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StableBit Scanner lost my disk location data


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While I'm not sure exactly when this happened, all of my disk location with the case/bay information appears to have been lost.

I'm running 2.5.3216 (website says, but programs and features reports 2.5.3216) on Windows 10.

Is this a known issue? I've got like 10-12 disks on this machine, and what's worse is that I don't think I actually have this information easily available without taking stuff offline. Not the end of the world, but obviously inconvenient.

I actually have a full system backup going back 2 weeks, 6 months, and almost a year.....is that data stored somewhere, like in a config file?

Why do you think this might have happened? An upgrade to a newer version fails to preserve it?

Is this a symptom described here in the release notes: 


.3198 * Some disk settings were getting erased when upgrading from previous builds that did not support DiskIDs for persistent disk identification.

I use mount points like c:\array\diskxyz within Windows 10.

Can I fix this?



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Grab this version: 

There are some other fixes that should address this issue, and prevent it from happening in the future.


As for the version info, that's ... Windows.  The most important part is the last bit. 3216 is the build number, and if that matches, then it's the same version. 

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