if not perhaps someone else can add some better explained guidance. good luck.
simply mouse over each drive. a pop up will appear with a wealth of info about the drive... free space, serial#, temperature, etc.
if DrivePool were to 'die' and development were to cease, as long as you had purchased licensed copy(ies) of the software you will still be able to install and run it on Windows computers, at least until some future unknown windows update breaks it.
either way, you will always have access to your pooled data by simply checking 'show hidden files and folders,' then navigating to the hidden 'PoolPart.xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxx' folders on each drive comprising your pool.
easy peasy.
yes, exactly. not sure why it reports like that, but... it is what it is. you could bump up the temp threshold a bit maybe. i believe the default temp threshold for HDDs is 54 degrees celsius, but even that is WAY too hot for a spinner. if your spinners regularly run above 40 degrees celsius, it would be a GREAT idea to find a way to keep them cooler.
let's say for example, you have 4 drives that have never been scanned by StableBit Scanner. you start automatic scanning, and drive1 begins scanning, reaching 17% scanned before whatever temp threshold is reached, causing Scanner to stop scanning drive1 and switch to let's say drive4. let's say drive4 reaches whatever% scanned and the temp threshold is again reached so it stops scanning drive4 and goes back to drive1. it will pick up where it left off at 17% but consider its 'resume scan point' of the remaing 83% to be 0% so that's what it reports in the GUI. say you wait a while and drive1 now says 5% completed. in fact 22% of drive1 has now been scanned. follow what i'm saying here? if you click the + sign on the far left of the GUI for whatever drive, you can confirm this easily from just looking at the block map.
hello again lol
i'm going to ASSUME you are NOT using duplication on your DrivePool. i gather this from your previous post where you said you had attempted to use SnapRAID to no avail. Shane is of course correct about disabling any file placement rules pertaining to the iSCSI drive BEFORE attempting the below.
i would:
1. show hidden files and folders, and STOP the DrivePool service.
2. navigate to the PoolPart folder on the iSCSI drive, select all folders/files, right-click CUT and go up and PASTE on the root of the drive.
3. reopen DP GUI and remeasure the pool (important). the data you moved out of the pool will now show as 'other.' but it will still exist on the root of the iSCSI drive (just not in the 'pool.').
4. STOP the DrivePool service again. open file explorer instances for each of the underlying pooled drives you wish to move the unpooled iSCSI data to. right-click COPY and PASTE distributing the data from the root of the iSCSI drive into the PoolPart folders on whatever local drives in the pool where there is space to do so. i say 'COPY' because you want to compare the copied data to the source, right? once you are satisfied a bit for bit copy has occured, you can gradually right-click SHIFT + DELETE all data from the iSCSI drive.
5. when done, REMEASURE the pool and REBOOT.
keep in mind that, whenever the DrivePool service may be stopped, the DrivePool kernel driver is still enabled and the DrivePool still shows up in file explorer as one big honkin' drive. this means all drives comprising your pool are still considered part of the 'conglomerate whole,' and traditional 'drag-n-drop' practices can/may no longer apply between the underlying drives. it can be a mindf**k for sure.
yes, easy peasy.
get all your data straight and organized within DrivePool. this means remeasuring/rebalancing/whatever so that you have the solid green bar at the bottom of the DP GUI. the point of this is to mitigate any inconsistancy issues that could 'migrate' to unRAID. i have read that unRAID has its own peculiar issues, so i would also take note/screenshots of my DrivePool settings. you never know... and better safe than sorry.
you can 'reverse' this process:
so, basically just show hidden files and folders, Stop DP service, and navigate to the hidden PoolPart.xxxx folders on each of the underlying drives comprising your DrivePool. select all folders/files in each PoolPart Folder, right-click and CUT (do not select copy), and go back up and PASTE into the root of each drive. do this for each pooled drive. when done, reopen DP GUI and go to Manage Pool ^ Remeasure > Remeasure the pool. this should happen very quickly since all your previous data is now absent from the pool and it will all show as 'other.' this will also help ensure pain-free drive removal. REMOVE each drive from the pool (leave all pop-up removal options UNCHECKED (should also happen very quickly). Viola, you are done. i would reboot here. delete the now empty unused PoolPart folders too. a defrag of all drives concerned can only speed up any upcoming tasks with unRAID.
i have never used SnapRAID or unRAID, but i imagine you could now delete/format/diskpart whatever the drives you were using as parity for SnapRAID and get busy setting up unRAID.
hope this helps
1. enable 'show hidden files and folders' in file explorer settings. this will allow you to see the hidden 'PoolPart.xxxx' folder on each of the underlying drives that comprise your pool.
2. in file explorer, navigate to the PoolPart.xxxx folder on each underlying drive where the file in question is stored, find the file and right-click it and choose 'copy' (do not just drag-n-drop). paste the files elsewhere outside the pool (may need to rename one of them if copying both to the same folder/directory). you now have safely (for the moment) backed up the file(s) as per your original post.
3. open each file on each underlying drive and determine which one you want to keep. then delete the file from the underlying drive that you DO NOT want to keep. then right-click COPY the good file from your backup location and paste right back to where you just deleted the bad file. (make sure both files on each underlying drive are named the same)
4. in the DrivePool error/notification box, choose the 'fix it myself' option, or hit the X in the corner and just close the box.
5. in the DrivePool GUI - upper right corner cog wheel with downpointing arrow/Troubleshooting/Recheck duplication...
6. Wait for it to finish and Viola... you're done.
this is a micro-managey way to do it, but safer than allowing DrivePool to just default select to keep the newer file, which may in fact be the bad one.
no need to fear...
as long as you have backups all is good.
DrivePool does not use encryption by default. no 'encryption keys' exist so no worries there. it is a non-issue.
CloudDrive provides encryption, but if you are not using it, there is no need to even consider it in this discussion.
refering to my initial reply:
step 1. for your convenience. nothing else.step 2. DUH!
step 3. is an all-around good idea. self-explanatory.
step 4. this is the best practice. mostly just to ensure no screw-ups. no 'real need' to do so. if you are confident you know which drive to re-install to... go for it. if you manually format your C:\ drive (or when asked during installation process) make sure you choose GPT partition (should be selected by default).
step 5. self-explanatory.
step 6. self-explanatory.
step 7. self-explanatory.
step 8. if you care, reset your settings the way you had them before the reinstall. if you are good with the default settings, don't worry about it. a REBOOT is a good idea here.
step 9. anytime you reinstall/reset/change settings etc. in DrivePool, it is best practice to remeasure after you save changes. if you go with the default settings, it will probably remeasure all by itself upon reboot. if not... Manage Pool ^ Remeasure > Remeasure.
very simple procedure actually. nothing to fear
1. make note of or take screenshots of your DrivePool settings if you have changed them from the default settings in any way. if you take SSs step 2 is important. DP saves your pool data in Alternate Data Streams on the drives themselves but doesn't save any customized balancer/file placement rules etc. from Manage Pool ^ Balancing... under the pie chart in the GUI. also take note of Manage Pool ^ Performance > settings as well.
2. make sure all your user data (i.e. all docs, pics, DLs, etc.) from your C:\Users\[your user name]\ have been saved/backed up elsewhere.
3. yes deactivate your license - cogwheel with downpointing arrow in upper right corner/Manage license/deactivate. in fact you should do this for all licensed 3rd party software on your machine. if you are reinstalling on the EXACT same hardware it *shouldn't* much matter but better safe than hassled later.
4. power OFF machine, and unplug/detach ALL drives EXCEPT your win10 drive from the mobo and any USB ports. IOWs ONLY the win10 boot drive where you want to clean install win11 is attached.
5. install windoze 11 and update to latest version, all new windows update security patches, etc etc.
6. DL and install the latest version of DP from https://stablebit.com/DrivePool/Download and reactivate the license.
7. power OFF your machine and reconnect your DrivePool drives and power ON.
8. in the DP GUI Manage Pool ^ Balancing... ensure all is reconfigured and set up as it was before the reinstall. SAVE. Manage Pool ^ Performance > as well. if it were me, i would reboot here.
9. it is important to remeasure the pool before using it normally. Manage Pool > Remeasure... Remeasure.
*NOTE* if you never messed with the settings and all was left at default before, steps 1 and 8 can probably be omitted/ignored. my own pool is fairly customized, so i included them as part of the procedure I would follow.
1. open scanner UI and select the drive and then the blue 'S.M.A.R.T. health' link at the bottom of the UI, or right-click the drive and choose 'Show S.M.A.R.T.' this will open a window/box with said SMART info.
2. select whichever warning you wish to ignore and scroll to the bottom of the box and click 'ignore this warning.' another smaller box will open and you can choose to ignore that particular warning until it happens again, or ignore it permanently. choose accordingly.
3. repeat for all drives you wish to ignore the error/warning. Viola... you're done.
disclaimer: i do not have email alerts set up and never have. i would assume the emails will now cease for that SMART warning, allowing others through if another attribute gets dinged.cheers
whoah nelly
ever tried to drag n drop files/folders between the DP underlying drives while the service is still enabled? you may think you are 'copying' the files but since DP treats all member drives as part of the 'conglomerate whole' you will soon find that your 'drag n drop' is actually a 'move.' pay attention to the transfer dialogue box.
and... OOOPS!! ...
ever tried to do the same thing while the DrivePool service has been stopped, and accessing the underlying DP drives (you might be transferring files between a DP pooled drive and some other drive somewhere) have the same thing happen?
LOL the DrivePool driver is still loaded. you run the same risk. again, pay attn to the transfer box.
i say all this because we want to be able to compare the data, right? however you wanna do that? make sure it's all the same?
right-click and drag/drop... you will get a pop-up from Windows asking to move or copy. choose COPY. when satisfied, delete from the source.
yes... everyone knows about this (windows) feature. but it holds court in its own special way when using DrivePool. unless you are a cmd line user and know exactly what you are doing (i am not), don't just drag n drop willy nilly within DrivePool.
TLDR your DrivePool installation will sometimes make Windows behave unexpectedly when you are not thinking too deeply about DrivePool. or maybe it's the other way around.
lol cheers
i do not use StableBit CloudDrive, but i think i see the problem here, after many years reading these forums before licensing and using SB products.
existing data on a cloud provider (files, folders, etc.) will not be seen by a SB CloudDrive once it is created. something to do with how the drive is created and obfuscated at a block/chunk level. all data on a new CloudDrive must be uploaded from the user to the newly created CloudDrive before it is seen in the CloudDrive, regardless of whether the data already exists and is accessible by logging on to Google Drive and using their browser/whatever UI.
when/if Shane or Christopher respond, i'm quite sure they will tell you the same thing, albeit providing much more useful technical info. in the meantime, reading the manual and the FAQ may help.
IOW, this is just telling you what to expect while you are scratching your head wondering
yes i follow (kinda lol) ...
i for one hate that Windows will LIE TO YOUR FACE when/if write caching is enabled (easy enough to see, just open Task Manager and notice that whatever I/O operation is STILL continuing long after whatever transfer/progress box closes).
so i recommend killing write caching on ALL external USB enclosures. better to see EXACTLY what is happening and WHEN than OOPS did i just delete that and it wasn't done yet? yes i have learned from experience lol...
i have ZERO experience with SAS so i'll just keep quiet there... thanks for the deets.
ok, just curious... first of all... (per the last paragraph of your first post), why are read striping and real time duplication enabled on your pool if duplication (as inferred) is not enabled? seems to me your settings are complicating things. kill them both (disable) for starters.
i too have a SYBA 8bay exactly like yours. it is where my DrivePool lives.
i also have an Oyen Mobius Pro 5C where my backups live. writing/reading speed from this enclosure can vary greatly (70MBps from the Oyen to the SYBA... 160MBps from the SYBA to the Oyen). and they're both attached to the same USB3 adapter card. *shrugs* go figure.
if you are actually seeing the speeds you mentioned, consider yourself lucky. 18+ TB and 7200 rpm speed = R/W speed i wish i had. all of my drives max out at 8TB 128MB cache, so i have to be happy with what i have.
welcome to DrivePool. yes i see that you have been a member of these forums since 2015.
slow and steady seems to be DrivePool's SMO. not much we can do about it. just let it ride and it will finish eventually. parallel threads? not gonna happen.
TLDR: duplication on a huge pool should be a scheduled event.
this is exactly why i run a x1 pool (no duplication). backups of backups keep me good. YMMV cheers
hi. this is basically just a repost of one of my earlier posts about stopping DrivePool polling/pinging drives every few seconds... i too prefer my drives to spin constantly, however if you seek to have your drives sleep, this action must be performed prior to adjusting Windows settings to allow sleep, or else your drives will just spin all the time anyway because of the pings/polls. cheers
in windows/file explorer enable 'show hidden files and folders.' then go to:
https://wiki.covecube.com/Main_Page and bookmark for future reference. from this page on the left side click StableBit DrivePool > 2.x Advanced Settings.
if you are using BitLocker to encrypt your drives you will NOT want to do this, and will just have to live with the drive LEDs flashing and disc pings i assume. i don't use it so i don't know much about it.
the given example on this page just happens to be the exact .json setting you need to change to stop DP from pinging your discs every ~5secs.
set "BitLocker_PoolPartUnlockDetect" override value from null to false as shown.
if StableBit CloudDrive is also installed you will need to change the same setting for it also. opening either of these json files, it just happens to be the very top entry on the file.
you may need to give your user account 'full control' on the 'security' tab (right click the json > properties > security) in order to save the changes.
this worked immediately for me, no reboot necessary. YMMV... good luck
since no one else has chimed in yet, i will risk posting a few things i have learned about SAS drives, perhaps they may point you in the right direction.
*disclaimer* i have never owned or used a SAS drive. ever.
you can go here:
and here:https://community.covecube.com/index.php?/topic/4187-smart-tools-with-sas-drives/#comment-32039
and read what Christopher says about SMART and SAS drives, and then about how they are still not supported in StableBit Scanner.HardDisk Sentinel claims to support SAS drives, but i wouldn't know for sure. go here:
lastly, almost every google search i launched (SAS and S.M.A.R.T. etc etc) returns a program called "smartctl." go here to download it and explore the documentation.https://sourceforge.net/projects/smartmontools/files/
hope this helps
StableBit DrivePool is NOT a RAID solution/implementation. AFAIK, RAID is block based, while DrivePool has always been and always will be file based. therefor, NO silent automatic repair of the file(s) in question. sorry if that's not what you want to hear, but thems the facts lol... you can have 4 identical drives, pair them off as 2 RAID 1 arrays, then add them both to the pool and enable duplication on them. as soon as 2 (or more) duplicated files differ for whatever reason, you are still gonna get the pop-up box asking how you want to proceed. perhaps when/if Shane replies to your question, they will have more to add.
hello again lol
same difference, as far as i can see. the files may just differ slightly, as in a recently modified document or whatever, or they could be media files, one of which is corrupt and unplayable. it will pop-up a box, and if you follow the path(s) listed to the file(s), you can attempt to play (execute) both files and see which one is corrupt. as far as 'fixing' the corrupt file, i would say that's a hard NO. if i remember correctly, all it does is ask if you want to keep the most recent version of the file in question, or fix it yourself. if you choose the most recent version, and that's the one that's corrupt, oh well i guess you're SOL.
see here:
whenever there is a data or file 'compare' error, DP will pop-up a box notifying you of it, and ask what you wish to do about it.
i would add that, the most sensible option is as Shane said DP will ask... fix it yourself.
long ago when i was experimenting with pool duplication, there was a conflict between 2 movie files on my drives. when DP popped up and asked me what to do, i left the question/notification/error box sitting there... i went to the underlying DP drives and compared the 2. it was the NEWER version that was corrupt and would not play. moral of the story: always check it out for yourself.
just my opinion, but i think you are WAY overthinking the situation. yes lotsa copies keeps stuff safe. i myself have a few 2TB drives, and a crapload of 500GB HGST SATA II drives pulled from Vista era machines. those things are tanks. lol
load up your older 'used' drives with your important 'triplicated' data and put them in the closet. or the storage unit. or the bank safety deposit box. follow the 321 backup plan rule. WTF you wanna do with them, it's probably better than creating an essentially useless pool in DrivePool and then scratching your head later. i use a program called VVV (virtual volume view) to catalog my drives.
i don't know what the solution to your issue might be, but i do know that the AIO plug-in is outdated. the code is old and one of the plug-ins (Drive Space Equalizer) it was originally designed to replace has been updated so... using the AIO may cause conflicts .
see here for a bit more info:
if i were in your place i would consider disabling the AIO. until the original programmer @methejuggler gets around to updating his code or @Alex will actually do something about this issue it seems more of a liability than any kind of enhancement.
tl;dr: your plugins are banging heads.
all this said, i would wait for an 'official' reply from Shane or Christopher before attempting anything drastic. just my .02 cents
Could you replace the used with free or add free space to the drive list?
in General
ooops my bad. i think shane is correct. i do have scanner installed. i just don't have it selected in the list cuz it's kinda annoying and i can figure out my drive probs by myself... not to say it isn't useful. the integration of the 2 programs interferes with my ability to solve problems in a linear way. if it ain't one thing, it's another etc etc.