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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/11/19 in Posts

  1. If you'd like to see the genesis of this script, check out my original thread here Since I finally got my PowerShell script running, and I thought I'd post it here in case anyone else might find it helpful. SYNOPSIS: Script will move files from one DrivePool to another according to FIFO policy REQUIRED INFRASTRUCTURE: The expected layout is a DrivePool consisting of two DrivePools, one magnetic and one solid state. The main variables are pretty obviously documented. I added the file archive limit for people like me who also run SnapRAID Helper. That way the script doesn't trip the 'deleted' file limit (I'm assuming moves would trip it, but I didn't actually test it). Warning, I've obviously only tested this on my system. Please test this extensively on your system after you have ensured good backups. I certainly don't expect anything to go wrong, but that doesn't mean that it can't. The code is full of on-screen debugging output. I'm not a great coder, so if I've done anything wrong, please let me know. I've posted the code here so that you can't C&P it into a script of your own, since Windows can be annoying about downloaded scripts. Please let me know if you have any questions. Set-StrictMode -Version 1 # Script drivePoolMoves.ps1 <# .SYNOPSIS Script will move files from one DrivePool to another according to FIFO policy .DESCRIPTION The script can be set to run as often as desired. The expected layout is a DrivePool consisting of two DrivePools, one magnetic and one solid state. .NOTES Author : fly (Zac) #> # Number of files to move before rechecking SSD space $moveCount = 1 # Path to PoolPart folder on magnetic DrivePool drive $archiveDrive = "E:\PoolPart.xxxxx\Shares\" # Path to PoolPart folder on SSD DrivePool drive $ssdSearchPath = "F:\PoolPart.xxxxx\Shares\" # Minimum SSD drive use percent. Below this amount, stop archiving files. $ssdMinUsedPercent = 50 # Maximum SSD drive use percent. Above this amount, start archiving files. $ssdMaxUsedPercent = 80 # Do not move more than this many files $fileArchiveLimit = 200 # Exclude these file/folder names [System.Collections.ArrayList]$excludeList = @('*.covefs*', '*ANYTHING.YOU.WANT*') # Other stuff $ssdDriveLetter = "" $global:ssdCurrentUsedPercent = 0 $fileNames = @() $global:fileCount = 0 $errors = @() Write-Output "Starting script..." function CheckSSDAbove($percent) { $ssdDriveLetter = $ssdSearchPath.Substring(0, 2) Get-WmiObject Win32_Volume | Where-object {$ssdDriveLetter -contains $_.DriveLetter} | ForEach { $global:ssdUsedPercent = (($_.Capacity - $_.FreeSpace) * 100) / $_.Capacity $global:ssdUsedPercent = [math]::Round($ssdUsedPercent, 2) } If ($ssdUsedPercent -ge $percent) { Return $true } Else { Return $false } } function MoveOldestFiles { $fileNames = Get-ChildItem -Path $ssdSearchPath -Recurse -File -Exclude $excludeList | Sort-Object CreationTime | Select-Object -First $moveCount If (!$fileNames) { Write-Output "No files found to archive!" Exit } ForEach ($fileName in $fileNames) { Write-Output "Moving from: " Write-Output $fileName.FullName $destFilePath = $fileName.FullName.Replace($ssdSearchPath, $archiveDrive) Write-Output "Moving to: " Write-Output $destFilePath New-Item -ItemType File -Path $destFilePath -Force Move-Item -Path $fileName.FullName -Destination $destFilePath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable errors If ($errors) { ForEach($error in $errors) { if ($error.Exception -ne $null) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Exception: $($error.Exception)" } Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Error: An error occurred during move operation." Remove-Item -Path $destFilePath -Force $excludeList.Add("*$($fileName.Name)") } } Else { Write-Output "Move complete." $global:fileCount++ # Increment file count, then check if max is hit If ($global:fileCount -ge $fileArchiveLimit) { Write-Output "Archive max file moves limit reached." Write-Output "Done." Exit } Else { Write-Output "That was file number: $global:fileCount" } } Write-Output "`n" } } If (CheckSSDAbove($ssdMaxUsedPercent)) { While (CheckSSDAbove($ssdMinUsedPercent)) { Write-Output "---------------------------------------" Write-Output "SSD is at $global:ssdUsedPercent%." Write-Output "Max is $ssdMaxUsedPercent%." Write-Output "Archiving files." MoveOldestFiles Write-Output "---------------------------------------" } } Else { Write-Output "Drive not above max used." } Write-Output "Done." Exit
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