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  1. looks like it may be the minimal download setting while creating a drive. I will have to test this out further.
  2. I'm running into this with prefetch and reads as well I can upload very fast 500-600 mbit but 40-60mbit reads with this prefetch 1mb chunk stuff. I cant seem to find the setting to change this either in the advanced config file, while creating a drive, or in io performance. So what is the solution to chaning prefetch to 20mb chunks? Thank you for your time.
  3. I was experimenting with rcloning a "local drive" Cloud drive to DropBox or Google Drive and it didnt seem to work. But I have copied a local cloud drive from one location to another and it worked just fine. I have a feeling it is possible but I just dont have a proper understanding of what folder/files need to be copied and to what folder to show up in cloud drive. So instead of spending weeks copy and playing around I thought I would ask. I was wonder, prior to me starting an rclone task which will take a very long time, what is the proper data structure or location to copy one cloud drive to another cloud provider? end goal here is to rclone/copy a detached cloud drive from google drive to dropbox (or for that matter any provider to another ie box,gdrive,dropbox). Then connect to this cloned drive on this other provider. It is much faster for me to use rclone on a remote server with a gigabit connection to copy from one account to another than it is to create a new disk and upload all the same content to this new provider using my home upload speed. Thank you
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