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Posts posted by jdillinger


    1. You'll be able to see the two SSDs, but not the pool.  Since the driver and software for it isn't present in the installer, it won't show up.


      And even if you could get this to work, the problem is that the driver loads too late in the boot process to be able to boot from the pool. 


      If you want to do this, you'll need to use the onboard RAID controller to do this. 


    2. No, there isn't. 

      However, there are ways to accomplish this, but "simple" isn't really the word. 


    3. Yes, in theory.  

      Specifically, StableBit CloudDrive can use the Google Drive accounts. However, it stores the raw blocks of data on the provider. It does not list the contents of the account. 

      Basically, it's storing a virtual disk on the provider. 


    Thanks for your reply.  I'm currently running a onboard raid 5 now with 3x4tb HGST hard drives.  Originally, I was going to buy a NAS and stumbled upon stablebit.  I'm really trying to get off of onboard raid because it's so slow sometimes.  Too bad the cloud feature can't see content.  That would have been super cool.  I hate switching back and forth between google drives. 

  2. 1) Let's say I create a pool of 2 SSD drives and name it drive G, will I be able to see this drive during windows installation?  


    2)  Does an app exist for mobile devices so that I could have the option of photo backup to an established pool? 


    3)  I have two google accounts (2 google drive accounts).  With the StableBit cloud feature, am I able to pool these two google drives together and have it live as a physical drive on my PC?  


    Thank you in advance for all your replies.  This might be the product I have been looking for all my life.  



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