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Posts posted by Gurrman

  1. Hi All, 

    I've had the dreaded the Google Pool Exceeded error recently, so am offloading to another cloud provider dropbox, had 60ish TB and to avoid having to copy between two seperate drives without down time, I added the 3 separate Accounts with SB clouddrive to the pool. i've set the GDrive to not accept unduplicated files, and setup balancing to run between them, annoyingly it seems to be targeting Drive 1 in the pool and offloading 10TB at once to it, but not touching the other drives, would be good if balancing could write to all 3 other pooled drives at once, at the moment its super slow, avging around 150-235mbit to the one drive but have 2 other not getting hit at all. my connection is Multi GBit and appropriately wired within the home. 

    How can I speed up the process, once the Gdrive has balanced, I plan to remove it, but until then just waiting and watching. once stable on the new provider will be buying more drives for my internal array and leave cloud behind till real unlimited plans come back again


    GDrive one disk with 2 partitions - 55TB Each - Pooled for over two years. 

    Dropbox 3 accounts, 1 Drive each, to total 3 drives added to the pool. 

    Blancing has been given priority. 


    Thanks All 

  2. If you wanted to go down this route, you could stablebit cloud drive (fileshare)  the Pool from Server 1 (Shared drive at root), and then have drive pool and cloud drive attached to the Server 2, and have that serve the files, as one big pool, bit clunky but could work.


  3. No one seems to have mentioned this, but take your Cache of the C Drive, The C Drive has a lot of background tasks in windows using IOPs and bandwidth.

    I use a Sata SSD 240GB and have no issues, the Drive Dram fills up and transfer speeds drop back to 40Mb/s but upload still goes strong at 250Mbit/s and i have no issues with using it as per normal during this time.


  4. 55TB Drives is the max windows can maintain, if you want trim and defrag.

    REFS is a dead filesystem at this time as its no where near ready for primetime usage. Always stick with NTFS.


    I've also seen CloudDrive paired with Drive pool to maintain an extremely large drive collection in one place.




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