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Everything posted by gshum

  1. Hi, I had a drive go bad in my pool but luckily I had 1x redundancy on. I added 2x more drives of the same size as the dead one. Do I need to do anything to get the old data on the new drives? Do I need to do balancing or something? I turned balancing off, but now that I think about it I can have it on without issue. Is there a process to recovering the data and emptying out my 2x full drives across my 4x drives total I have now?
  2. Hi, I'm using drivepool right now on my media center... but it runs really slow and I really need to upgrade the CPU+Mobo+RAM. Right now I have a first gen i5 in it and it's not cutting it. I was thinking of going with a Ryzen 5 1600x and 8 GB of DDR4 RAM.... Of course, I will need to reinstall windows. Are there any files I need to copy to setup my drivepool again? I have like 5-6 drives in the pool right now. If I reinstall drivepool do I just add them again to a new pool and everything will go smoothly or is there some procedure to restore the setup I had with my previous pool? I have 2x redundancy and TV/movie folder that's spread across all the drives. Thanks.
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