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Posts posted by reyn

  1. Well, it sounds like you want to keep a copy of the files locally, and uploaded to Google Drive. 


    To make sure, if you use StableBit CloudDrive, the picture files won't be available on the Google Drive provider. We store raw data chunks on the provider, so they are not accessible normally. 


    If that's okay, then ... well, there isn't a great way to do this at the moment. There are a couple of ways to trick StableBit DrivePool into doing this properly, but they're more "hacky" than anything else.  We do want to fix this in the future, but we don't have an ETA.


    If you wanted to use the CloudDrive disk for the photos only, you can use the file placement rules to ensure they're on the disk, and use the "Drive Usage Limiter" balancer to prevent unduplicated and duplicated data is not placed on the cloud drive. 



    That, or you could install the Google Drive client, set that up, and sync the contents to the Google Drive folder (using a 3rd party utility such as Allways Sync, or Free File Sync.). 

     Thanks for the reply, I'll have a go at both methods and see which is better with some test data.

  2. What  I am trying to achieve.

    I have a Hp Microserver with 4 disks in a Drivepool pool. The complete pool is set to duplicate at the moment.

    In this pool I have 35GB of Photographs in the original camera format (Raw) I want to back these up to Google Drive and when I add new Photos to the server

    I want them to go to Google Drive as well. So I would have a local copy in the pool and an identical copy in Google Drive.

    Summary is I want to select certain files in the pool and keep Google Drive in sync with those, I never want to automatically delete any of these files. If Google deletes them by accident I don't want to lose my local files.

    I have read the Manual and FAQ and File Balancing and looked at likely posts in this forum but I still don't have a clue if this is possible and if so how to do it.

    I would have thought it's something a lot of people would like to do, so please make it easier for us.

    I have two copies of Drivepool and one of CloudDrive to work with.

    The HP server is running Windows 10 and LightsOut  and my BBand is 38mbps down and 8mbps up.

    Thank You




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