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Everything posted by alucardu

  1. I'm experiencing the exact same issue. Did this get resolved somehow?
  2. I have 3 hard drives (3TB 3TB and 4TB) and I want to create a single (virtual) drive for my Plex server. So I thought Drivepol would be the solution for me. I've downloaded and installed the program. I've added my drives into the pool and it shows the D drive (which is the pool drive) to have data on it. But when I view the drive it's empty. I assumed all the data on the other drives would be accessible on the drivepool drive, but that's not correct? Do I need to move all the files from the other drives on the drivepool drive? this seems to be the same question. Following this > https://wiki.covecube.com/StableBit_DrivePool_Q4142489 should resolve my issue.
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