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Found 7 results

  1. I currently have a setup using Google Workspace, StableBit DrivePool, and Cloud Drive. I recently received notification from Google stating that I will no longer be permitted to exceed their allotted storage limit of 5TB. However, I am currently utilizing over 50TB of storage. In just one month, my service with Google will be transitioned to read-only mode. Considering my familiarity with DrivePool, I am concerned about the potential for drive corruption if I continue using the service until I find a suitable alternative. I need help to determine if my drive would be at risk of getting corrupted during this transitional period?
  2. Hi, I got a question: Ok, Here's what I am starting with: Local Machine D: 2 GB E: 5 GB F: 3 GB Local Network Server Windows Fire Share Lots of space. Network: 10 gbit network. Now, what I want to do: (already tried, actually) 1st pool: Local Pool D: E: F: No duplication, just 1 big 10 GB pool. "Local Pool Drive" is the name. 2nd pool: Cloud Drive, Windows File Share Provider, 10 GB disk, no encryption. "File Share Drive" is the name. 3rd Final Pool +"Local Pool Drive" +"Fire Share Drive" Some folders like my Steam Games I don't want to duplicate because Steam is my 'backup' I set this up, but something went backwards as it seems to be trying to put the un-duplicated files on File Share Drive, which is not what I want. I am currently taking my files back off to be able to rebuild this. I think I've set some stuff up wrong. I understand the basics, but I am missing something in the details. Now, my thinking was to allow me to have a local 10 GB drive, and a 10 GB mirror on my file server. So, I get the best of both worlds. it seems it can "Technically" do this. What I would like to know is, when reading files, will I get local copy reads, or is everything going to grind to a halt with Server Reads? Is there a way to force local reads? I expect a cache would hide the uploads unless I went crazy on it. (hint, I copied all my files on it, it went crazy.) but, I was hoping for a Quazi live backup. So, I get full use of my local disk sizes and have a live backup if a drive ever failed or I wanted to upgrade a disk. Is this one of those "yea, it can, but it doesn't work like you think" or "yea, your just doing it wrong" things. What are the best options for Could Drive (pinning, network IO settings, cache size, drive setup settings) What are the best Local Disk options, D: E: F: and the Local Disk oh, and as a nutty side note, I tend to play games that like SSDs, I have a C: SSD but it's limited in size, (yea, I know, buy a new one, ... eventually I will) so, I would like to setup those games along side my others and add C: to D: E: and F: and tell it no files go on C: cept for the ones I say and EVERYTHING just looks like a D: drive because the actual drive letters will be hidden in disk manager. so, If I want to move a game into or off of my C:, Drive pool SHOULD make it as easy as clicking a couple of boxes right? That's a lot so summary: Can I force local reads when using a pool of Local Pool and Could Drive Pool together? Can I force certain files into specific drives only? (seems I can, just want to confirm) Can specific folders not be duplicated? (again, I think I know how, but there's a larger context here.) Can I do the above 3 at once? Thanks!
  3. Anybody else seeing this strange error where you are unable to destroy one of your drives?
  4. Has anyone ever faced this issue?
  5. Hi, I am posting here to see if anyone has any similar experiences when trying to upload data to GDrive via Cloud Drive using a similar setup. First, I have two hard drives connected, which are used as my cache disks. Not sure if the size matters, but one is 1 TB and the other is 1.5 TB. They were created about 1 year ago using the default allocation sizes, so the maximum each cloud drive can be is 32 TB each. I also use DrivePool to pool the Cloud Drives created on GDrive into one combined 64 TB drive. This is on an I5 2600k 3.6 Ghz with 16 GB ram on a Windows 10 Home OS. I have been having trouble recently while trying to upload from the local disks in that it seems that the PC needs to have the user logged in and active in order to upload anything. This isn't ideal because while I have a "decent" connection at 1 Gbps down, I only have 50 Mbps upload. I can usually achieve close to 50 Mbps during non-peak times, but throughout the day / busy hours, I usually max out around 30 - 35 Mbps. For this reason (and others), I typically try to let any data upload overnight while I'm sleeping. However, recently as in the last 3 to 4 weeks or so, I've noticed that even though my connection appears to be uploading throughout the night, the "To Upload" figure remains pretty close to what it was prior to going to sleep. For example, last night it said I had 199 GB left to upload to the cloud. I left my computer unattended uploading for 12+ hours (combined sleep and running errands throughout today) and when I checked just now, it says there is 184 GB left to upload. It seems kind of odd that I would have only uploaded around 15 GB in over 12 hours. My connection was steady throughout the night and no errors reported by Cloud Drive. Something may be related is that prior to going to sleep, I had cleared cache on the drive and the "To Upload" data (199 GB) and "Local" data (201 GB) were very close, around 2 GB difference. Upon returning to my computer, as mentioned the to upload was 184 GB, but my local was now at 534 GB. It almost seems as if the difference between 534 GB and 201 GB is what my connection should have uploaded during the 12 hrs, but for some reason it did not happen. This is not the first time something like this has happened either, it seems much more prevalent over the last several weeks, but I am not 100% sure when this behavior started. At first, I thought I was doing something wrong somehow, which still might be true. However, I think I found the pattern of this potential issue. It seems that when I "lock" my computer and am away from it, the issue described where my connection uploads, but doesn't actually upload much data will occur. It seems like this issue does NOT occur if I log on to the PC and just leave it unlocked and "active". I am doing a test now to see if this is true. To be clear, I am NOT logging the user out of Windows prior to letting it try to upload. I am simply locking the computer so it prompts for a password when someone tries to use it. I am also aware of the 750 GB max upload to GDrive per 24 hours. I don't think my upload speed is fast enough for that to come into play, but I have also tried waiting a few days by pausing the upload and the same thing would happen. Has anyone experienced anything remotely similar to this? If so, is there anything that can be done? I don't understand why it would upload while I am active on the PC, but not upload while its locked. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
  6. I want to test out CloudDrive but I'd like to be on a stable (RC?) version before giving it a go. Are we getting close to a release for this? How stable is the product? It seems to have been in beta for a long time so I'm a little worried that it's buggy.
  7. Is there a way to force Cloud Drive to upload? My "To Upload" is stuck at 47.2 GB, and my local cache is 2GB. It hasn't uploaded or attempted to upload anything in the last hour. Thanks, Dave
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