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Posts posted by thedarktower

  1. edit: It seems like this whole "files spread over several hdds" isn't actually happening all the time. The contents of most folders seem to be intact; only occasionally there's an empty folder of the same name or some missing files that are located on another disc. Very, very strange... Any idea why this is happening?


    Hey all,


    I've been using Drive Pool for a long time now but I've only now realised that all my files are spread out over all pooled harddisks. I know that when I save to H: (my pool) , stuff automatically gets dropped into whatever disc (2 external 1.5TB drives, 1 internal 1TB disc) is available first. BUT: When I have a folder with, let's say, 20 rar files or images or what-have-you, I would like them to stay in that folder, as in "Save to folder on whatever disc is available but please keep related stuff - aka items in one folder / subfolder - together!". 

    IF I ever removed the discs from the pool, I'd be a nightmare to locate all the different files from every folder. "Ok, where are images 1-11, 17, 19, and 23???" / "Disc 1 has rar files 1-5, 24 and 39 but where's the rest???".


    Maybe there's an easy option I've overlooked, maybe there's a plugin for that - anyway, I'd love to hear your advice. :)

  2. Hey all,


    I had DrivePool set up some months ago during the trial period (with the 4 disks Db1-4 in one pool) but , after that one ran its course, I didn't buy a license. I couldn't take any of the disks out of the pool (because I only got so far as "please enter serial") and thus deinstalled it.

    Now, after buying a license today and installing the latest standard version (and later the BETA), two of my disks are not showing up under "non-pooled". I cleaned the remaining files from them, formatted the disks, restarted, reinstalled DrivePool: nothing helps.

     On the attached screenshot you'll see the DrivePool interface, what's shown under "My Computer" and the "disk management" part in the admin tools of Windows 8.

    Maybe you have an idea where the problem's coming from.

    Thanks in advance.


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