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Posts posted by Matters

  1. So this is weird.

    A complete uninstall including registry entries and Drivepool's program folder with Revo Uninstaller followed by fresh install with works with expected speeds.

    Installing latest version over that goes back to 5mb/s.

    A standard uninstall using Windows of and rolling back to continues to be 5 mb/s

    Doing a complete uninstall with Revo and reinstalling again allows it resumes working at expected speeds.

    I'm testing by using a folder with a 15gb video file and mixed smaller files and bouncing it between drives using a folder placement rule.  I also tested using a 500gb solid file. Only on a clean installation am I able to get expected speeds.

    So it seems like at at some point something changed that negatively affects transfer speeds and persists unless you completely uninstall it from your system.

    Anyway, going to try a different version next.

    Edit: Tentatively seems to work well. I will update if anything changes.

    Edit2: Nope, started noticing the same behavior. Worked my way back to and still getting slow speeds on re-balancing. It takes a really long time to reinstall, recheck drives, test balancing so I'm back to the latest version now as is missing a lot of the functionality of the later releases. I'm hoping a future update changes something. This is with unduplicated files. SDD to HDD balancing caps at 5mb/s and SDD to SDD balancing caps at 40 mb/s.

    Edit3: Alright so I feel like an idiot but it looks like my SSD drives were running on a USB 2.0 interface and not a USB 3.1 despite it being in the same enclosures as my HDD which were all 3.1 per USBTreeView. I remember checking this before and the SSDs were running at 3.1 Superspeed. I think this is also why the 'fix' of swapping to a different Drivepool version stopped working because  at some point they downgrade to USB 2.0 and the transfer speed plummets. I don't think this has anything to do with Drivepool but wanted to throw this edit out there to save someone a bunch of misplaced effort. Anyway, not sure if its an enclosure issue (Mediasonic Probox, have used a handful and they have always worked well) or windows, but I reinstalled the drive drivers and reseated them so I'll see.



  2. Thank you! I did a complete uninstall with RevoUninstaller (reg entries, Drivepool program folders etc) and installed

    I'm not sure if it was uninstalling it or using an earlier version but now it seems to work how I remember.

    I'm going to upgrade to the newest version since it has specific features I use and see if it continues to work normally.

    Screenshot is now how it looks balancing.

    Screenshot 2023-12-08 173022.png

  3. Yeah its really irritating. My concern is that I would not be able to remove a drive if it started to fail since it is so slow. This can't be normal behavior.

    To illustrate, first pic is Drivepool moving unduplicated files from an SSD to an archive HDD. The second is when I pause Drivepool and manually copy over the files.  5mb/s vs 197 mb/s.

    Edit: I should add, moving or copying files from the Drivepool to an unpooled drive also hits an appropriate speed. It's just the internal balancing/drive removal that is very slow.



  4. I'm wondering if anyone who uses Drivepool with Snapraid can help with a question I have. I've searched all over and can't find an answer.

    I have a Drivepool set up with some aging drives, mainly for Emby as well as personal photos etc. My essential files are duplicated as well as backed up on Backblaze but the media files are not.

    I would like to set up a parity drive using Snapraid for the media files since it would be a PIA to figure out what is missing and then replace it in the event of a drive failure. Snapraid would just be for these media files which are static and don't get modified.

    I understand automatic rebalancing should be turned off so files do not get moved around too much for Snapraid.

    My question is I also have Stablebit Scanner and one of the options is automatic evacuation if it detects a drive failure.

    Am I right to assume I should disable this since it would try to remove files off the dying drive to the remaining drives as it would screw up the parity?

    Typing it out I think I know the answer but just want confirmation as I've never used a RAID config before.

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