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Posts posted by TR3JACK

  1. Hi,

    I've recently had to rebuild my pool due to a some hard drive failures and decided that I would try to setup a Hierarchical Pool.

     As my replacement drives are new I only want to use them for duplicate data from the main Pool and non-critical data.

    So I created 3 pools, 1 parent and 2 children shown below.



    1. I want to duplicated my files from the main pool to the first child Pool 1.1 so I use the ordered file placement plugin to drive that.

    2. Some files I want to duplicate everywhere so I set their parent folder to duplicate x3 so that the duplicates get pushed from Drive 1 to Pool 1.1 & Pool 1.2. In the child Pool 1.1 I set the same folder to duplicate x2 to duplicate across drives 2 & 3. Then finally in Pool 1.2 I set the pool duplication to x2 to replicate from Drive4 to Cloud Drive5 and use the drive limiter so that only duplicates are created on the cloud drive5

    3. Lastly I created a root folder in my main pool where I do not need duplication. I use the file placement rules to always send this data to pool 1.1 as I want to keep Drive1 free for important files. 

    All this is shown in the configuration table below.


    On my child pools everything seems fine and I get no warnings or errors.

    My main issue is on the Parent Pool,  that when the pool Balances I get the following message, 


    And in the file placement setting I see the following message. 


    I also see this in the main UI showing the target for the next Balance, but i am unsure where its calculating this from. 


    As far as I can tell, everything is actually operating as I expect but I dont understand what I am seeing.

    Can someone help me with understanding what I am seeing before I start to refill the drives?

    Thanks in Advance,


    Drivepool Ver.

    CloudDrive Ver.

    O.S. WHS 2011

  2. Hi, 


    I have been longtime user of Drivepool so I decided I would trial CloudDrive to see if it would be useful to me.


    First I tested it with Onedrive but I kept getting an error with formatting the drive.

    So then I switched to Onedrive For Business but ran into the same issue.


    Finally I tested it with Google drive which finally worked for me.


    So I did some digging on the forum for the issue and i came across the tread




    To clarify for anyone, the specific issue is with using the 8K sector size when creating the disk, It appears that Windows, or our driver, or something has an issue with it. Using the 4K sector size should fix this issue.


    And this affects all providers.


    So I went back to check my settings when creating the Drive and the only option available is 4K or 512 sector size. Finally I decided to try to manually format the drive but this time I used 8192 bytes and suddenly it started working. 


    I am currently using clouddrive BETA on Windows 7 Enterprise.





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