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Posts posted by Wiidesire

  1. Given how complex the balancing system is getting, a complete overhaul isn't out of the question (but not up to me). 

    But right now, we're finishing up StableBit CloudDrive (some major issues for it), and then we plan on hitting the backlog of bugs for StableBit DrivePool and then StableBit Scanner.  After that, we plan on adding more features, and/or change things.


    ​​Can you provide an update? It looks like CloudDrive has been "finished up". Are new features for DrivePool developed now?


    I'm not using the product yet. The current state with the Ordered File Placement Plugin compromise is probably not enough for me to spend money on it. I plan on using DrivePool for a media library without duplication. Having the same TV show with all seasons on the same harddrive is a must-have for me.

    Ideally it should look like unRAID Split Level 2 (e.g. TV shows can be on different drives but one specific tv show is only on one drive). That way when one hard drive dies I know exactly what went missing so just need to rip the DVD/Blu-rays of the affected shows again.

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