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Found 4 results

  1. I currently have a setup using Google Workspace, StableBit DrivePool, and Cloud Drive. I recently received notification from Google stating that I will no longer be permitted to exceed their allotted storage limit of 5TB. However, I am currently utilizing over 50TB of storage. In just one month, my service with Google will be transitioned to read-only mode. Considering my familiarity with DrivePool, I am concerned about the potential for drive corruption if I continue using the service until I find a suitable alternative. I need help to determine if my drive would be at risk of getting corrupted during this transitional period?
  2. Hey all- I am now using the 1287 beta with almost no issues. I recently had to move my installatio between machines. I have 5 drives working on the new machine but the 6th is problematic. Drive was mounted on the old machine and working fine. I detached the drive successfully on the old machine and then attempted to mount on the new machine. New PC then reported that drive was still attached to old machine. So I went back to the old machine and attempted to mount and detach one more time. Now on the old machine when attempting to attach I am getting the mesage "The drive was forced to unmount beacuase it couldnt read data from the provider". It seems that I unable to mount in either locations for different reasons. Hope there is some solution. Thanks, Heywood
  3. Hello, I own CloudDrive and lost everything due using chkdsk on my only CloudDrive, lost about 5 TB of data. Not sure if it is a google drive issue, or what. Eitherway i still have the data but that is another story. I have a GSuite Unlimited One User Drive that I pay for. this is what I wanted to do, and I am wondering if it will work before I purchase DrivePool, and any recommendations On my single GSuite Account create 4 to 5 volumns Have one or two as parity, is this possible with DrivePool Set it to only upload at most 700GB a day to not hit google thresholds Once everything is setup, have a backup on another cloud provider so if I lose anything I can get it back. Can all this be done on a rented VPS by chance? Is this possible, or should I be doing this another way. Also are anything of these product usable in Unraid or Freenas or similar? If you have any question that may help me, let me know? Best Regards LicQuyd
  4. Hi Sorry but I'm new to Stablebit Cloud drive. I've been a long time user of Drive Pool but now want to utiize the cloud storage options. So I've installed Stablebit Cloud drive and i'm trying to copy over 2TB of data. I've tried copying via windows explorer or by using RoboMirror, I've tried coping over the complete 2TB at once or individual smaller files but I get the same result. It's slow, when I check windows explorer the transfer speed is 355 KB/s , that's right, not MB/s . I can see Cloud drive uploading at 32Mbps (which is my full upload bandwith) so why is it so slow to copy from windows USB drives to the stablebit Cloud Drive folder on the PC, can someone please explain? Maybe i'm misunderstanding or doing something wrong please in advance Update: I found my issue, I had my cache set to Minimal, I changed it 20 300G and its working great now
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