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I read the thread at: http://community.covecube.com/index.php?/topic/1231-how-do-i-keep-duplicated-data-on-the-pool-but-other-copies-anywhere-else/

That may have the answer that I want but I appear to be too dense to understand it.

What I want is for several of my pooled directories to be duplicated on my cloud drive and not be duplicated anywhere else.

I have a rule for \movies (does it need a drive letter?) that has only the cloud drive selected.

Also I have, under Drive usage limiter, deselected "unduplicated" for the cloud drive but all the other drives have both boxes selected.

Is this enough to assure that the usage is what I want?

Again, to be clear, I want the cloud drive to only contain duplicates and I want the actual streaming to come from one of my local drives and I want no duplication on any of my local drives. To put it another way I want my pool to behave as if the local drives are the primary drive and the cloud drive is the backup only.

I apologize if this is answered effectively elsewhere and therefore wasting someone's time but I could not find and understand a definitive answer if it exists.

8 answers to this question

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No, you don't need the drive letter, just "\movies" works. 


And if you want this folder on JUST the specific drives, then the File Placement Rules are designed SPECIFICALLY for that. Just create the rule, and uncheck all but the disks you want for the rule. 



There is no need to configure the Disk Usage Limiter, here.

If you have two or more "disks" that you want the files on, then the File Placement Rules are perfect for that.



However, if you only want duplicates on the CloudDrive, then you'll want to use the previous linked thread.

Don't mess with the Disk Usage Limiter balancer, as that will cause issues (when it says "duplicated data", we mean both the original and the copy, so if you limit the duplicated data to one drive, .... it will cause issues).

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Again, to be clear, I want the cloud drive to only contain duplicates and I want the actual streaming to come from one of my local drives and I want no duplication on any of my local drives. To put it another way I want my pool to behave as if the local drives are the primary drive and the cloud drive is the backup only.



I put in bold the part of the quote I'd like to expand on with a question.


Can you have an option (GUI settigs) for DrivePool to NOT use any CouldDrive drives (that are in the pool obviously) for the "Read Stripe" feature of DrivePool?


I'd like to have it ensured that "Read Strip" option in DrivePool will completely ignore any file (file location(s)) that is not a real physically local drive.


I apologize if this is already there as I haven't been brave enough to install CouldDrive but I've read all othe Blog postings and most of the online manual along with all the forum posts.



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After reading the reply and the links provided it seems that the CloudDrive is not what I want for my backup functionality within my DrivePool setup.


However I like the way the CloudDrive application uses my Unlimited Amazon Cloud storage.


I will run an Xcopy routine (that copies only new files) as part of my nightly maintenance routine. That will provide a good backup and the only thing I loose is the immediate availability that using DrivePool's duplication feature provides.


I am pretty sure that I will buy CloudDrive after my free trial ends but it is unfortunate that it seems that the combo of DrivePool and CloudDrive cannot do what I want as it does not seem that it is possible to control where the actual streaming comes from and DrivePool complains dramatically if it is linked to CloudDrive and the Internet connection goes down.


This is not a show stopper for using the products but it does force a rethinking of how to best use them.

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I put in bold the part of the quote I'd like to expand on with a question.


Can you have an option (GUI settigs) for DrivePool to NOT use any CouldDrive drives (that are in the pool obviously) for the "Read Stripe" feature of DrivePool?


I'd like to have it ensured that "Read Strip" option in DrivePool will completely ignore any file (file location(s)) that is not a real physically local drive.


I apologize if this is already there as I haven't been brave enough to install CouldDrive but I've read all othe Blog postings and most of the online manual along with all the forum posts.



Honestly, I'm not sure how the read striping feature works with CloudDrive. I'll have to confirm, specifically. And request different handling for it, if needed.


However, by default, Read Striping does check the bus speed of the drives, and will use one disk over another if it's significantly faster. So depending on how exactly CloudDrive is handled, it may already do this. (hence why I need to confirm the behavior). 



After reading the reply and the links provided it seems that the CloudDrive is not what I want for my backup functionality within my DrivePool setup.


However I like the way the CloudDrive application uses my Unlimited Amazon Cloud storage.


I will run an Xcopy routine (that copies only new files) as part of my nightly maintenance routine. That will provide a good backup and the only thing I loose is the immediate availability that using DrivePool's duplication feature provides.


I am pretty sure that I will buy CloudDrive after my free trial ends but it is unfortunate that it seems that the combo of DrivePool and CloudDrive cannot do what I want as it does not seem that it is possible to control where the actual streaming comes from and DrivePool complains dramatically if it is linked to CloudDrive and the Internet connection goes down.


This is not a show stopper for using the products but it does force a rethinking of how to best use them.

Well, it shouldn't go down if the internet connection does. The local cache should handle that, up to a point. 


And we do appreciate the feedback!

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I'm trying to follow the directions for this but coming up at a loss.

Any chance specific directions could be given to show how to set this up?


I for example have about a dozen drives as part of my local storage and part of DrivePool.

I have created a 50TB drive using DriveCloud using Amazon Cloud Drive.


What I want to be able to do is have it Duplicate all LOCAL media to the 50TB cloud drive.

1) no duplicates should be local

2) cloud drive is ONLY duplicates of the LOCAL media


Essentially this would become an "automated backup" if it works.


If this can be done I'd like to ask for an option to be added to the next version.

1) The ability to set this up to NEVER delete a file in the cloud drive if it is locally deleted unless given permission.  Updates yes but no deletes.

2) Should be configurable per cloud drive

3) Have the option to via the GUI to perform the deletes ONLY when clicked.


This would help with user error (accidential delete of directory for example) or if something happens to a local drive and the drive pool thinks the files are gone (but not supposed to be).

Essentially what I'm asking for is an automated "XCOPY" operation that can create or update media but never delete it "automatically".


IMHO backups (online or local) serve 2 purposes.  They protect against hardware failure and user screwups.  I hate to admit it but I've lost more data over time due to user goofs then hardware issues.  By not automatically deleting data in the cloud I can get some protection against the 2nd cause of loss of data.




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I think I might have figured this out.  If someone could verify I've done this correctly I'd appreciate it.


1) So I create a cloud drive and add this to DrivePool

2) From DrivePool open the "Balance" option

3) GoTo Balancer Tab up top

4) Select the "Drive Usuage Limiter" option

5) Click the "Drive Usuage Limiter" option on the left to select your drives on the right

6) Set all local drives as "Unduplicated" and set cloud drives as "Duplicated"


Is this correct or is there a better way?



  • 0

I'm trying to follow the directions for this but coming up at a loss.

Any chance specific directions could be given to show how to set this up?


I for example have about a dozen drives as part of my local storage and part of DrivePool.

I have created a 50TB drive using DriveCloud using Amazon Cloud Drive.


What I want to be able to do is have it Duplicate all LOCAL media to the 50TB cloud drive.

1) no duplicates should be local

2) cloud drive is ONLY duplicates of the LOCAL media


Essentially this would become an "automated backup" if it works.


If this can be done I'd like to ask for an option to be added to the next version.

1) The ability to set this up to NEVER delete a file in the cloud drive if it is locally deleted unless given permission.  Updates yes but no deletes.

2) Should be configurable per cloud drive

3) Have the option to via the GUI to perform the deletes ONLY when clicked.


This would help with user error (accidential delete of directory for example) or if something happens to a local drive and the drive pool thinks the files are gone (but not supposed to be).

Essentially what I'm asking for is an automated "XCOPY" operation that can create or update media but never delete it "automatically".


IMHO backups (online or local) serve 2 purposes.  They protect against hardware failure and user screwups.  I hate to admit it but I've lost more data over time due to user goofs then hardware issues.  By not automatically deleting data in the cloud I can get some protection against the 2nd cause of loss of data.





This is also my exact intended usage. 

so +1 for that request. 

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