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Everything posted by tocheeba

  1. Sorry for the delayed response on this. Here is the log: https://mega.nz/#!0ghnGCjY
  2. I'm not really looking for subsonic support here, but their forums are a ghost town. I've had StableBit Drivepool for a while, and LOVE it (I can't actually believe I actually trusted FlexRAID before this and lost all my data). I've been running Subsonic just fine on my Drivepool for a while, but haven't added any "new" music since I did the first initial scan. However, I just added new music for the first time, and it never finds it. I've found one other post that said they use stablebit and can't find new music either, but there was never any replies to that topic. Does anyone else have problems with this? I'm on the latest 6.0 final release, and it's weird since the initial scan works and I use it daily....but now that I'm finally adding new music it never finds it. I know I've had problems with Plex's database residing on my drive pool with media (posters/backgrounds) not displaying, and I guess that's a known issue because of how the file paths are handled....so I'm wondering if that may be the same type of thing happening here. Any ideas? Anyone else ever heard of this?
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