Hello guys
Stablebit Drivepool new be here
I've been using this for 1 week and I am encountering a small issue
I have my drive W, X, Y pooled together into one Z drive
The issue is that
I've made a balence rule to keep folder "abracadabra" in X and Y drive only
so the folder "abracadabra" and it's sub-folders and files are inside X and Y drive now. (they have size and are occupying the space)
but I also see the "abracadabra" folder and it's empty sub folders in W. ( 0byte, 0file and they are not occupying the space)
The balance process has been completed a day ago and even after sevral balance operation
the empty "abracadabra" folder is still in the "W" drive
I know there is nothing inside that folder but I've seen some topics here where admin is saying
"the empty folders are in fact not empty"
so I am afraid to remove the empty folder (even the balance is completed a day ago ...)
Does the admin mean that the empty folder has something inside of it during the balance process ? (I can understand this one if that's the case I can remove the empty folder now because the balance is completed)
or even after the balance process (I can't understand this one and I am not sure so I can't remove the empty folder now)
any help would be grateful