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Everything posted by Eladar

  1. A bit of a weird question but maybe the DrivePool developers have an idea. The new Windows 8 API has a nice method to get "music" properties of a file (Artist, Song name, Album, Rating, etc.). Documented here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/windows.storage.fileproperties.storageitemcontentproperties.getmusicpropertiesasync When I call this on music files in a DrivePool, I get back an empty structure. It works on a "normal" disk. (Note that by default, a Windows 8 application can't go around reading random files. I do this using the Music Library permission and the Music Library is stored on a pool). I can't quite figure out what's different about DrivePool files that prevents this from working. Note that the music properties appear fine in Explorer (but that uses the old Windows API). It's a bit of a shame because I would really like to store my music collection in DrivePool but my (custom-made) music app won't work there. A long shot, but do you have any idea why DrivePool would cause this? Thanks!
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