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Christopher (Drashna)

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Posts posted by Christopher (Drashna)

  1. Not directly. 

    The best way to do this is to add the pool to a pool, itself.  Then add the iSCSI volume to this top level pool, and enable duplecation there.  this would ensure that a copy of the file exists on the local pool, and on the iSCSI volume. 

    You'd need to seed the pool, and change the duplication settings, but aside from that, should be very doable. 

  2. You can definitely do (most) of this.    

    You can't specify which data to keep locally, but it should be intelligent about what to keep.  Eg, the most often you use stuff, the more it will keep that data in the cache.  And if you're using a 1TB  drive, and set the cache to use most or all of that drive as the cache, it will fill up that  drive, and keep all of that content in the cache. 


    However, keep in mind that on the NAS, you'd see the disk data chunks and not the game files. 

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