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Drivepool has been working for more than a year (windows 11, NUC) but this week the interface has disappeared. This the part which shows the status of the system, includng which drves are connected, and which drive is drive is missing etc. I don't know what caused this. I have downloaded the latest release of StableBit Drivepool and repaired the system. What can i do to get the interface back?

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12 minutes ago, Shane said:

If uninstalling and reinstalling DrivePool hasn't brought back the GUI, then I would open a support ticket with Stablebit to investigate what's gone wrong.

Thanks. There are 8 hard drives pooled together, and I can still read them in Plex and Emby. I am worried that uninstalling and reinstalling Drivepool will delete stuff (unless you mean when I chose "Repair" that was already the same as uninstalling and reinstalling)?

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Uninstalling the DrivePool software will just make your pooling unavailable until it is reinstalled; the content of the pool is still there in the poolpart folder on each drive, and those poolpart folders will be found and re-used by DrivePool when it is reinstalled.

I believe Repair just checks to see if any needed files are missing and replaces them; I don't know if it would (or how well it would) detect damaged configurations/files.

You could certainly try uninstalling and reinstalling to see if that does better than a repair in solving the problem; it won't harm your pool.

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