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Everything posted by kye

  1. I have a problem : i just uploaded my collection to stablebit cloud, with a gsuite account. Well, the problem is that, when plex discovers the new movie, i have to wait until , i believe, it downloads the whole movie in cash, so it could identify it . I see stablebit starting to download alot, then it stops and plex can succesfully analyze the movie. This is absurd and totally impossible for a large collection.... Solution ? Thanks
  2. Can somebody please pay attention to my problem ? I try to use Clouddrive, works well for a few days then the problems starts.... Details here
  3. Hi. I have 3 different Gsuite accounts with unlimited space. I try to use the space for my Plex colletion ( i use plex for my family collection of movies and photos mainly , not the conema movie collection). So i have 3 virtual stablebit drives on 3 accounts . Averything is encrypted. After a few days, all 3 accounts don`t accept stablebit connections, i get errors. If i shutdown stablebit cloud drive for 48 hours or so, everything is back to normal for 2-3 days... What am i doing wrong ? The uploaded data is not too much ( 2-3 gigs/day , rarely more than 10 ) . For me it`s some kind of API ban from gdrive.... Laso, i have scanner disabled in plex . Here are the errors 2:20:42.5: Warning: 0 : [IoManager:58] Error performing read-modify-write I/O operation on provider. Retrying. Checksum mismatch. Data read from the provider has been corrupted. 2:20:42.5: Warning: 0 : [IoManager:129] Error performing read-modify-write I/O operation on provider. Retrying. Checksum mismatch. Data read from the provider has been corrupted. 2:20:42.5: Warning: 0 : [ChecksumBlocksChunkIoImplementation:59] Expected checksum mismatch for chunk 137, ChunkOffset=0x00C00300, ExpectedChecksum=0x87e9be2e581ad821, ComputedChecksum=0x41aff241ae641c63. 2:20:42.7: Warning: 0 : [IoManager:83] Error performing read-modify-write I/O operation on provider. Retrying. Checksum mismatch. Data read from the provider has been corrupted. 2:20:43.2: Warning: 0 : [ReadModifyWritePartialChunkRecoveryImplementation:59] Error reading chunk 137 for write (Offset=0x0000000000000000, Length=20971520). Retrying with duplicate chunk 439804651247 (DuplicatePart=2). Attached data New Text Document (2).txt
  4. kye


    Hi. I have 3 different Gsuite accounts with unlimited space. I try to use the space for my Plex colletion ( i use plex for my family collection of movies and photos mainly , not the conema movie collection). So i have 3 virtual stablebit drives on 3 accounts . Averything is encrypted. After a few days, all 3 accounts don`t accept stablebit connections, i get errors. If i shutdown stablebit cloud drive for 48 hours or so, everything is back to normal for 2-3 days... What am i doing wrong ? The uploaded data is not too much ( 2-3 gigs/day , rarely more than 10 ) Attached data New Text Document (2).txt I get this errors 2:20:42.5: Warning: 0 : [IoManager:58] Error performing read-modify-write I/O operation on provider. Retrying. Checksum mismatch. Data read from the provider has been corrupted. 2:20:42.5: Warning: 0 : [IoManager:129] Error performing read-modify-write I/O operation on provider. Retrying. Checksum mismatch. Data read from the provider has been corrupted. 2:20:42.5: Warning: 0 : [ChecksumBlocksChunkIoImplementation:59] Expected checksum mismatch for chunk 137, ChunkOffset=0x00C00300, ExpectedChecksum=0x87e9be2e581ad821, ComputedChecksum=0x41aff241ae641c63. 2:20:42.7: Warning: 0 : [IoManager:83] Error performing read-modify-write I/O operation on provider. Retrying. Checksum mismatch. Data read from the provider has been corrupted. 2:20:43.2: Warning: 0 : [ReadModifyWritePartialChunkRecoveryImplementation:59] Error reading chunk 137 for write (Offset=0x0000000000000000, Length=20971520). Retrying with duplicate chunk 439804651247 (DuplicatePart=2). 2:20:45.6: Warning: 0 : [ChecksumBlocksChunkIoImplementation:61] Expected checksum mismatch for chunk 439804651270, ChunkOffset=0x00100040, ExpectedChecksum=0xa867c93efa7048d8, ComputedChecksum=0xaa40018348d1e185. 2:20:45.7: Warning: 0 : [ChecksumBlocksChunkIoImplementation:59] Expected checksum mismatch for chunk 439804651247, ChunkOffset=0x00C00300, ExpectedChecksum=0x87e9be2e581ad821, ComputedChecksum=0x41aff241ae641c63.
  5. Hi. I am testing this superb software but i have some problems : all my drives are encrypted with Diskcryptor ( except for booting drive) The problem is that, when i try to mount a clouddrive , the letter associated with clouddrive dissapear . In disk manager it is showed as RAW space. If a try to mount it with diskcryptor it is giving error . What am i doing wrong.... ? If i deactivate diskcryptor , everything is fine....
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