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Posts posted by Ben

  1. I had stared at the file placement settings but it didn't click until now.... I guess what I would need to do is to go to each folder that I do not have duplication enabled and unselect those drives.  I guess I was looking for a way to accomplish that from the opposite point of view of the drive itself....

    ...or looking at the plugins closer I see the 'Drive Usage Limiter' plugin has exactly the setting I'm looking for.  A simple checkbox to enable/disable each drive for use with duplicated or unduplicated files.


    Thanks for the help!


  2. I'm sure this has been asked in some way but I haven't stumbled upon it.  I'm looking for a way to set drives within the pool to never have unduplicated files on them.  Basically set those drives to only be used for duplicated files/folders.

    Use case for this would be if I don't completely trust a cloud drive (provider) where if the service goes down or I unsubscribe I don't want to lose unduplicated files.  Or if I have an aging that drive that I don't want to increase the risk of losing unduplicated files on.  I get that if I can't afford to lose the files I should be duplicating them but just trying to maximize my resources.


  3. Has anyone had success or failure with Drivepool and StoreMI existing in the same system?  I'm troubleshooting some weird issues with drives going unresponsive and getting 'Reset to device, \Device\RaidPort0' errors in the event log.  I am not trying to add anything from my StoreMI config to my drivepool but I wasn't sure if those two software packages would interfere with each other.  So far the system appears to be stable after unisntalling StoreMI.  I haven't tried the reverse but when I had issues it was always impacting the Drivepool drives not the StoreMI drives.

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