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Everything posted by biship

  1. Ah, yes, that was it. Thanks. I somehow missed that. Now if only I could get my drive to work. It's stuck and won't upload anymore and support seem to have taken the week off :/
  2. I get this error when specifying my own ClientID and secret (from my GSuite account project). Following https://wiki.covecube.com/StableBit_CloudDrive_Q7941147 There isn't an option to pick "Other" application type anymore, but I tried a few different types. CloudDrive.Service.exe Error 0 [Main] Unable to start the StableBit CloudDrive service. Unexpected character encountered while parsing number: u. Path 'Settings.GoogleDrive.ClientId', line 28, position 29. 2020-08-10 00:09:16Z 539229463747 Here is the format I am using (these values are not my actual values): "GoogleDrive": { "ClientId": 84234110-34fh908g09u45fghsdhf8g34gsdf66g3.apps.googleusercontent.com, "ClientSecret": t534sfsdfkljhf34908sedfa }, "Unexpected character encountered while parsing number" seems a bit odd. The ClientID is alphanumeric. I tried just the project number as ClientID, which CD seems to accept, but then get an error on the Secret. CloudDrive.Service.exe Error 0 [Main] Unable to start the StableBit CloudDrive service. Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: a. Path 'Settings.GoogleDrive.ClientSecret', line 29, position 22. 2020-08-10 00:24:30Z 548368650900 Does this work for anyone?
  3. Same question. Is there really not a single member of Covecube that checks these forums in the last 9 days?
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