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Everything posted by Wired4Data

  1. Thank you for the response, sorry for the alarmist post... I was worried about losing data.. In a way this error and the fact that the drive will auto unmount and hold what it had in its cache until the connection is restored made me feel better about the product. Keep up the good work.
  2. I guess Google Drive is experiencing some problems. I'll wait until they resolve their issues and retest https://www.google.com/appsstatus#hl=en&v=issue&sid=4&iid=fb887d4953c88406aab04e737d583560
  3. The error message has now changed, the message now is "The drive was forced to unmount because it couldn't read data from the provider"
  4. I love the concept of cloud drive but I'm very very concerned about the potential loss of data. I've uploaded over 3TB to my Google Drive account but now the application will no longer mount the drive. It tries to recover but I get a message saying "There was an error communicating with the storage provider. Internal Error". I've opened a ticket for this issue #4314541, I'm hopeful that we can find a solution to this issue. Thanks
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