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Everything posted by Cobalt503

  1. I've let it run for hours upon hours at a time.. It seems to not be working. I let it run overnight and then restarted it this morning it's been running for 12 hours and still presents no option to resize.
  2. More than a couple hours? Should it take a day? More or less than 24 hours??
  3. Every time I click on resize it just spins the wheel.. Is this because I have pending data to upload? Do I have to wait for all data to finish uploading before I can resize?
  4. Jesus why didn't i think to manually type it in.. g'damnit...halfway to 10TB taking me forever to upload.. now I have to figure out how to get the data that I've already uploaded to the 10tb drive to the new 256tb dr? Or can I resize and type it in manually?
  5. The largest cloud drive I can make is 10TB.. I've looked around at some of the settings and I can't seem to find the ability to make anything larger than 10TB... How do I do this?
  6. Sorry but how do I do this and also I started with 10tb but I'd like to increase as I need at least 16 how do I do this? Do HAVE to use drive pool? and if so am I able to drive pool encrypted cloud drives?
  7. It seems to be crashing my plex and sonarr randomly. Still trying to work out the bugs but I think it's something to do with reading files that aren't completely uploaded yet.. IDK.. still trying to figure it all out.. but I can confirm that sonarr and plex have been crashing since I've been attempting to move to the cloud.
  8. Upload and download threads? What are they what should they be at and how best should my settings be configured? I read that a guy with 1gb up/down is using 10 threads... I thought threads were CPU threads based on cores available.. but I don't get it can someone explain to me what they are? For the record my connection is approx 150down and approx 30up (will be higher when i get a new modem) what should my settings be? Also can someone explain the prefetch time thing? it's currently at 30 sec? Is that how long it holds the data for? or?? I'm using this for plex and I need to be able to stream from the drive.. plz any info can help as right now I'm getting some severe stutters.
  9. Is there an ETA next quarter end of the year end of next year? Not trying to sound pesky I'm new around here and just looking for as much information as possible. Thanks again for making such a great product.
  10. Hey I think what you guys have put together here is pretty awesome. I only needed cloud drive but after using it and bumping into some of your other software in the past (drive pool) I decided to save up and get the whole suite of software you offer. ANYWAYS!!! A couple features I would like to see integrated: 1. After my initial install I started a transfer to the cloud and it maxed out my upload bandwidth immediately killing the internet experience for everyone in my house and using my computer remotely. I had to figure out how to adjust the bandwidth (Drive options > Performance > IO performance > Manually type number) I had to adjust it a few times over the course of a few days and it stopped functioning and I think that bandwidth should be easier to manipulate and maybe on the UI there it shows how much you are uploading. TLDR: Bandwidth throttle controls up front on maybe a dial or easier access instead of 4-5 steps to adjust bandwidth. 2. When you are looking at the accounts linked and you can connect to multiple service providers. It would be nice if there was a "size/free space available" attached to each linked account. I.e. Dropbox - Username@emailaddress.com - 6gb/15gb - Create Knowing how much cloud space is available without having to open a browser first to confirm would help when trying to drive pool my cloud drives. I know I only dropped 60$ on your trio of software and that's only a drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of things but if you guys consider and impliment these I would love you that much more Thanks for your time and consideration Cobalt503 ps. i put the files in backwards order to topics listed.
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