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Everything posted by Ronski

  1. It's not an ongoing problem for me as I given one drive to my brother, and the other is just used as an off site backup, as they were getting quite old and I had planned to retire them some time ago. The 4 drives that I use work fine with "Unsafe" enabled. If you need me to do any testing when looking into better support for the Highpoint card let me know.
  2. Thanks for the reply. The two drives in question only had problems when "Unsafe" was checked, with it unchecked I was able to copy across nearly 2TB of data without problems, now that I've removed these drives I've re-enabled smart via the "unsafe" option. Those drives were also OK in another PC running on normal motherboard Sata, so the problems must be in relation to the "Unsafe" option. It's quite possible I removed and inserted these drives without rebooting.
  3. Over the last couple of weeks I've been moving all my data from a Raid 6 array to Stablebit Drive Pool, I initially just installed Drive Pool and moved all the data across. I then installed Stablebit Scanner, and after a bit off faffing about I got smart data working - I have a Highpoint Rocket Raid 2720SGL (Full system spec here) Now I have a couple of old Samsung HD103SJ drives I was using to move data around, these worked perfectly until I got Smart data working, then they started suddenly failing when copying data back to them for backup purposes - the raid controller gave the following error: I thought it suspicious that both these drives failed pretty quickly in succession when I started using them again, so tried one in my desktop system, it worked fine, back in the server they very quickly failed again. Then I twigged I'd got Smart data working since using them, so I disabled the Unsafe option and tried again, so far so good, I've copied across 700GB of data and it's still going fine.With Unsafe checked they'd fail pretty quickly Is this expected behaviour, as I can't find much information about the unsafe option? Also I can't find what the default advanced options are (could do with a reset button), could somebody tell me if I've changed anything I shouldn't of (pic attached)? Once I've finished backing up I'll re-enable Unsafe so that Smart works for the other drives - 4 x 4TB WD Red's.
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