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Unable to write large files to drivepool



Hi all,

I am unable to copy any new files to my drivepool even though 20+TB of free space, everything was working fine until a few days ago when I mistakingly did a win 11 update, now rolled back to win 10 but whenever I try to copy a larfge file it starts of fine at 100MBs speed as per normal but after a few seconds drops to kb/s or just 0, doesn't give any errors just slows to a stop. Does this over network or from drive not in pool which can copy to fine.

Any help much appreciated


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13 answers to this question

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Perhaps try uninstalling and reinstalling DrivePool, with a restart of the computer inbetween. It might be needed to get the DrivePool file system drivers talking with Windows again?

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Still stuck. Re-installed drivepool and same so tried a reinstall of windows and still the same. Can write to shared file on C drive but can't then copy that file onto the pool, just sits there doing nothing...

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Given you've already chosen not to keep personal data, at this point personally I'd do a bare metal install of Windows - that is using external install media (e.g. USB or DVD) and choosing to delete the existing OS partition entirely so it doesn't retain any system files/configuration at all from the previous install.

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Latest update, reinstalled windows from usb stick and did updates etc, then reinstalled drives and drivepool and so far after trying 4 files (3 approx 30GB and 1 approx 70GB) and things seem to be working so thanks for the suggeestions and will report back if anything changes.

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Well about a year on from this and all was working well until a few days ago and its happened again so apart from another reinstall anyone any suggestions.

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When you say happened again, do you mean #1 you went to win11 and rolled back to win10 again or #2 it's happened without win11 being involved this time?

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No windows 11 update involved this time although not sure if any other update was involved. At th moment seem to be having duplication issues so maybe a failing drive causing the problem?

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Maybe. If SMART isn't giving any warnings, you could try checking the DrivePool UI -> Cog -> Troubleshooting -> Service log... to see if there's any hints there, or using the File Placement rules to limit duplication to certain disks to see if that gives any clues. Otherwise I would suggest opening a ticket via https://stablebit.com/Contact as Christopher suggested.

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