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[] Piechart is wrong




today I installed a new 6TB to my 8TB pool. While balancing I looked at the pie chart and it seems it's ratios are wrong. Unusuable for duplication (~4TB/gray) should be smaller than free space (5TB/white).

Also actually there are no other files on this hard disk than DP, so unusable for duplication is simply wrong. Later after balancing it corrected that accordingly. But measuring was already done at that point when I took this screenshot, so it still should not be wrong



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Without being able to see the disk list, it's hard to verify.

However, if you added a new disk, this absolutely can happen.  


From what I can tell, you have a 6TB drive and 8TB already in the pool, right? 
If so, then what you're seeing may be about right, actually. 

It's not "unavailable", but it can be used. However, if you're using duplication, that data may run into free space problems.

However, over time, the balancing system should attempt to clear up as much of the "Unusable for duplication" space. 

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true the balancing cleaned up over time. I have 2x 4TB an 1x new 6TB.

but what initially triggered me to look closer at this was, that the pie chart ratios are wrongly displayed. unsuable is 4tb, free is 5tb. so unsuable<free but in the pie chart the unsuable (gray area) is way bigger than the free area (white).



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