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Chadd C

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Everything posted by Chadd C

  1. I have been running DrivePool for many years now, been rock solid. I have not found much online comparing DrivePool to Greyhole. They seem to be pretty similar, but like I said, I can't find much out there. Anyone have any experience or can point to a good review? One thing I found on the Greyhole website struck me as odd and am wondering if DrivePool would have the same issue. "Greyhole is not...Happy with a lot of small files, or often-changing files Using Greyhole to store a lot of small files (a few kB each) is not-a-good-idea™. If possible, compress into a single archive the small files you have that you don't access often. Similarly, storing files that change often, especially large files, is asking for trouble." So, what does everyone in the forum think?
  2. I am running Stable Bit Drive Pool on a Windows 8.1 machine. I have one pool with two disks. I have been having issues with my installation reporting "missing disks". This can happen to either of the two physical disks. to resolve the issue, I have to either reboot the machine, or reseat the disk in the enclosure. My questions are, is this is a known issue? If so is there are fix? How can I track down the cause? Any help would be appreciated!
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