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  1. I'm trying out DrivePool and CloudDrive and have been banging my head against the wall on this and need some help. Seems this should be a simple layout and operation. I've got the following Pools: Data which is the top level SSD (3 SSD disks) HDD (2 HDD) Drive Z Cloud (1 CloudDrive of 6TB backing up to Wasabi) The goal is to have selected folders duplicated to Wasabi (Photos, Videos, Documents, etc). I've got a few rules set up to keep Photos on SSD, Videos on HDD, and some other stuff on HDD. I've got the Drive Usage Limiter set up on the Data drive to only send duplicates to the Cloud and all others only have Unduplicated checked. Same with the other subpools. Drive Usage limiter is the topmost balancer and only it and Scanner is enabled. What's happening is when I select the folders to have 2 copies, the Duplicator runs and duplicates stuff on the other drives in the pool, never to the cloud. Only if I run a balance will it start offloading things to the cloud. That doesn't seem right - it should NEVER be using the local drives based on the rules. I want it to only use the CloudDrive for duplicates. What am I missing? Update - now when I put new files to the pool it goes to the cloud first even though I've got it set to only store duplicated data there?!?!?! I'm at a loss and must be missing something simple - it shouldn't be this hard. Thanks for any help!
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