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Due to how StableBit DrivePool and certain software works, there are some known limitations.


Stable Release:

Public Beta Release: N/A


  • VSS Support. This includes anything that strictly requires VSS support to work. 
    This includes (but is not limited to):
    • Windows Backup
      • You can back up the pooled drives, but not the pool directly.
    • Windows Server Backup
      • You can back up the pooled drives, but not the pool directly.
    • Previous Versions
    • System Restore
  • Dynamic Disks. Because of the added complexity of Dynamic disk, we don't support them being added to a pool.  Specifically, we take into account the physical disk when determining where duplicates reside, and that adds a lot more complexity and overhead when you start dealing with Dynamic Disks due to the complex arrays that you can create with them.  
  • Plex Media Server's database. This database relies on hard linking files together, instead of using the database to point to the same file for redundant files. 
    Because we don't support hard links on the Pool, you may notice missing images in Plex if the database is being stored on the pool.
  • OneDrive for Windows 8.X.  Windows 8 uses a new type of file system link to link the files to the cloud (and locally), in a seamless way. Unfortunately, we don't support this file system link only the pool current.
  • USN Journaling . This may affect how certain apps detect changes on the pool.
    • NOTE: Issues with "Change notifications" has been resolved in the beta builds ( and up).  This affects apps like DropBox. 
  • Antivirus Scanners. This is a broad generalization. But due to how they work, they can adversely affect the pool and it's performance, and can even cause some pretty bad behavior (eg, locking the system up).
    • If you suspect that this is the case, version 2.2 and up has the option to disable the "bypass file system filters" feature (located in "Performance", under Pool Options), which may fix this.  Otherwise, we recommend completely uninstalling any antivirus program that you suspect is causing issues (disabling isn't enough as the real time scanner is actually still active). 
  • Data Deduplication. This mainly applies to the Windows Server role, rather than 3rd party software.   This feature works by identifying identical blocks of data. It converts the files into a special kind of reparse point, and carves out the duplicate data.  This duplicate data is placed into the "System Volume Information" folder (and may be handled as part of VSS).  When you access the data, a file system filter splices the data back together.
    • While not officially supported, it should work on the underlying disks.  The public beta build ( and up) add some handling for Deduplication, so that the data is detected "intact". 
    • Deduplication is NOT supported on the pool, and because it appears to use the same data structure as VSS, it may never be supported. 
  • TrueCrypt/VeraCrypt. This software bypasses the normal disk API, meaning that it does not show up for StableBit DrivePool, and cannot be used. 
  • ReFS.  At this time, full support does not exist.
    • By "Full support", we mean registering the Pool drive as ReFS instead of NTFS, integrity stream support, and potentially additional handling for ReFS (such as checking integrity streams, and reduplicating files for "bad" files). 
    • It should be noted that ReFS only enables integrity streams for drive metadata. If you want to enable it for all files, you need to run "Set-FileIntegrity X:\ -enable $true" from a powershell prompt
  • Long File Paths. StableBit DrivePool doesn't have a problem with log paths, and actually supports long paths (up to 64k character paths, I believe).  Explorer, however uses win32 API and does not support long paths.
    • There is, however an issue where file names (not paths) longer than 200 characters cause issues. This is resolved in
  • Pool is Removable. This is default behavior, but causes issues with some software, and may be a problem for some people.
    • The Public Beta build ( disables this behavior by default, and introduces an advanced setting that can be used to toggle the setting.
  • Files not showing up in directory list.  If you are experiencing this issue, then the issue may be network related. By default, Windows caches network information, such as directory searches. This can cache  the incomplete list.  In this case, the fix is a simple registry tweak:
  • Cannot add VHD(X) based disks to the pool. Errors out when trying to add a drive that is a mounted VHD(X) file to the pool.   
  • Error or long delay when renaming folders on the network. This applies to Windows 10 Anniversary update (version 1607) as the client, and Windows Server 2012R2, Windows 8.1 and up as the share server.  
    There is an issue when the share has been indexed locally on the server by Windows Search. This is NOT a StableBit DrivePool bug, but a bug with Microsoft code.  For now, the solution is to disable the Windows Search service.  However, if you're using Windows Server Essentials, this will adversely affect the built int streaming options, as well as the file list for the Remote Access Website.
  • Microsoft Store Apps have issues with the pool.  This is most likely due to some feature not supported by the Pool.  In particular, VSS, USN Journaling, or some other file system command/check. 
  • Windows Subsystem for Linux.  The file system commands cause issues when navigating the pool.  
    • This applies to both v1 and v2 of WSL. 

This list is by no means comprehensive, and it's contents may change as these issues are investigated.


Internal Beta builds can be found here:


The latest, safe build is

Full change log can be found here: 



Don't download the latest build unless instructed to, especially if it's not a listed numbered build in the change log, as these are interim development builds and may not be stable. 

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