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i have added a cloud drive for all letters on windows and there are no more letters left. can stabilebit mount it as a folder?
what can i do?


You can use Windows Disk Management to mount a cloud drive as a folder attached to an existing (non-cloud, non-virtual) drive/volume. I do NOT recommend attaching it to your boot drive (e.g. personally I create a small and otherwise empty volume on a second internal drive and mount to folders on that).

5 hours ago, Shane said:

Bir bulut sürücüsünü mevcut (bulut dışı, sanal olmayan) bir sürücüye/birime bağlı bir klasör olarak bağlamak için Windows Disk Yönetimi'ni kullanabilirsiniz. Bunu önyükleme sürücünüze bağlamanızı ÖNERMİYORUM (örneğin, kişisel olarak ikinci bir dahili sürücüde küçük ve başka türlü boş bir birim oluşturuyorum ve bu sürücüdeki klasörlere bağlıyorum).

thank you for fast reply.

can you teach me how you can do that?

if possible with your end can you teach me with screenshots please?

i hope i did not ask too much.



Sorry, been very busy.

Create a new, empty folder in the existing drive you wish to use as the mount for your cloud drive. Open the Windows Disk Management. Right-click the cloud drive you wish to mount as a folder and choose "Change Drive Letter and Paths". Click "Add". Select "Mount in the following empty NTFS folder" and then click "Browse" and select the empty folder you had created. Click "OK" until you are back to the "Change Drive Latter and Paths" window. You can now access the cloud drive via that mounted folder, and at this point you can also select the cloud drive's old letter and "Remove" it (you can also do this before adding the mount folder if you desire).

If you desire to create a small volume on an existing disk just for keeping multiple mount folders in the one place, away from the boot volume and others, you can use Disk Management (or another partition manager tool) by right-clicking the Disk you wish to create the volume on and choosing "New Simple Volume". If this is greyed out because the disk is already filled by an existing volume you can right-click a volume already on that disk and choose to Shrink it (obviously, do not Shrink a volume unless it's one you don't mind having less space). Enter a small amount (e.g. between 16 and 1024 MB) and proceed; you will then be able to create your new simple volume inside the freed up space and format it as NTFS with its own drive letter so you can create folder mounts inside it (so if you have already run out of drive letters than you will want free at least one up first - remember that you can remove cloud drive letters before mounting folders to them, you just won't be able to access them until you give them a letter or path again).

Note: if you are also using DrivePool, do NOT mount a cloud drive as a folder on a pool drive that is using that cloud drive directly or indirectly as a pool disk. Recursive pathing is BAD.

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