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Everything posted by MikeRotch

  1. The issue seemed to resolve itself. I did not have any rules set on D:\System Volume Information. But I didn't have to do the troubleshooting steps you recommended either. This is very strange. Anyway, thanks for all your help.
  2. Thanks for the reply. So luckily I already have Everything (LOVE this tool) on my server and did a search. There are 0 hits of 12B files on the DrivePool drive (drive D).
  3. Ok, so I was on vacation and didn't get a chance to reply. I am still experiencing the same issue. In the logs I do not get any more access denied errors. In fact, I do not get any more errors that I can see. What can I search for in the logs regarding these 12 Bytes? Heh.
  4. Applied some more Google-Fu and found this command GWMI -namespace root\cimv2 -class win32_volume | FL -property DriveLetter, DeviceID which gave me different GUIDs than from diskpart. I was able to match the volume from the logs to the GUIDs provided by that command. I think I have corrected the permissions from https://community.covecube.com/index.php?/topic/5810-ntfs-permissions-and-drivepool/ and will try a balancing pass. Thanks again,
  5. Thanks for the reply. I was able to look through my logs and found the entry that says "access is denied". I found the associated volume GUID with those entries. But when I look up the GUID for my drives using diskpart, sel disk (I've gone through all my desk numbers), uniqueid disk, I can't find the GUID from the DrivePool log. from the log: '\\?\Volume{513fb597-d833-4b9a-8731-09b4ed8d58ab}\PoolPart.be5392c5-a8ff-4a00-8aae-16eaa84a6cdc\murmur.log'. Access is denied 2024-07-19 09:04:50Z 6558400055150 I can't find 513fb597-d833-4b9a-8731-09b4ed8d58ab or 5392c5-a8ff-4a00-8aae-16eaa84a6cdc using uniqueid disk.
  6. Hello. Been a Drivepool user for a few years now. I have a question after a recent file balancing pass gave me a message I don't know how to resolve. I have received this message over the last week. I am getting: File distribution not optimal. Files could not be moved to satisfy file placement rules (12 B ) during the last balancing pass. What does 12 B mean? 12 Bytes or rule 12 B? Nothing has changed on my system. According to the usage graph, they all look only about 70% full. The drives range from 8-18TB so there are many TBs of room available on some of the drive and I do not have files that are multi-TB in size. The landing zone is an SSD that I have only unduplicated files allowed and in the rules I have SSD optimizer set. How can I see which files are the ones that can't be balanced? EDIT: Ok, I went into the balancing settings and this error came up: StableBit DrivePool Unable to enumerate folder. Access is denied I guess that would be the reason why file(s) couldn't be balanced. Somehow a permission got changed on a folder and/or files. The question still remains the same, how can I see the affected files/folders.
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