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Christopher (Drashna)

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Everything posted by Christopher (Drashna)

  1. Given the read errors and the NVMe Health warning, I would definitely recommend replacing the drive.
  2. Mostly, it's just accessing the disks via the poolparts. Otherwise, it is theoretically possible. You could use dism tools to install the drivers for the pool into the winPE image, but you'd also need to mount the image, and manually add the drivepool service. This is complicated, and I'm not entirely sure that this will work.
  3. Awesome, thanks. And my guess is that it's probably using an API in a way that is either wrong, or handled wrong by the pool. Though, it could be something else, too.
  4. Unfortunately, no. It would take some code changes to facilitate that.
  5. Glad to hear it! If it happens again, let us know and open a ticket!
  6. Adding a drive to the pool isn't really backing it up. There are programs that can do that, but this isn't the way. If you just want redundancy, then that's absolutely possible. The simplest way, add the existing pool to a new pool, and add the large disk to that "top level" pool. Enable duplication on that pool, and "seed" the pool from the other pool. Eg, do this: https://wiki.covecube.com/StableBit_DrivePool_Q4142489
  7. That's very odd. I'm guessing it's something to do with the API that they're using, as I have a number of games installed to the pool, and don't experience any sort of issue like this. That said, if you could get logging of this, it would go a long way. https://wiki.covecube.com/StableBit_DrivePool_2.x_Log_Collection Eg, enable logging, reproduce the issue, then exit and stop the logging as soon as it occurs. And note the exact time, if possible. Then open a ticket at https://stablebit.com/Contact and report/repost it there.
  8. Could you open a ticket at https://stablebit.com/Contact After doing so, run the StableBit Troubleshooter: https://wiki.covecube.com/StableBit_Troubleshooter And then try resetting the settings: https://wiki.covecube.com/StableBit_DrivePool_Q2299585B
  9. Worst case: https://wiki.covecube.com/StableBit_DrivePool_Q3017479 And then reinstall the software.
  10. The safest option would be to detach the drive, change API keys, and re-attach. However, you *should* be able to just re-authorize the drive after changing the API keys.
  11. Try rebooting. If that doesn't help, try resetting the settings in StableBit DrivePool. https://wiki.covecube.com/StableBit_DrivePool_Q2299585B If that doesn't help with the missing disk, remove the disk in the UI, and then do this: https://wiki.covecube.com/StableBit_DrivePool_F1655 And the recycle bin should be the one on the desktop. It's a combined list of all of the drive's recycle bin.
  12. FAQ answers that, as did I, above. You can generate your own app API keys and use those, these are configured in "C:\ProgramData\StableBit CloudDrive\ProviderSettings.json" file. The Google Drive Provider will be marked as "expirmental"/"deprecated". This means that new installations, the provider will be hidden by default. You can enable it by enabling experimental providers. However, if you already have connected to Google Drive on a system, then it will stay visible. Fully outlined here: https://wiki.covecube.com/StableBit_CloudDrive_Q7941147
  13. StableBit DrivePool shouldn't move files from a non-poolpart folder into a poolpart folder. So that part sounds odd, and possibly that Windows re-assigned drive letters? And yes, the balancing does move the files from one PoolPart folder to another, on a different disk, if/when needed. As for stopping the files from being moved, a good question here is "why are they being moved". Most of the default balancers deal with edge cases, and shouldn't move data by default. That said, could you open a ticket at https://stablebit.com/contact
  14. Simplest option? Just empyt the recycle bin. That will remove said file. As for the specific issue, I would recommend running a CHKDSK pass of all of the pooled disks, and then re-measure the pool. If the issue continues, then please open a ticket at https://stablebit.com/Contact
  15. Yeah. Eg, add the newly unpooled disk to whichever pool that you want it in, ultimately.
  16. For the MSR partiation, this depends if the drive is MBR or GPT, and sometimes, how it was initialized+partitioned. Either way, the presence/lack shouldn't effect things. My pool has a mix of these, and has for a long while. As for the non-GPT drive, it's possible that there was some partitioning error? Eg, if the system was unstable and rebooting/BSODing, any time that the disk is being written to, there is a chance of corruption/damage. You can use diskpart or powershell to fix this. IIRC. But it shouldn't be too big of an issue. And if you're using Windows Server, the Multipath I/O feature can "fix" this. Also, I would recommend checking the event viewer for disk, file system and controller errors. They may point to a specific disk. But Also, if you haven't, run a CHKDSK pass on *all* of the disks (except to pool)
  17. Glad to hear that you were able to get it sorted! As for fixing automatically, this one is tricky, because it can be complicated. And brute force fixes can be ... problematic.
  18. because it got bumped... I decided to look into defrag stuff again.... Diskeeper is now DymaxIO, with no real options or UI, and a yearly license. Raxco PerfectDisk appears abandoned. 2021 is the latest update, and the website has some pretty critical errors on it. Windows 10 support mentioned, but nothing about Windows 11. Edit: They're actually closing, after operating for 45 years. Defraggler is discontinued, last version is from 2018. Auslogic Disk Defrag is super spammy. O&O defrag, exists but haven't really tested it. Server version is separate and much more expensive. Seems like the era of defragging is dead. But given SSDs/NVMe drives, and large capacity HDDs, I can't say that I'm surprsised.
  19. Small files are fine with StableBit DrivePool. I think the reason behind the issue is the same with how Drive Extender for WHSv1 worked: Eg, it's making a bunch of links with the files. And it has to manually update these. For a lot of small files or frequently changing files, that's a lot of work.
  20. No worries. Your health is th most important thing, so definitely take care of yourself, first and foremost. But hopefully, the information helps with your issues, but if not, let us know.
  21. To be clear, StableBit DrivePool doesn't support adding network shares to the pool. And to be able to add cloudDrive disks to a pool, you need to have both installed on the same system, and the "disks" directly added to the pool.
  22. Resetting the performance counters is the solution in this case. That's what's used to generate the information.
  23. Ah, I didn't realize that. That takes care of a lot of "fun" issues, though. And yeah, the UNC prefix can be super useful!
  24. I would recommend running a disk check, as it sounds like there may have been some corruption, causing the split. That said, for fixing this: https://wiki.covecube.com/StableBit_DrivePool_F1655
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