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Posts posted by TheStigma

  1. Thanks. Your answers are very much on point and helpful.
    Love to see good communities around projects like these. Strong community support can often be just as important as the software.

    I totally agree rclone and CD compliment one another more than compete. I understand the fundamental difference in the technical approach, and it's definitely a trade-off either way you slice it I think my ideal solution would be to run both - using rclone for the flexibility, speed and accessibility, while having CD as an option for when very low-level compatibility is needed. While the WinFSP/FUSE mounting rclone uses is for the most part pretty solid there's always a few edge-case apps that require workarounds to work optimally. It would be interesting to see how CD handles these. A primary storage pool with CD or CD/local combination + a daily file-level backup with rclone to a secondary I think would be really powerful and combine many of the benefits of both, so that's something I'd love to experiment with.

    I think I was hesitant to check out the 30-day trial before I knew more because I'd be "wasting" my time (30 days to iron the finer details of a long-term storage solution tend to go by fast) but... I'm probably being stupid and should just run the 30-day on a VM and do some tests there. Hopefully the trial works on machine-ID and doesn't hook into your account or something like that?

    Shame about the Teamdrive support though. That's where most of my storage is right now, but it's something I might look into changing if the performance results look good enough.
    I have a fairly good understanding of the technical differences between teamdrives and personal drives on Gdrive, and there's not actually that many big ones. I'd love to learn more about what spesific limitations makes CD unsuitable for Teamdrives. Although - that might be a topic for another time unless you are feeling particularly inclined (or maybe know of a good existing thread on the topic).

    Thanks again for the help :)

  2. Hey all.

    I'm wondering if there is a place I can go to get some more nitty-gritty details about exactly what services SBCD can interface with. I felt that was missing in the otherwise pretty good product features overview. (hope I didn't just overlook something).

    I currently use primarily Gdrive (and specifically including some "shared drives", formerly "Teamdrives"). Knowing if SBCD can support those are pretty relevant to me. It seems that not all solution do for whatever reason. Coming from rclone I am also spoiled for having a lot of flexibility - so it would be nice to get an idea of how SBCD compared in that department. The cloud-market is ever changing and data may have to move as the years go by. Having options then can be pretty important.

    Love rclone, but I originally came here just to scope out the pooling software solution and I stumbled upon SBCD and saw it uses a block-based approach and kernel mode implementations. Both of those offer up some interesting options I'd love to experiment with at the very least, so I'm considering maybe just going for the bundle. (does it cost a lot more to buy it piecemeal later?).

    Somewhat unrelated bonus question: What is SBCD's strategy when it comes to limitations in number of files? I understand 20MB blocks are used for now? It seems like you'd start running into the limits around 10TB. Maybe enough for a typical user, but also hardly a non-issue. It's just the first thought that ran through my mind when I read about the block-level approach and potential pitfalls. Perhaps my ideal solution may use a combination of both, but it's much better to be aware of a reasonable limitation than to find out the unpleasant way :)

    Somewhat unrelated bonus question 2: Is Linux support something that is likely to ever happen?

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